View Full Version : Crossdressing Again

06-03-2007, 01:48 PM
Hi, I started crossdressing when I was very young, maybe 8 or ten years old. Wore my sister's and mother's clothes till I was about 12 years old and then stopped. Now I am 54 and married for 13 years. It seems like all of a sudden the need to crossdress came roaring back. I am always checking out other women, clothing wise and hair and nails. It seems that I am always distracted and cannot concentrate unless it has to do with crossdressing. I finally had to tell my wife the truth about this. She is okay with it as long as she does not need to participate with it. Has anyone else have this happen to them?


06-03-2007, 03:02 PM
Wore my sister's and mother's clothes till I was about 12 years old and then stopped. Now I am 54 and married for 13 years. It seems like all of a sudden the need to crossdress came roaring back.

That's not the way it happened for me, but what you describe is pretty common in other posters.

Relatively few of the posters literally never dressed at all until they were older. There are some around, and for those, being introduced to it by a partner is relatively common.
Most of the posters dressed to some extent when they were young; the question seems to be more "how much did they dress when young, and how long did they supress it (or have it 'go away')?"

What does seem to be very uncommon is the person who literally never dressed at all when young, and then suddenly, without external prompting, decided to take it up in later life. I seem to be about the closest to that: I did try on pantyhose sometimes over the years, but it was more or less just some casual sexual exploration; for example, buying my first Penthouse was a much more important milestone in my life.
But dressing noticably when young, and putting it aside for decades, and then being hit like by a truck -- yup, that's quite common!

Eva Diva
06-03-2007, 03:07 PM
What does seem to be very uncommon is the person who literally never dressed at all when young, and then suddenly, without external prompting, decided to take it up in later life.

Me, me, me..... :wave:

Angie G
06-03-2007, 03:24 PM
NO my wife is cool with my dressing and I let her have her man on the weekends :hugs:

06-03-2007, 06:57 PM
yea, for me I never had a desire until about 6 months ago when I was 47. I am sitting here typing dressed as the house is empty. My wife accepts it, has been encouraging on the lingerie / panties front, likes my taste in shoes, but is pretty cool to it when she is around, and doesn't want my sons to see. in 6 months I went from nothing to having about 30 pair of panties, 4 camisoles, a couple slips, hosiery, 10 pair of shoes, 2 pants, 4 skirts and tops. And I wear mascara most days at the office!

Not sure where I am going with it.

06-03-2007, 09:14 PM
I think for me it was being introduced to sex too early in my life. My wife doesn't like me dressing at all. In fact, despise it. I'm in therapy to try to curb the urges. We've been married almost 9 years now, and have 2 boys that she doesn't want it to happen to, so I try to supress it as much as possible.

06-03-2007, 09:50 PM
Once I started at 8 or 9, I never looked back.

It is a part of my personality.

O2B Barbara
06-03-2007, 09:57 PM
Long time underdresser, tried to stop a couple of times but always came back Now I don't want to be anything but both of me.

06-03-2007, 10:36 PM
I cant tell you how many times I have stopped, and restarted. It does get a little expensive when you have to replace everything over and over agin. Last year it hit me, I like who I really am. Once that happened, I vowed to never stop again, and the only time I throw something out is when it gets too old.

06-20-2007, 09:51 AM
I share youe feelings exactly. I have CD all my life but am now approaching 50 and feel like I am obessed with thinking about it all the time. I am not as brave as you and feer that telling my wife would end our marriage. She found some of my stuff at one point but I told her it was old and I don't do it anymore. Kudos to you for telling your wife.

Karren H
06-20-2007, 11:48 AM
Three years ago..... right after being diagnosed with a brain tumor... and starting medication... BOOM!!! My crossdressing came back after a 10 year absence.... Seems that my tumor was secretting a female horemone that was trashing my testosterone... And when my T levels went back up so did the urges... Funny how a female hormone makes me not want to crossdress (but left me with some nice sized breasts) and a male horemone makes me want to crossdress... Go figure... lol


06-20-2007, 12:18 PM
Same with me,... jenn has been more needy as of late, since i found this site, so he's looking for equal time and we're working on getting that to happen... baby steps for me but eventually i hope to let jenn have as much time as she needs...

