View Full Version : almost caught and stuck, at the same time!

06-07-2007, 07:37 PM
Hey Girls, Well I just had the wildest thing happen to me. I live in the middle of the woods, so getting out in the yard dressed isn't a problem. Yesterday I had gotten dressed, white t shirt, pink skort, bra with forms and a pair of white strappy heels. Bright pink finger and toenails and all my makeup. I was out just wondering around in the yard, down by the creek that runs along the edge of our front yard. There is a few small trees and bushes then it drops off about 5 feet or so to the water. I hear what sounds like a truck coming..... it's the fed-ex van !!! It's way to far to try to run so the next best thing is to slide down the bank and hide. This worked real well, didn't get seen but now I am standing in knee deep mud! Every time I tried to pull out one foot the other would get deeper. Now bear in mind that I love mud, always have, but this got a little scary. It took almost an hour to get out. This was about 2:30 pm and my wife wasn't due home until 5 . It could have been a long wait for her to get home and pull me out (be even longer waiting for her to quit laughing). Just wanted to share this crazy day and ask if anyone else has had something this crazy happen when dressed? Luv ya'll Kaitlin

06-07-2007, 07:45 PM
Your story made me laugh. We have a hole season just for mud here in Maine.

06-07-2007, 08:10 PM
Hey kaitlin! Great story! :D

I can imagine the fear. I've been there. In your situation, were it me, I would have just endured it, but that's just cause I don't like mud. Na-uh. Actually, I've ordered a number of things (girl things, actually) via UPS and FedEd, and sometimes I'll just dress a bit and then let them see me. It's kind of like I'm going outside, except I'm not. And it's only a minute or so that I'm standing there, taking the package and signing their tracking system device.

It's cool. I know they aren't my neighbors, and If I ever see the same person again, it'll be under the same circumstances. It's a great opportunity to build the confidence to someday just dress and go - as some people here already do!

Greetings from the North Star state!

06-07-2007, 08:16 PM
i hope you are ok did the heels survive ... and thanks for the laugh :lol2:

Lori SC
06-07-2007, 08:20 PM
My wife gives me strict orders not to answer the door when I'm home, dressed, alone. But I've always wanted the UPS delivery guy to come around and answer the door, so I could make his day a little less dreary.:heehee:

Couldn't you just hide behind some trees or shrubbery? I mean actually getting into mud that deep of you own volition???? - Errr, wait, maybe you have a mud wrestler fetish?? :lol2:

Hugs, Lori

06-07-2007, 08:22 PM
OMG, I'm still laughing...OK I've composed myself, nope a giggle snuck out...

I have so had this type of thing happen too. Well maybe not the mud part. A few of my delivery service agents have now met Karen. But you know, I've never seen the same one twice. :happy:

We should start a thread on the funniest "Almost Got Caught" moments from our past...

06-07-2007, 08:30 PM
i hope you are ok did the heels survive ... and thanks for the laugh :lol2:

Hi MJ, No the heels are history:( I had to spray my legs with the garden hose just to get enough mud off to unbuckle them. The clothes will clean up , but the shoes are a grayish brown color now, I liked them too. Kaitlin

06-07-2007, 08:54 PM
my wife keeps telling me that mud is only for facials not a whole body experience.:heehee::heehee::heehee: next time just drop down and dont move, or freeze and pretend to be lawn art?

06-07-2007, 09:04 PM
......A few of my delivery service agents have now met Karen. But you know, I've never seen the same one twice....

Can you picture, back at the depot:
Joe: "You'll never believe what I saw today......
Mike: "Wow! Can I take the next delivery to that address?"
Sam: "My turn after you!"

06-07-2007, 09:10 PM
OK, it's no longer funny...a pair of heel gave their life during this adventure....sigh

RIP :love:

06-07-2007, 09:14 PM

06-07-2007, 09:17 PM
we must all wear black and mourn the loss of a wonderful pair of shoes. there will be a mandatory one minute of silence to remember their passing. then their will be ? minutes of giggling to celebrate their life.:heehee:

06-07-2007, 09:25 PM

06-07-2007, 09:36 PM
Hi MJ, No the heels are history:( I had to spray my legs with the garden hose just to get enough mud off to unbuckle them. The clothes will clean up , but the shoes are a grayish brown color now, I liked them too. Kaitlin

aww thats too bad , can you put them in the washer and hope for the best that would break my heart .........until i can get a new pair

06-07-2007, 10:59 PM

But seriously, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, other than the ruined shoes, it's kinda funny! ROFLMAO!!!!

