View Full Version : An unexpected self disclosure!

Dawn D.
06-09-2007, 01:25 PM
Well, last night being Friday and that is mine and my Wife's special time together. We had turned on 'What Not To Wear' and were just beginning to start on our nails when we hear 'knock knock' on the door, it's my Mother, dropping by for a visit. Oh crap, I won't get to do my nails, I thought to my self.

I have mentioned in another thread that she lives just next door to us and last week she unexpectedly walked in on us when I was wearing an obviously femme outfit (though conservatively so) and never said a word........so we settle in the kitchen and share a glass of wine and converse. My Wife all the while is sitting there basically taunting me while she continues working on her nails (she does fabulous acrylics). Soooooo.....after a little while I figure what the heck! I'll see how far I can go. I started by working on my cuticles, then scraping the edges. When I pick up a buffing pad and start with it, all of a sudden my Mother looks at me and asks in a rather confused yet very amused tone. "how long have you been doing your nails?" I simply and deliberately answered with, "gee, I think it has been well over a year now. Hasn't it honey? (looking over at my Wife). " Oh yeah. This is what we do every Friday" my Wife says.

Well my Mother was at first stunned. Then she started laughing and noticed the new Sally Hansen Fire Opal nail polish sitting in front of me. She asked, "I suppose you're going to put that on?" Without flinching or missing a beat I picked it up, cracked it open and began applying it to my nails!!! My Mother was having a ball watching me do this! You see she really only knows me as this very male macho kind of guy. Although I really am not built like one, I just play one in the real world.

Even in my mind, I simply could not believe what I was doing. But, there was something else at work here. I had suddenly developed a need to start sharing this with her (my wife is fine with it and supports me fully). Well, pretty soon as she sees how well I am applying the polish and with as much care as I was using, she just started to ask and then suddenly stopped herself, "how far.........what else.....?". I jumped in before she could finish " be careful of the questions you ask, that you my not want the answers to yet. But, do ask"! Again she just laughed and then let it go idle. She did offer that my nails looked "very good". To which, from her I took as a major compliment. She began seeing in that instant that this was a serious issue with me and that I was not doing this as just playing around. I did tell/ask her (jokingly)that "what happens in this house stays in this house or they don't come back"! She responded that my secret was safe with her! What a Mom!!!!

Then came a shocker!! She asked if we would like to go shopping with her to Gottshalks this Sunday night, BIG sale on. I looked at my Wife who looked at me with my mouth hanging open and we both responded YES....Shopping!!!!

After a while longer with more general chit chat, she got up from the table and said that it was time for her to go and let us get on with what ever else we/I do! Too which, when she was out the door I was hastily headed to the bathroom to apply make-up and wig. Then I put on the breast forms my wife just got me (ain't she a saint!), a really pretty solid green scoop neck top, herringbone silver necklace, earrings, my ladies watch and beige box pleat skirt finished off with my 3 inch brown textured sling back heels. And I was good for the rest of the evening enjoying time with my Wife!

This morning, Mom came over for coffee and first thing she does is look at my hands and say teasingly "awwhh.... no nail polish today?! I just smiled.

I ask you, can a guy/girl have it any better than this? And I do wonder wear this will lead. May find out tomorrow night! lol


06-09-2007, 01:31 PM
WOW! What a great story! I'm so glad to hear things are developing so nicely for you. I guess ya gotta figure, if you're wife's such a saint, she must've been brought up that way, right? ;) Good luck going forward. xoxo Tammi

Shelly Preston
06-09-2007, 01:46 PM
Wow is right

What a wonderful family

now we have shopping to hear about ;)

Angie G
06-09-2007, 01:55 PM
Thats wild Down sounds like you have a pretty cool mom :hugs:

Lovely Rita
06-09-2007, 01:56 PM
Well, last night being Friday and that is mine and my Wife's special time together. We had turned on 'What Not To Wear' and were just beginning to start on our nails when we hear 'knock knock' on the door, it's my Mother, dropping by for a visit. Oh crap, I won't get to do my nails, I thought to my self.

I have mentioned in another thread that she lives just next door to us and last week she unexpectedly walked in on us when I was wearing an obviously femme outfit (though conservatively so) and never said a word........so we settle in the kitchen and share a glass of wine and converse. My Wife all the while is sitting there basically taunting me while she continues working on her nails (she does fabulous acrylics). Soooooo.....after a little while I figure what the heck! I'll see how far I can go. I started by working on my cuticles, then scraping the edges. When I pick up a buffing pad and start with it, all of a sudden my Mother looks at me and asks in a rather confused yet very amused tone. "how long have you been doing your nails?" I simply and deliberately answered with, "gee, I think it has been well over a year now. Hasn't it honey? (looking over at my Wife). " Oh yeah. This is what we do every Friday" my Wife says.

