View Full Version : a long wait

05-01-2007, 04:23 PM
4 weeks i was waiting for to get my internet ordered 4" Boots.

as some of you know i moved into my new place 7 weeks ago.

slowly i have been building up my own stuff, tops, skirts, more underware.

and now finally my own shoes. i really wana go out for a walk in them, just theres nowhere safe to do so.

05-01-2007, 09:35 PM
Four weeks? I think I would make my next purchase elsewhere.:eek:

Don't do anything you feel that uncomfortable about, Mystery(ooh, I like that name!), but everyone has fears about their first time outdoors. My first time was in the middle of the night(many, many moons ago now) in the neighborhood I grew up in, although I think I set the speed record for walking around the block. Sometimes you just have to swallow your fears and consider the risks you're willing to take. Failing that, feel free to walk in my current neighborhood anytime.:happy:

05-01-2007, 11:08 PM
Don't worry. You keep building your wardrobe and your confidence grows, then you try new things, it is a cyclical, iterative thing. Walk around the block in your most conservative shoes, and just build on it. It should always be fun or an adventure. w.