Lady Phoenix
06-08-2007, 12:31 AM

06-08-2007, 12:35 AM
kaitlin, Will you please send me your address?

I am sorry but I have to bill you for a monitor! I was drinking a Coke while reading and well you can guess the rest.

Great story!!! I can only wish you had pictures!:heehee:

06-08-2007, 12:54 AM
Sorry about the shoes sweetie but i promise i will not. I said i will not laugh. I swear i will not laugh at this. Being stuck up to your arse in mud is not funny.

The 'ell it isn't. But i won't laugh. Really, i promise i won't

:cheer::cheer:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:: rofl::dancing::dancing::


We won't go into the time i was visiting a friend and was locked out of his garden house and had to hide in the pool in my ankle length nightgown.


06-08-2007, 12:58 AM
Hi MJ, No the heels are history:( I had to spray my legs with the garden hose just to get enough mud off to unbuckle them. The clothes will clean up , but the shoes are a grayish brown color now, I liked them too. Kaitlin

Grayish brown is a colour and fitting for a beige skirt and white blouse and toupe hose. Not a bad combo if i may say so.

But i'm not laughing about this, i promise.



06-08-2007, 01:14 AM
maybe not to you though. :battingeyelashes: So, what's the next trick you have to keep us in stitches?? Sorry about the shoes, hurts me to think about it. I've never been in mud but I have gone head first down the stairs after snagging my 4" heel on the carpet. Hit my head on the newel post and tore the side of my shoe. Didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

06-08-2007, 04:08 AM
Time wounds all heels...

Chantelle CD
06-08-2007, 04:36 AM
That was just to funny!!! I never had anything that funny happen but close.....

Long time ago, when i was stuffing my first bra, i had a 38 c cup filled with water in condoms, and just loved how they bounced <giggle> my apartment was small and i couldn't get a good walk going to feel how they felt, so i went for a walk in the underground, grabbed a jacket and head out, when i was underground i opened up my jacket and walked, ahhh i loved it, how they bounced with my steps, i was watching em as i was walking and looked up and there was this old man looking with a shocked look on his face that, i just gave him a embarrassed look, and walked on by, every time i seen him he just looked at me with this look, for years!!! to funny well come to think of it, it wasn't funny then, i took it kinda hard on myself, but its funny now lol

06-08-2007, 03:35 PM
On the brighter side......now you can go SHOE SHOPPING!!!

06-08-2007, 04:16 PM
ha...it's funny what lengths we will go to avoid being discovered.

06-08-2007, 05:13 PM
what a fun thing to happen

06-08-2007, 05:17 PM
You should have gone and flirted with the delivery boys sweetie! LOL

06-08-2007, 05:35 PM
Kaitlin -- You'll have to let us know when you're holding services for the shoes you lost. Good thing you didn't leave them behind in the mud. Could you see some archeologist 200 years from now digging them up and imagining the beautiful young lady who may have worn them and why they were left behind?

06-08-2007, 05:45 PM
Little adventures like this are fun after the fact, I'm glad you were able to get unstuck. I had to call AAA while dressed and out at a support meeting for a freind. I was all anxious about the tow truck guy seeing me dressed and it was a non-event. They must see everything, he was very professional and just helped us unlock the car, I bet delivery drivers have the same attitude.


Alice B
06-08-2007, 05:51 PM
What a hoot. It's too bad your wife did not get home to take some shots. That is something I think we all would have loved to see. Hope you did not ruin any clothing.:hugs:

06-08-2007, 10:31 PM
I don't know why, but all I could think of reading your post was one of the first scenes in blazing saddles where the two guys are trapped in the quick sand. Along comes the trail boss, takes out his rope and starts to twirl it over his head . . . we just know our hero's are about to be rescued. The rope flies through the air . . . to land on the rail way car that was also stuck in the sand. He pulls the cart out leaving the men behind and wipes the sweat off his brow "Whew! Almost lost a perfectly good cart!"
He then rides away leaving our hero's on their own!

Glad you got out - would hate to have read the story in the news later.
"Bones of cross dresser found in mud. Good news - Shoes were recovered!"


Julia Welch
06-13-2007, 11:33 PM
That made me laugh....sorry.