Well my Mother was at first stunned. Then she started laughing and noticed the new Sally Hansen Fire Opal nail polish sitting in front of me. She asked, "I suppose you're going to put that on?" Without flinching or missing a beat I picked it up, cracked it open and began applying it to my nails!!! My Mother was having a ball watching me do this! You see she really only knows me as this very male macho kind of guy. Although I really am not built like one, I just play one in the real world.

Even in my mind, I simply could not believe what I was doing. But, there was something else at work here. I had suddenly developed a need to start sharing this with her (my wife is fine with it and supports me fully). Well, pretty soon as she sees how well I am applying the polish and with as much care as I was using, she just started to ask and then suddenly stopped herself, "how far.........what else.....?". I jumped in before she could finish " be careful of the questions you ask, that you my not want the answers to yet. But, do ask"! Again she just laughed and then let it go idle. She did offer that my nails looked "very good". To which, from her I took as a major compliment. She began seeing in that instant that this was a serious issue with me and that I was not doing this as just playing around. I did tell/ask her (jokingly)that "what happens in this house stays in this house or they don't come back"! She responded that my secret was safe with her! What a Mom!!!!

Then came a shocker!! She asked if we would like to go shopping with her to Gottshalks this Sunday night, BIG sale on. I looked at my Wife who looked at me with my mouth hanging open and we both responded YES....Shopping!!!!

After a while longer with more general chit chat, she got up from the table and said that it was time for her to go and let us get on with what ever else we/I do! Too which, when she was out the door I was hastily headed to the bathroom to apply make-up and wig. Then I put on the breast forms my wife just got me (ain't she a saint!), a really pretty solid green scoop neck top, herringbone silver necklace, earrings, my ladies watch and beige box pleat skirt finished off with my 3 inch brown textured sling back heels. And I was good for the rest of the evening enjoying time with my Wife!

This morning, Mom came over for coffee and first thing she does is look at my hands and say teasingly "awwhh.... no nail polish today?! I just smiled.

I ask you, can a guy/girl have it any better than this? And I do wonder wear this will lead. May find out tomorrow night! lol


All I can say is WOW....That is so beautiful:hugs:

sobe1ove GG
06-09-2007, 02:19 PM
Awww, that's awesome. Mom's are great. :)

Dawn D.
06-09-2007, 02:28 PM
Thanks all! I really did not know what to expect from her, she really kind of showed me a new side to her too. One that I did not know even existed. Boy, what did I miss while growing up hiding in the closet (hers)...lol!


06-09-2007, 09:04 PM
WAY cool! My mom was OK with it, but even she wasn't THAT fun about it! lol


06-09-2007, 11:16 PM
So, how much are you going to reveal about yourself when you are shopping with mom? I'm guessing the urge to try on a dress or two will be overwhelming! Please please please, let us all know how that trip goes.

06-09-2007, 11:22 PM
too kewl.

06-09-2007, 11:44 PM
So glad to hear it turned out good for you! She had to guess something was up with the yoga pants and the necklace from that other night, though.. lol.
You're certainly blessed to have such amazing women in your life!

06-10-2007, 03:25 AM
Even without you actually saying "THE WORDS" ..."I am a ...." MOM "knows". Very cool woman. Do go shopping. I'm sure that will be fun.

06-10-2007, 04:39 AM
Great story Dawn!

Imagine out shopping with the girls - your wife and your mom - Maybe you can offer to buy something for them that they like! Who knows Mom may suggest something nice for you!! There is more to this story - let us know:D

Jennifer :happy:

Chantelle CD
06-10-2007, 05:31 AM
Wow your Mom is great!! My mom on the other hand would rant and rave for hours, telling me what is totaly wrong with this. Have to let us know how the shopping went, and if you tested the waters even more, looking at nice girly outfits <wink>

06-10-2007, 05:52 AM
I was waiting for a follow up on your previous post - looks like it got better and better!


06-10-2007, 05:54 AM
Sounds to me like you have a pretty good deal going there. An acepting wife and a mother that didn't totally freak out too. I can't wait for the details on the shopping trip.

Sheri 4242
06-10-2007, 08:50 AM
Who knows Mom may suggest something nice for you!! There is more to this story - let us know.

I agree with Jennifer . . . if given the opportunity, mom might take the lead. Regardless, there IS more to this story that we'd like for you to share! Have fun shopping!
