View Full Version : All the girls walk by dressed up for each other

05-28-2007, 12:26 PM
In what seems to be our neverending attempt to understand each other, my wife and I discussed why I enjoy going out with other girls. It's kind of moot these days as I haven't been out as Linda in a long time (part of our ongoing negotiation about my crossdressing), but...

She doesn't like the idea that I would like other people to think I look nice when I'm dressed up. She thinks that it's a matter of wanting to be attractive as a kind of sexual kick.

I told her that it's nice for other cds to say kind things about my appearance (of course, I think they're generally being nice - I'm 53 and understand that no one is going to think I'm any kind of an attractive woman, even on my best day). And I like to tell other girls that they look nice, too.

I think women do dress up for each other, at least a little. And, women find all kinds of ways to compliment each other about their appearance. I think it's a way of making contact and bonding. I think it's a nice way to do that.

As guys, we may compliment each other on our cars or stereos but most guys don't tell other guys how much they like their shoes. Besides just seeming odd, I generally don't even notice much how other guys are dressed. But, I'm always aware of how women are dressed.

It would also be great if a genetic woman complimented me on my appearance. I think I'd feel like I'd had at least gained an auxiliary membership to the club.

My wife says that most women don't dress for each other. And, I admit, saying that women dress for each other is an oversimplification, but I still believe there's some truth in it.

So, do women dress for each other, at least to some extent? I don't mean that when a woman is dressing in the morning, the primary thing she's thinking about is whether her friends will think she looks good, but I have to believe that depending on the day, the situation and the person, women do appreciate being noticed by other women.

I'm rereading this and seeing that it's pretty muddled. Sorry about that. Anyway, I'd love to hear from both GG and TG people about this.

Eva Diva
05-28-2007, 01:12 PM
A big shout-out for the Van Morrison reference. :D

And of course women dress for each other. Much of the competition between school girls in dressing involves impressing other girls - in spite of what the guys like to think!

05-28-2007, 02:20 PM
My wife says that yes women do dress for each other, if we dressed for men we would all look like ****s. That's her :2c:, and i agree with her.

05-28-2007, 03:24 PM
My wife says that yes women do dress for each other, if we dressed for men we would all look like ****s. That's her :2c:, and i agree with her.

Oh my! I've been wearing so many Little Black Dresses and Skintight Dresses lately........guess that proves that this girl/guy is not homophobic ?

:rose: Gi-Curious? :rose:

Victoria Anne
05-28-2007, 03:39 PM
women do dress for other women,it is more to out dress the other girl,to be the one evryone is looking at

05-28-2007, 05:07 PM

Sarah Rabbit
05-28-2007, 05:09 PM
I believe the GG's dress for both, their peers and the opposite sex. There is an element of competition amoung females to be the best dressed but also to attract the best available male. The males also use their masculinity (Big chest, big muscles) to attract the best female. Both sexes want to ensure their offspring is of good lineage. It is only of late that the cereberally gifted musclely challenged has a good chance of landing a 'catch' as these days the need to fight off predetors and invading tribes has diminished :happy:.

Sarah R. :bunny:

Leah B
05-28-2007, 08:45 PM
Dressing isn't ALL about nabbing a mate. Men and women dress just to express themselves and their social ID as well. You can be ****ty or conservative in any style, so why would someone choose, say, goth over preppy?

Rita B
05-28-2007, 09:20 PM
My wife says that yes women do dress for each other, if we dressed for men we would all look like ****s. That's her :2c:, and i agree with her.Here, here

Rita B