View Full Version : time to say goodbye

03-02-2005, 06:05 PM
i think it is time to hang up my skirts
recent pics i look like a drag queen and its time to say i am a male and act like one
it has been good but all good things must end

Tamara Croft
03-02-2005, 06:10 PM
ANITA!!!!!!!!!! you do NOT look like a drag queen..... all good things do NOT have to come to an end at all. You have to do what you feel is right, but your pictures look far from pictures of drag queens!!! Whatever you decide, we are all here for you.

Tamara x

Tristen Cox
03-02-2005, 06:10 PM
Anita don't make me come over there and smack you now. What's wrong anyhow? You're being a little down on yourself but that's still no reason to up and leave your sisters. Now pour something over some rocks to drink, and relax. I'll be right there with another bottle ;)

*Big hugs*

Wendy me
03-02-2005, 06:22 PM
anita realy now quitting come on now bet you 50.00 you don't ............realy your not going anwere do we realy need the drama ????????????????please think ........you know if your down then we are here for you ........pulling on your sisters heart strings
well.............ask and we are there...........................................dr ag queen my as_
you know better......................

is this what you want?????????? please do't leave..........stay ........your so abouve that

03-02-2005, 06:24 PM
my best mate of 40 years just died
I am a twat as i never told him that i was more than a friend to his wife
I feel ashamed and a complete pratt
i have never told my wife of 30 years i am a tv
i am a fraud and i wish i wasn't
it hurts
So i am going to be a male husband and not play around cos i have hurt too many people
Depressed yes drunk f course yes again but you got to admit i am a total shithead
i love this site but i am sooryif i hurt anybody

03-02-2005, 06:27 PM
Anita, in some way we are all like drag queens. Sometimes the line between the two can be thin.
A test for you:

1) Do you like the song "I will survive" by Gloria Gaynor

2) Have you seen the movie "Priscella Queen of the desert" 100 times

3)Do you like to sing at Karokee bars holding a long cigarette

4)Do you hang out down at the docks.

5)Does Popeye the sailor turn you on

6) do you own a wig that hits the cieling of your room

7) Have you ever seen me in a nightclub

8) Do you have the desire to scratch some one's eyes out

9) do you take this test seriously

If you answered yes to any of the above, then you might be a drag queen.

Anita, even if you were a drag queen, you would still be welcome here, the inside part of you won't change. You will still be you.

Now here comes my nasty part so don't take offense.
Try a different wig, see if this might make you feel different. You seem to have money, buy a few wigs and see if your perception of yourself changes.
Clothes are clothes, they are all the same for everyone, but a wig will change you more than anything.

I hope you don't give it all up. To me this would be a sad thing to do.
Love Amelie

03-02-2005, 06:29 PM
I'm sorry Anita, I didn't see your last post as I was making my post.

As my post follows yours, my post looks insensitive. I didn't know about your friend when I made my post.

I'm so sorry for your loss.
Love Amelie

Wendy me
03-02-2005, 06:33 PM
when you sober up read this then come home your sisters are here to guide you through this ..............we do care you just need to tell us post # 5 tells us better
the answer is not in a bottle.................

03-02-2005, 06:55 PM
thanks for your pms girls
i realy thank you
you are right
i am not sober and now is probably the wrong time to think
i am going to bed and i truly am sorry to make my problems yours
i WILL sort myself out and speak to all later
love you all and sorry again i am not myself at the moment xx

Wendy me
03-02-2005, 07:06 PM
we are family just one more thing ........wendy gives her sister a huge hug............

03-02-2005, 07:15 PM
my best mate of 40 years just died
I am a twat as i never told him that i was more than a friend to his wife
I feel ashamed and a complete pratt
i have never told my wife of 30 years i am a tv
i am a fraud and i wish i wasn't
it hurts
So i am going to be a male husband and not play around cos i have hurt too many people
Depressed yes drunk f course yes again but you got to admit i am a total shithead
i love this site but i am sooryif i hurt anybodyANITA,

Just stop it right now! You have just suffered a terrible loss and our hearts go out to you. Instead of losing control, you need to take control. You must give yourself the opportunity to grieve. Hon, alcohol will not help, it will only dull the reality that you will eventually have to face. It will cloud and impair your judgement. I'm not a tea-totaller by any stretch of the imagination, but right now, you don't need it.