Alice B
06-20-2007, 12:23 PM
Did not start until I was 62. Finally told my wife and her reaction was the same as yours. OK by me.:hugs:

06-20-2007, 01:34 PM
I think we average about one post a month, coming from some person who vows to quit, and claims to have licked the urge to CD.

Your a classic example of why it probably just isn't so. You went years and "boom, suddenly the urge comes back!"

Hope you enjoy your new found femininity, congratulations! Now, work on acceptance. Your first, last, and overwhelming priority.

Peace and Love, Joanie

06-20-2007, 09:16 PM
My experience is somewhat similar. I, too, secretly dressed when I was a kid (maybe started around 12 or so), wearing my mother's and sister's clothes. Over the years, I have secretly like wearing lingerie in private, but it never went much further than that. Now I am 42 and recently I have a very strong urge to dress more completely and to be around other people -- very new feelings! I don't really understand why it is and it has made me feel rather confused and somewhat frustrated since I have not really acted on it. Who knows -- maybe a mid-life crisis?

06-20-2007, 10:00 PM
Ok girls...NOW I have one which is just the other way. I remember as a kid around 8 or so having the desire to dress. As I got older and well into my teens, I would wear my moms clothes when I could get away with it and I would also sneak into my grandmothers apartment to enjoy the opportunity to get into my aunts stuff. I always found it sexually exciting and the urge was very strong. I enjoyed myself right up until I was 2 years into marriage and my wife never knew. I use to hide my stuff in large boxes and keep them in the back trunk of my old Chevy which was always parked in a privet garage. When my wife worked late, for me it was "party time". I use leave work early just to get home so that I could get all dolled up and go out and walk the dark streets in the nab. Sometimes, I would drive somewhere. I did this for at least another year until one day....... Seems that the night before, while out, I had one of my heels from a second pair that I had with me fall behind a seat in my car and I never knew it UNTIL the next morning. When my wife and I were going to do a little shopping, and as I opened the door, I noticed the shoe on the floor near the back seat. My wife did not see it at first but she noticed that I had seemed to "panic" and I knew that I was caught in a bind. Well she did see the shoe and naturally the questions started. Well, I knew that I could not tell her some story so I told her the truth, embarrassed and scared, I told her my story. She was angry and confused but she remained somewhat subdued and thats the way things stayed most of the day. As time passed, things just quieted down and it was never mentioned anymore. Lets just say that it was always there but it took a back seat.BUT that incident that day,changed MY life as far as CDing forever. Lets just say that I was so scared and ashamed that I somehow,actually STOPPED DRESSING and it has been that way now for many years and I am now 62. Oh yes, I did try it again now and then but with time and the changes in my body from when I was younger, the dressing (if you want to call it that) made me look and feel ridiculous. I just did not feel that need to dress anymore. But yet, what DID happen is that as time passed, I found myself still attracted and still in love with the CDing experience and I became an admirer for the use of a better word. Maybe this was my way of still enjoying CDing and not acually dressing. Over time I have made many CD friends and still enjoy the experience but from a different aspect. One thing I can say though is that, as hard as it is to believe, I DID STOP DRESSING itself. I managed to just redirect my desires from a different point. Yes, it all stems from that long ago incident with my wife whom I am still married to and even though she still knows that I have this "thing" about dressing and men in dresses which is never spoken about, life goes on. Anyway, thats MY side of the story.

