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View Full Version : Ever wanted to just out yourself in a big way?

05-10-2007, 06:27 AM
A few times I have. At one point, when I was starting to come to terms with the fact that this was a bigger part of who I am than I had believed in the past and I was still struggling with it, I really had to restrain myself from just totally outing myself on a very big public forum where everyone knew me. I think I just wanted to put myself in a situation where I'd just have to accept it after that. I restrained myself because I was concerned about how some close friends and family would take it and my relationship. Instead I'm on a slower path, some of my family know and I think some of my friends might suspect, well I did have long nails back when I had the beard but now they are kept painted black most of the time and I even stopped hiding when I paint my toenails black too.

05-10-2007, 06:47 AM
well every so often I have an urge to do myself up in makeup, a blonde updo, my black leather skirt suit with below the knee tight leather skirt with my red satinblouse and corset style belt, with over the knee stilletto heeled boots and go to work---I would certainly have everyone's attention.

Karren H
05-10-2007, 07:06 AM
I always thought that this was me.... us....


05-10-2007, 07:14 AM
now that my wife knows- I want to tell the world:) But decorum and business prevents me:( but a great pressure has been lifted off of me and I feel so much better already, even tho it has only been a few days. We cannot change who we are, I have come to realize that over the past few days. If we could get "proper society" to come to grips with it, hmmm that could fill volumes me thinks!

Kate Simmons
05-10-2007, 07:43 AM
Nah, they probably wouldn't give two hoots anyway besides, I don't care what "proper society" thinks of me one way or the other. Geez, guess I'm a cynical old geezer after all.:rolleyes:

Jocelyn Quivers
05-10-2007, 07:58 AM
I've jokingly thought about it at times. Most of my friends joke about me (drab side) being so very cautious straight and narrow, that I never take any chances in life, or live life on the edge. I sort of told one of my friends recently that no, I am adventurous, and I do in fact "live on the edge". His response was "yea sure you do". Even though I know it would not have a very effect on my life, I do at times get tempted to tell and show all my friends and family about my femme side just to see their reactions and "no way, that can't be you response". Jocelyn

05-10-2007, 08:38 AM
I sort of told one of my friends recently that no, I am adventurous, and I do in fact "live on the edge". His response was "yea sure you do".

I'm known as the friend that nothing ever changes for; "catching up" with me after a few years is easy because "I'm still doing pretty much the same thing." My friends would be astonished that I took up an off-beat non-work activity. :D

Angie G
05-10-2007, 08:52 AM
Yes I have but but It's not goihg to happen :hugs:

05-11-2007, 09:19 AM
yes and on TV no less, but by this time I had already outed myself to most of my friends anyways. only ppl that didnt know at the time was my mom and outside family. I did tell my mom two weeks ago, she was only upset I didnt tell her 35 years sooner.

05-11-2007, 02:04 PM
This morning I was helping a long time friend move some items, and after we were finished we sat around "shooting the bull" and I could feel the words begining to form in my throat, as I can so close to "outing" myself to him. Something helped me choke back the "information". Perhaps it's for the best that I kept quiet. There are a number of people who already "know" about me, but fortunately I don't have to deal with them on a regular basis.
Telling your best friend something like this can very possibly "ruin" that friendship. You just CAN NOT "unring" the bell.

05-11-2007, 02:24 PM
When I out myself , It happends when I least expect it. Yah sometimes I wish I could let the whole world know in one big episode but there is a pefect person, place, and time for everything when the temp is right.

05-11-2007, 02:56 PM
The way that I would want to come out wouldn't be ladylike and my friends and family wouldn't be there to see it anyway. No It's not that bad just unladylike, hehehe.

05-11-2007, 03:00 PM
I still have those feelings that I am doing something wrong and my fear of what the consquences would be on so many levels. I guess I am a sissy to be a sissy.:D :heehee:


05-11-2007, 03:20 PM
Just a question first with my response, if anyone besides your SO (if they do know) is aware, are they male or female? I have confided with three friends at work and all are GGs. I don't know if it’s male ego or what, but I don't know any males that I would feel that close to out myself to them. The three girls I've confided with have been VERY supportive and discreet. In fact they have made suggestions and offered to go shopping with me.


05-11-2007, 03:22 PM
Well, I have "outed" myself in little ways for a very long time but I am just being who I am. I work as a manager in an office. I usually keep my hair pulled back in a pony tail and always wear a pair of earrings.

Anyway I was down in the front office yesterday and a guy I have known for years and who likes giving me crap says that he thinks I am the girliest person in the office. He says this in front of three female staffers. So then, one of the staffers say's that I am always the most girly person in the office. She said it in a very kind way............... I almost said thank you.

05-13-2007, 03:30 PM
I sometimes think how I would just love to mesmerize them all with my surprise entry to the office during which all jaws would drop as they saw my beautiful legs with a mini skirt and a pink ribbon in my hair...


christina marie
05-14-2007, 01:20 AM
always got a kick out of going out with my hair down. is fun to watch people look twice, always have that same confused look...

05-14-2007, 02:46 AM
now that my wife knows- I want to tell the world:) But decorum and business prevents me:( but a great pressure has been lifted off of me and I feel so much better already, even tho it has only been a few days. We cannot change who we are, I have come to realize that over the past few days. If we could get "proper society" to come to grips with it, hmmm that could fill volumes me thinks!
thats where i am at the moment too. I guess i'll wise up!


05-14-2007, 03:49 AM
Wow Vicky!
How did everyone react?

Hermione Simpson
05-14-2007, 03:51 AM
i've always thought of outing myself in a big way, but i'm waiting for the right time, maybe i'll do it at college by going completely en femme instead of just wearing underwear

05-14-2007, 10:27 PM
Have I thought about just outing myself in a big way?
Oh, hell yeah!
But probably will just keep it to the few people who already know