Anita, there isn't a girl on this forum who hasn't done or said something that they are not proud of. What makes a difference is how we respond to those things that we don't like. I don't know if it is time for you to say goodbye or not. Only you can answer that question. But I do know that people try to walk away from CDing and almost always, they come back. All it does is add more stress to their lives. Wouldn't a better plan be to change the things about yourself that you don't like? You said that you were ashamed of the relationship you had with your friends wife... then change the relationship. You said that you felt like a fraud because you haven't told your sife about your crossdressing... start making plans to correct that. These are things that YOU CAN DO. And we will all be here to help you.

Finally, there is wisdom in the prayer that goes, "Lord, grant me the knowledge to changes the things I can, accept the things I can't, and the wisdom to know the difference between the two." I, for one, will be praying for your comforting. I know others here will be dong the same. Please just promise me one thing... no matter what you decide on dressing or not, let us know how you are doing. Anita, we really do care.

Holly HUG.

03-02-2005, 09:48 PM
Hi Anita,

I am so sorry for your loss. It is at these times that we feel helpless and hopeless. Instead of running from something ,you should be running to something,your sisters. You know we all care for you and are so willing to help in any way we can. We can get through this to a place where the sun still shines. Please do'nt run away from your family. I have so many times tried to drown my sorrows with alcohol but,all it does is make you more depressed.Think things out tommorow when you are more clear headed.
Together we can all help you through this.

Love and Hugs,

Fallen Angel
03-02-2005, 10:38 PM
anita,im going to miss you most. not many people i call friend but i have to tell you that you are. il miss all fun things you do. but i understand that you have to be happy with your self your wife and your family.this family will miss you to and me mostly,my love and thoughts are with you and i"l never forget you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Sweet Susan
03-03-2005, 01:39 AM
Anita, you are a genuine article. I agree with Fallen, when she said you are a great friend. I'm not sure if there is anybody else on this site that has had such an encouraging and cool sense of humor. Do what you think is necessary. Take care of your wife, don't fret too much about the wrongs you may have done, just let it go. We'll miss you, but you'll pop back in. Later, Susan

Stephanie Brooks
03-04-2005, 05:33 PM
Hi Anita!

Sorry I'm coming in late on this. I just came to this thread off of your "alone again Naturally!" thread. I'm not seeing/reading every thread I should lately.

I'm sorry about your mate. I can only imagine what it's like to lose a friend of 40 years.

There's lots of good words in this thread, so I won't repeat them. I will say this, however. I don't know if you're a drag queen or not, never thought you were. To me it doesn't matter. I like seeing you here in the forums.

Truth is, there are lots of times I wish I had the chutzpah and the je ne sais quoi to actually BE a drag queen.

Hang in there!


03-04-2005, 05:37 PM
thank you i am getting more and more "friends" helping me than I guessed I had
love Anita xx

03-04-2005, 06:56 PM
Sorry for being late to this thread Anita...I have been off the site for a bit. I was very sorry to read of the loss of your friend. I think right now that you are in pain and need to grieve. Please don't judge yourself too harshly here. I have enjoyed your posts and seeing your pictures. You have been a most welcomed addition to our family and we would hate to see you leave. I know you are hurting now, but try to work through this and maintain your perspective here. You have made many, many friends here Anita...more, I think, than even you realize. I hope that you hang in there and stay. Remember that we are all here for you sis, ok?


03-04-2005, 07:17 PM
Hi Anita, sorry to hear about your mate. Sorry, but I don't see how your dressing had anything to do with it, so I can't see how stopping it will be of any benefit. Giving up something that comforts you isn't going to make you any happier, never mind anyone else. If he was a true friend, he would be understanding, and even if he didn't 'understand' dressing, he wouldn't expect you to stop.
I understand your disappointment when you see your pics. In my illusion, I am Cher or Tina Turner. In my pics, I am a tall, slightly muscular Margaret Thatcher. Solution...I don't go out much, but I dress for myself, my own comfort.
My advice, get drunker, so drunk you can't type. Sleep for 2 days. Dont drink for 2 weeks. Walk or run every day. tell us how it turns out. luv, wenda.