06-20-2007, 11:53 PM
My wife and I got together in 1990. I threw everything out when I moved in with her. For years, I had absolutely no desire to dress.But, a couple of years ago, it started with a pair of pantyhose that she threw away. I tried them on,and progressed from there.Of course, a pair of pantyhose is not propper dressing, so soon I had put together enough items, just like the "good old days". It got to the point that I had to tell her, and I did.Like you, she was OK with it, but not involved in any way.And we both agree, no way my 13 yr old ever finds out.But now , with all the help from CD.Com, my dressing is here to stay.This is something I love to do,and slowly, maybe someday my wife will get more involved.I've gotten outside a few times in the past year,and now, the only regrets I have, are the years I missed as Vikki.Follow your heart, the rest will come along.

06-21-2007, 01:13 AM
hey lawnman, I think you represent a First for me. You claim to have successfully stopped dressing, and in the 2 plus years I've been here, I've never heard anyone else claim that.

I'm not doubting you, but I believe you also said you have experimented a few times over the intervening years, just felt silly doing it and didn't like the results. And, your also still hanging about and somewhat active with a number of posts.

Anyway, a sideways move from CD to "Admirer," is technically quiting....I think. This may give some hope, to some people.

Last thought, your only 62. With luck you have a lot of years left, let us see what we shall see. The urge to CD comes up on the spur of the moment and often it's totally unexpected, it still might happen to you. That's what others say, when I read their numerous accounts.

Me, I've got to get back to tightening my corset.

Peace and Love, Joanie

06-21-2007, 03:52 AM
I'm in my "early" '50's, and like the lawnman have begun to wonder if dressing might be getting a little ridiculous as middle age takes over. I count myself as both an 'admirer' and a 'cd', and have done all my life - but I've got to say that the need to dress just won't quit -- even though I've often wished it would! So, I guess you have to learn to accept yourself, realize that this is a big part of who you are, and resist the urge to purge the wardrobe -- because you're only going to have to re-buy everything again when your "good intentions" fade away and the urge reasserts itself. But looking back on life so far, dressing has been wonderful. I started out around 15, pantyhose, shoes and skirts. In my 20's, and married, I was in my wife's clothes almost more than she was! She had a wonderful collection of garter belts, stockings, and mini-skirts and I could even squeeze into her shoes. My second wife was a big fan of "**** wear", a trait I encouraged, but she could never could figure out why some of her clothes seemed to be stretched out. By the time marriage 3# came around, I got up the courage to "tell all". Not a good plan. Sometimes a secret needs to remain a secret. Am I dressed right now? No. But I want to be -- and I think this will remain true for always.

06-21-2007, 10:09 AM
I know that MANY of you may think that this thread may be a lot of BS concerning the ability to stop dressing. I have no idea just what may have changed in me to trigger this when it did. I have never given up on the idea of dressing and I must admit that it is always there in the back of my mind. I enjoyed dressing to the utmost when I did dress and it lasted for many years until marriage. Maybe the scare or the thought of losing my wife had a lot to do with me surpressing the need. I had kept my stuff in the back of my old chevy as I said and it worked fine for me. After I bought my own home, I stored my things in the attic. It was a real pain in the A-- to get to it but it was all well worth it. But as I said in my first thread, my dressing was never the same and it became almost non existant even in the new home. As time passed, I ended up with prostate cancer and after treatments and surgery, my desires just totally disappeared as far as dressing was concerned. YES, I did try dressing again now and then but with weight gain, a bad knee, the low sex drive ect, it just became a big nothing. But my interest IN CDing NEVER died and I noticed that enjoying the CDing experience from the view point of an "admirer" seemed to be on the increase. Working nights gave me an opportunity to visit CDing clubs after work. I know that I have BI tendencies and maybe thats where I found the split in the road. I am now retired and things have really slowed down. I spent time now on my pc and enjoy sites like the FORUM ect whereby I enjoy the conversation and the ladies. Now and then, I have the honor of being with a CD friend and through her, I find special and wonderful moments. So girls, I have no idea why and how things do what they do. We all have our inner workings that make us tick in this life. To me...I take it ONE DAY AT A TIME.


