View Full Version : balance.....

Wendy me
02-26-2005, 11:48 PM
this weekend has been crazey two parts of my life are like at odds with each outher..........let me explane i am more and more being wendy.....not just while dressed but she has a part of my mind my thoughts and even how i act
ok one of my fishing buddyes and "him"/me are running around getting things ready for the up comming off shore fishing season .........love the sea......
eather mode just like the best calming and just compleates my thoughts....

so as i said before i got this thing for pinkey rings......a little gold band
and a hugs and kissess ring and a beaded bracelette.......not a big deal no noy realy........but the looks and all as we were going oround getting things to gether........my long hair more girly than ever......my hands soft and smooth......i am not like talking abought going out in a skirt or that but i can
see that my fem side is like climbeing out .......out today we stopped for some drinks my legs crossed and sitting kinda girly .......till i cought myselfe
my buddy never said anything but he knows i am a little off the wall any way
seams that when i least even think abought it bam theres wendy .............
i mean i kinda like it but now i am getting to the point that i got to think abought what or how i am doing things.........a balance ......bouth of my two sides are kinda playing to gether nice now i realy like this .............softens the "him"side.....

we use to eather be on or off now so it seams we at the best way to say it have a dimmer switch........"he" don't even care abought wearing the fem. rings and dosen't try to hide it................................................ ........
am i likealone or is any one have this sort or thing happening????????
my mind and thought are crossdressing all the time now?/?????????

02-27-2005, 12:13 AM
Sounds like your fem side is becomming a part of you. I think the best thing about Wilma the way she has changed me for the better. She makes me more understanding, tolerant, and has a calming effect on me. I'm sure you have the same situation. There is room for both of you. LOL Wilma

02-27-2005, 12:16 AM
Hi Wendy!
I think I can relate to what you're saying. I have noticed over the last few months that I've been incorporating both sides of me into a new whole. It's rather nice, but I recognize that people around me may wonder what's going on. In my life, the "incorporation" is mostly in attitudes and ways of dealing with everyday events. I'm becoming more patient, a little kinder, and quite a bit more expressive of feelings. I don't appear fem to those around me, but my personality is softening a bit. I'm beginning to wonder if the two halves can make a successful meld. I kind of doubt it, but the thought is interesting.

Nikki A.
02-27-2005, 01:37 AM
As you become comfortable with Wendy you are letting her become a apart of you. I know it is the same for me also in thought not so much in action. Although I will now complement women who dress nice and get into discussions that in the past I would not have. I think there is a part of me who is looking for a lady who would accept and help me find "Nikki"

Wendy me
02-27-2005, 07:41 AM
yes more and more of her is comming out ........like i get them fishing shirts use to be like olive green and light brown ..........now i find oursleves getting like lime green
and all kinds of like bright colors.........almost got a so pretty light pink one but i chickend out.................i mean she is like shopping all the time bam there she is
..............nice yes ...........but i think she is stalking me .lol..............

Melissa A.
02-27-2005, 08:02 AM
Yes Wendy, I understand. Melissa becomes more and more a part of my sensibilities every day. Is she stalking me? Yes, and I hope she never stops!
She is good.


Melissa :)

Wendy me
02-27-2005, 08:05 AM
melissa i don't want her to stop ..........maybe she was always there just hiding in the shadows now she in the sun working on her tan................

02-27-2005, 11:07 AM
Sis get thee to thy therapist and see who you really want to be. I can now seperate the two of me quite easely now after about 6 months of seeing mine, and about $XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX amount of money. It did help. :rolleyes:

02-27-2005, 11:10 AM
Sounds like your fem side is becomming a part of you. I think the best thing about Wilma the way she has changed me for the better. She makes me more understanding, tolerant, and has a calming effect on me. I'm sure you have the same situation. There is room for both of you. LOL Wilma

Wow I can relate to that, Priscilla is bringing out the good side of me ,the dark side is HIM and is he a short tempered AH.I am learning to control HIM which is a good thing as I carry a .45 in shoulder holster 24/7.

Love and Hugs,

Wendy me
02-27-2005, 11:13 AM
lol way yes...........http://img225.exs.cx/img225/2061/moneyhandflippingbillsmwm8jz.gif (http://www.imageshack.us)

02-27-2005, 12:52 PM

I think many of us go through this as we learn more about ourselves and grow. It's really not a bad thing. Holly has softened me and made me a better person overall. As Wilma said, there's room for both. Embrace Wendy and welcome her into your life

Fallen Angel
02-27-2005, 01:03 PM
wendy there will come a time that both worlds will be as one i went thru the same thing durring the week im very much male the weekends im very much female it takes patiant to seperate the two

03-07-2005, 06:04 AM
straight guy during the week, crosss dressser on the weekends of course it all gets crazy, don't forget to take some time for sanity on wednesday

03-07-2005, 09:46 AM
I have recently been noticing some of the same thing. Though I must admit that over the past two weeks or so it as if I am on permenant pms for some reason. Every little thing sets me off for no reason at all. I am not really sure if it is stress due to not working or if there is another underlying cause but I do know that I have to get it under control soon or I am going to loose my mind.


03-07-2005, 11:14 PM
Sometimes my girlfriend ticks me off because I do something in a girly way in public which I am not even aware of, I just do whatever feels natural to me. Others may or may not notice me doing something girly but I don't think it matters as 2 seconds later their minds will have moved onto something else and the moment will have passed. Being able to express oneself freely is something we should all strive for anyway, so incorporating your feminine values and mannerisms into your whole self is a good thing.

03-07-2005, 11:37 PM

I think many of us go through this as we learn more about ourselves and grow. It's really not a bad thing. Holly has softened me and made me a better person overall. As Wilma said, there's room for both. Embrace Wendy and welcome her into your life

What Holly said AND we love Wendy too. Don't stifle her. Just tell her to be careful.

Wendy me
03-08-2005, 07:59 AM
What Holly said AND we love Wendy too. Don't stifle her. Just tell her to be careful.

girlfreind you just abought stopped my heart when i saw you post here .......
aways wendy to some point and not a bad thing at all.................. :p

ashleigh girlfreind , sister

love you hurry back to us

hope all is well .............thinking of you ... :p