View Full Version : Tranny spotted today

05-04-2007, 07:37 PM
Being such a nice day today, I decided to take a walk through my hometown. I was in drab. While walking up the street, I noticed a nicely dressed woman on the other side of the street. Her outfit was stylish, well fitting, and her hair looked nice. What really struck me was her demeanor and body language. She was wearing heels, but not walking smoothly in them. She was walking with her head down, stooped shoulders, not smiling, and giving off vibes of being scared. I crossed the street and followed her at a discreet distance. The body language continued. I walked a little faster and eventually caught up to her. She was about to cross the street, and I proceeded to cross beside her. I looked at her, smiled, and said "hi". You would have thought I had shot her. As I looked at her, I was able to spot all the little innuendos that would label her as a cd, ie adams apple, the hands, etc. I just proceeded on my way and did not look back.

My point is--She looked good. Her outfit was nice. Her hair was nice. Her makeup was well done, and her accessories were appropriate. What gave her away was her complete lack of confidence. Had she walked with pizazz, head up and smiling, I don't think I would have picked up on the fact that she was a cd.

"Passing" is based so much on confidence. Giving off the wrong signals and having the wrong walk will trigger observers to look further. When they do look further, that is when you get read.


Kerrie Sifton
05-04-2007, 07:47 PM
Next time you could also say, you look great, or pretty skirt.
Have a great day girl!
If I was out and another cd "made me" and thought i was not so self confident. I would probably appreciate the nudge.

05-04-2007, 07:50 PM
yes after all..we all need friends and a CD friend is a friend indeed:2c:

05-04-2007, 08:02 PM
I agree, although you already frightned the poor thing out of her wits, a compliment on how nice she looked and some girl to girl advice about posture and attitude (if you think your a girl others will too) might have made her day.

Angie G
05-04-2007, 08:17 PM
Jodi a compliment may have helped the girl out with her confidence try it next time :hugs:

05-04-2007, 08:53 PM
One had to be there to see how frightened this person was. I don't think any other comments would have helped. One commented that I had scared her out of her wits--not so. All I did was speak. That happens every day in every place.


05-04-2007, 09:37 PM
You big bully! HaHaHa, a kind word would probably helped especialy if you confided in her about yourself, but I was not there and I am not passing judgement.:hugs:

Karren H
05-04-2007, 10:19 PM
Well don't look at me!!! I wasn't over your way today!! hehe...

Love Karren

05-04-2007, 10:22 PM
She prolly noticed that someone was following and when you caught up with her thats what scared her ...think about it.. following discreetly ...then walking faster to catch up !!!!

05-04-2007, 10:25 PM
See I knew it she is a BULLY HaHa. Karen you are way to confident to be that shy acting, unless...... YOU KNEW YOU WERE BEING FOLLOWED HaHaHa:hugs:

05-04-2007, 10:58 PM
I don't know how I would react if I was in either situation. I would be scared to death if someone followed me and then if they caught up to me and said hi I would be wondering what is going on...that's not normal. If they said, I know you are CDing and said they do it to, I might listen, but still I would feel like I was in a risky situation. Perhaps if the person offered an email address or some way I could choose to contact them (maybe tell them to visit this web site) or not I would feel okay. On the other side, if I saw a CDer, I proably would not go out of my way to interact with them the same as I don't do that with other people. If I was in the situation where I had to interact, I might feel uneasy because of their nervousness. If they project happyness, I would feel okay to talk to them. Depends a lot on the situation though.

05-05-2007, 06:46 AM
One of my first times out was to the video store in the middle of the night. I purposely parked on the far side of the parking lot because I wanted to walk up to the return slot. As I was walking back, a delivery truck that had been parked at the grocery store in the adjoining strip mall pulled up. I practically freaked. I couldn't get to my car without passing in front of the driver. I was trying not to show my face, but the wind kept blowing my wig hair in the wrong direction. I finally sucked it up, looked straight at him and waived him away. He drove off. I'm thinking the moustache must have scared him off.

05-05-2007, 07:06 AM
Hi Jodi,
Maybe you could have talked with her for a little bit and give her some pointers. Explain that you understand what she is going through.
Though she may not have talked back. Your words of encouragement would have stuck with her.

Me and a couple of girls are going out today. We are going to go to the mall, then T-Bowling, then dancing. Its now about 8:05a and we are going to meet about 11:30a and be out to about 2:30a tomorrow. Can't Wait!!!!!!!!

05-05-2007, 09:20 AM
good for her. yes - i was aware of that on my day out - the confidence only comes with doing it.


Robin Leigh
05-05-2007, 12:13 PM
Jodi, if someone's feeling nervous in public, coming up behind them's probably not going to help much. :straightface:

If your intuition tells you that contacting another CD/TG person in the street would be helpful, maybe it would be better to stay on the opposite side of the road until you overtake them, then cross the road. That way, they would get the chance to see that you were femme.

Just don't do it to me, OK? :)



05-05-2007, 01:15 PM
I read this thread the other day and didn't really have any input or question to pose. Then on Thursday I was in the grocery store purchasing a few item and had an interesting experience. I was in an aisle looking for something when a lady approached from the other end. It was a bit crowded with stock items, a clerk putting them on shelves, and me. I looked up and the lady quickly turned the opposite way and started looking at something on a shelf. Something about her caught my attention, but I didn't let on. I picked up what I needed and backed up a bit so she could get through. She hesitated then passed by me. I notice she had nice top, a long skirt with a slit in the front, and when she passed slit opened and I could see the tops of her thigh high nylons (I'm a crossdresser, we notice those things). She didn't make eye contact with anyone as she continued to the end of the aisle. I went to check out and she was in front of me. She asked the clerk at the register a question about where something was and went by me again to get it. I said "Hi" just to be friendly and she may have responded, but I don't know for sure. She seemed to be a bit uncomfortable. Suddenly it occured to me why she had my attention. Was she a CD? I was just leaving the parking lot when she came out, I thought she carried herself in a more masculine way but it could have just been my perception. She got into her car as I went by and I will probably never know if she was or not. On the way home I thought about all the things I may have done like stopping to chat, introducing myself, asking where she was from, inviting her to my place for coffee(yeah sure, as shy as I am?). In the end though I know that what I did is exactly what I will probably always do. Nothing, just wonder.


Lilith Moon
05-06-2007, 08:58 AM
I can tell you that it is scary to be approached by a guy while dressed. See my "Read by another T-girl...long story" thread for my recent experience with somebody who just wanted to say "Hi"