View Full Version : Relationship type Question

03-01-2005, 06:09 AM
ok here we go..

I met this one cd on the forum and i really like her alot, but i'm not sure if it's her i like or "the man behind the mask" so to speak..

Any and all input, comments,suggestions and advice would be greatly appriciated. - Love Stacy :)

03-01-2005, 07:04 AM
I wonder if I'm dead, I spoke yet noone seems to have heard... (this post i mean)

Wendy me
03-01-2005, 07:11 AM
have you asked to get to know her more ??????????????is the feeling the same on the outher side?????????go slow and check it out ..............good luck............

03-01-2005, 10:02 AM
Hi Stacy,

The only way you will find out is to ask. However, you should take time to get to know her. Maybe some private posts of friendship for starters.

Love and Hugs,

03-01-2005, 10:46 AM

It sounds to me like you should really take the time to get to know her better on a more personal level. If in fact the feelings that you have are for the man and not for the woman then you might have problems similar to those experienced by so's around the world.

That of learning to cope with the idea that she is a cd. Now I realize that this sounds kind of funny, but if you stop to think about the situation for a minute I think you will see that I am right. It is one thing to be friends with a cd but something completely different t become involved with on. Something that you should be fimiliar with since you are a cd yourself. It may very well be that the feelings that you are experiencing are coming from your fem side and you are wanting someone in your life that is more masculine as most women would. Now for some cd's that will not be a problem but for others that would be very difficult to give since they are in some ways more fem than wome of the women that I have met. I know from personal experience that my wife, while accepting of who I am, would love for me to be more masculine than I am. But she accepts the fact that I am not that way and we work together to achieve a balance between what she needs and what I am.

I hope that this will help.


03-01-2005, 01:10 PM
i've been getting to know her a little bit more daily and i think that the feels i have towards her are pretty simular to the ones she has for me. So i'll play it by ear and we'll see what happens :o

Tristen Cox
03-01-2005, 01:51 PM
Let me ask this Stacy. Do you look at this person for what they sound like or say, or do you look deeper into the heart? No reply is necessary I am only trying to provoke your thoughts a little.


03-01-2005, 03:29 PM
I met this one cd on the forum and i really like her alot, but i'm not sure if it's her i like or "the man behind the mask" so to speak.. Love Stacy :)
Stacy you have only been here a short while give things a little more time, give them time to develop and you might find your own answer to your question.


03-01-2005, 09:59 PM
i not sure if it's what s(he) says or sounds, but i'm trying to get to know the person better, and also trying to search within her heart as well as within my own, once i start listening to the words (i mean Listening Listening) and to our hearts (hers & mine) then i'll have my answer. but ethier way i think this girl is beautiful inside & out. :cool: :rolleyes:

Tristen Cox
03-01-2005, 11:45 PM
Don't think it, know it. And she's pretty cool as well. Hu oh guess I'm not supposed to say that. Well I did so there :p

03-02-2005, 01:18 AM
When God made people, he made millions. There is no big rush, dear, there are lots of humans to choose from. Even if you think you are alone on an island, this site should reassure you that there are hundreds, maybe thousands of us out here. She might be the best... no rush... ease yourself into this...one level at a time. Hope it works out for you. wenda.