View Full Version : Lesbian Approval....

05-12-2007, 11:17 AM
So last night my wife and I go out to a local bar with a lesbian couple that we are friends with. Well the Guiness is a flowing, my wife is getting more drinks at the bar and "G" is making a pit stop. Her Grilfriend "H" asks to see my pics on my cellphone of me dressed. She says I look really good, and I tell her "to tell the truth it's fun, I really enjoy it and get a kick out of it." she smiles and says that's good or something like that, she just stares at me and starts smiling. I ask her "What?" she says "It's amazing." "What's amazing?" I ask. "That you look so good dresed like that, it ...it's just...you look GOOD!" Wow what a compliment, she went on to say I should "go out" more often like that.

Kristen Kelly
05-12-2007, 12:04 PM
Good for you, since your wife knows why not. Like you I keep my avatar pic on my cell phone, showed my hair stylist when I went to have my hair done as for color I wanted, and she was amazed it was me.

05-12-2007, 03:43 PM
That's great! It feels good doesn't it!? I was out last week and met a real girl and she said I had a very feminine face and good make-up. I'm always complimented as Gina when out. As my male self no-one says anything nice to me :sad: I think Gina will be out more and more!

Jenny S
05-12-2007, 03:58 PM
I'm possibly meeting a lesbian acquaitance for the 2nd time this week. I'm considering how much of my true self to reveal. Right now she probably wonders why this white, straight, conservative male would want to meet her again for our common hobby.

trannie T
05-12-2007, 07:25 PM
For some reason lesbians seem to like me when I'm dressed. Does this happen to many of us?

05-12-2007, 08:05 PM
Dixie, share some pics!

Samantha B L
05-12-2007, 08:11 PM
I've known a few lesbians and I told them I CD'd.We became very good freinds for the breif time that we were all hanging at the same places until our lives moved on not long afterward.Once this lesbian named S_ _ _ _ _ wanted to get together with me so that she could do my makeup and we could party for a few hours.For some reason m to f CD'rs and Lesbians seem to hit it off if only for a little nail polish comparisoms.I enjoyed those freindships.But it's important to use a little sense and to understand that they are people and their particular group has interests of it's own that don't include outsiders.

05-12-2007, 08:23 PM
Hey everyone I will try and get some pics up soon. I do not think I look like a woman but people tell me the change from my male self to my enfemme self is quite dramatic. I'll let you guys be the judge when I get pics up.

05-13-2007, 08:55 AM
Yes. My sister and her partner treat me quite differently when I'm dressed. That guy/girl barrier seems to disappear. I have no idea of the psychological dynamic but it shure feels good to me.

Angie G
05-13-2007, 09:50 AM
I don't know I only know one lesbian and she don't know I dress :hugs:

05-22-2007, 08:54 PM
i've always hit it off with lesbians, sometimes very well. There does seem to be some appreciation there....

xoxo chrissie

05-23-2007, 08:15 AM
It so happens that most of the Gurls i know that have Lesbian tendencies often have Boyfriends and also have steady relationships with boys/men while LESBO part is like a fling or non sexual so i like to call them BI-Girls, they always like my CDing or i'll say they love-it especially for a FOREPLAY SESSION they always become interested when i get dressed and do GURLY things LIKE Rolling My Eyes, Girly Postures, and most especially GURLY WALK, POUTING MY MOUTH like GURLS do i always score high there, but i have neva come across a "PURE-LESBIAN" may be she might have a different thought and thats another story. Tek care..

05-23-2007, 08:27 AM
Well these two are total lesbians, they live together and have for years, and have absolutly NO desire to be with men EVER, so I'm just guessing here, but I do not think they are BI.:drink:

Kate Simmons
05-23-2007, 08:34 AM
The one couple I am friends with have been together for years as well. Thing is, we hit it off as friends very well when we first met about four years ago. They never have anything to do with any guys except for me and they accept me both ways. We even hug and kiss when we meet and they would never even consider doing that with anyone else as they are very private people. We've always had mutual respect and caring for one another as friends.:happy:

05-23-2007, 08:49 AM
Sounds like your circle of knowing people is expanding!

05-23-2007, 08:53 AM
I would say about a dozen people know.