06-21-2007, 04:43 PM
Wife and I have been married over 20 years and all that time, once a blue moon, I would put on one of her bra's, panties, and slip. Her dresses and heels were too small for me. Then in 2005, I move to Dallas, while wife stay in WV until the house sold. I lived with my oldest sister while looking for a new job. She had a clothing drive for her church right after I moved in. One day while she was at work, I got looking at the bags of clothing and next thing I knew I was trying on bras, panties, pantyhose, slips, dresses, skirt/blouses, and shoes. I was in the Pink Fog big time. Before she took all the bags to church, I put together a small wardrove for myself. I then bought a wig on-line, makeup, and found some jewlery and clip on earrings in a old dresser drawer. For almost four months, I dressed almost everyday. Once I had my wig, I started going outside first walking around, then driving around, then filling up the SUV. I had to tone it down a lot when the house sold and wife came to Dallas. By this time I had found this site and others, made some great friends, and found out about Tri-Ess and the local Chapter. This led to me going to HEF2006 and joining Tri-Ess. Now I have gone out solo dressed and even shopped at a Payless Shoe store dressed.
I have CD more in the last 2 years than I have in ther previous 25 years. After my sister moves to Houston (she is living with us right now), I may have to have the talk with my wife. As the saying goes, "The genie is out of the bottle and no way going back in". LOL

06-22-2007, 02:51 PM
Sounds familiar to me Robyn. I dont think the desire ever goes away. Maybe there is a time when you really dont have time for it - job, kids etc. Then later you have that time. I dont know im just guessing.

Kisses Paula

06-23-2007, 08:53 PM
:o[QUOTE=RobynGirl;888490]Hi, I started crossdressing when I was very young, maybe 8 or ten years old. Wore my sister's and mother's clothes till I was about 12 years old and then stopped. Now I am 54 and married for 13 years. It seems like all of a sudden the need to crossdress came roaring back.

Interesting and to me, a little worrying. For a long time now my dressing-urge has been a bit like the stock-market in reverse; acute highs and lows superimposed on a continuing downward trend. Some of the highs were unbearable....completely dominated my attention. I suppose I wondered whether it would eventually dwindle to extinction; there have certainly been times when I thought "it's over" and so on. The prospect of it raging back with the fury of some earlier moments is, er, a trifle disconcerting to say the least! :eek:

Lilith Moon
06-24-2007, 05:54 AM
It seems like all of a sudden the need to crossdress came roaring back. I am always checking out other women, clothing wise and hair and nails. It seems that I am always distracted and cannot concentrate unless it has to do with crossdressing. I finally had to tell my wife the truth about this. She is ok with it as long as she does not need to participate with it. Has anyone else have this happen to them?

I have been crossdressing all my life but my experience in recent years as I passed the age of 50 is just like yours. While I always managed to keep the lid on it in earlier years, my need to dress is now stronger than ever...almost to the point of obsession. I think about it 24/7 whenever I'm not busy with other stuff and I don't really know what to do about it.

My wife has a "pendulum relationship" with my CD-ing. Occasionally she will be supportive, sometimes neutral. Other times, without warning, she will object strenuously to my interests. This can be nerve wracking as I never know what to expect if I dress when she is about.

06-24-2007, 08:00 AM
My experience is somewhat similar. I, too, secretly dressed when I was a kid (maybe started around 12 or so), wearing my mother's and sister's clothes. Over the years, I have secretly like wearing lingerie in private, but it never went much further than that. Now I am 42 and recently I have a very strong urge to dress more completely and to be around other people -- very new feelings! I don't really understand why it is and it has made me feel rather confused and somewhat frustrated since I have not really acted on it. Who knows -- maybe a mid-life crisis?
exactly my experience although I'm a little older than you. The trigger for me was finding out that there are GGs who really enjoy their men being en femme and actively encourage them. The progression from guilt and shame to confidence and pride has been a rapid and life changing one for me!!!