Emily Ann Brown
05-23-2007, 11:10 AM
The worst I have ever been hit on was by a lesbian....she was much more vulgar than the horndogs (if that is possible).

Emily Ann

Karren H
05-23-2007, 11:30 AM
The worst I have ever been hit on was by a lesbian....she was much more vulgar than the horndogs (if that is possible).

Emily Ann

Yeah Em.. Probably chatted with the same ones... Some are very forward and predatory... At least the ones that I've chatted with.. Locally I do know that CD's frequent a lesbian bar and that they get along very good... Way better than CD's and straight acting gay males do...

Sounds like your having a blast Dixie!!

Love Karren

05-23-2007, 01:00 PM
Karren, you have no idea hehehe, then again maybe you do.

05-23-2007, 02:14 PM
Karen, where is that lesbian bar?

Rita B
05-23-2007, 02:19 PM
The only lesbian I know is my daughter. I outed myself many many years ago and we haven't spoken since, ah well. . . . that's life!:(

05-23-2007, 02:21 PM
I'm so sorry to hear that about your relationship with your daughter Classy.:(

Eva Diva
05-23-2007, 02:40 PM
The worst I have ever been hit on was by a lesbian....she was much more vulgar than the horndogs (if that is possible).

Emily Ann

And a female horndog is called what? :eek: :D

05-23-2007, 04:00 PM
Hmm. I'm just curious if there have been any crossdressers who had ever been hit on by a lesbian, not knowing he was a CDer, most notably hot lesbians.

05-23-2007, 07:56 PM
Hard to say why, but I have noticed that lesbians and bi-women do respond to me a bit differently. We seem to develop very good relationships, particularly when they know that I am bisexual. It's not about sex, though. I assume they just feel more comfortable around me.

05-25-2007, 07:36 AM
Dixie push for more adventure from those gurls if its possible i wanna know more.

05-25-2007, 08:06 AM
We may go out, and they may help me dress, but I will not push our friendship into a sexual relationship. I value the two of them as very close friends. The wife and I were out last night with the two of them and "H" was still telling me that she thinks I should.... "....really push this whole crossdressing thing, it sounds like fun."

05-27-2007, 09:46 AM
The reactions I've gotten from lesbians and bi-women has been about as varied as from anyone else. (FYI - I don't use wigs or make-up - just clothing.)

I caught one lesbian couple I know making fun of my painted nails (that was all they had ever seen or known about my cding).

A bi-woman I dated for a while would sometimes visibly be shaken by the concept of me wearing ANY clothes made for women (even t-shirts).

On the other hand, a couple of other lesbian and bi-women I know didn't think it was any big deal.

Just dressing strikes me as being less different from the supposed "norm" than being homosexual. So I always find a negative reaction from gays and lesbians odd. I come to appreciate more and more just how much we allow convention to limit our thinking.

christina marie
05-27-2007, 10:41 AM
have gay/bi friends of both genders, as was taught acceptance at an early age(THANKS MOM!) have never outed myself to either, but find it very hard to hide my fem side when out with the girls. little things start to show sometimes, even to the point wife has made comments about me being the more fem of the two of us! giggle! seems when GG's see my fem side start to show, they may feel more comfortable around me,maybe no longer concerned about being hit on?maybe little feeling of kindred spirit? would seem when possibility of sexual tension is removed, everyone gets along better, regardless of sexual orientation.

O2B Barbara
05-27-2007, 03:35 PM
Looks like you found a place to be and to some have compliments come your way. Enjoy!

05-27-2007, 03:53 PM
Yes! My lesbian neighbor knows and she even boughy me a pair of inexpensive mules for watching her house and cat while she was away. She's very understanding but I think that most Gay men are too.....lahr.

05-27-2007, 04:19 PM
I love my lesbian friends. I SOOOOO want to be one of them :) And they are hot!

I had this lesbian hit on me last week at Espirit. She was almost scary, okay, well, not almost. She had a good story about how she was in Port Angeles - she had just been released from a mental hospital. :) I apparently reminded her of her ex girlfriend and she reminded me of Charlize Theron (or more specifically, her role in Monster). :)

05-28-2007, 03:00 PM
Some great stories,.....Monster....be afraid, be very afraid! HEHEHE:heehee: