View Full Version : Vanity or another step along the road

Nikki A.
06-12-2007, 11:26 AM
Since my last birthday it seems that I'm more preoccupied with how I look. Mind you I'm not that young anymore (in my 50's).
I bought some of the mineral make-up (on CVS clearence) figuring I would use it when I dressed up. A few days ago I wore some to work and have done it every day since. It is very close to my own color and sheer but it seems to even out the skin tone. This is on top of starting to wear glossy clear polish over a very sheer pink tint on my fingernails a few weeks ago.Nobody has said anything, so I guess nobody has noticed I think.
Is this another step down the line or is it vanity?

06-12-2007, 11:27 AM
I would say a little of both.

Alice B
06-12-2007, 12:47 PM
While some may not like this answer I think it is some of both. Vanity because females in general tend to be more concerned with their looks and use many products to maintain or improve their looks. Why do you think the make-up industry is so large. When we express our female sides we need to enhance our looks to me more female and are attracted to products that do so. As we get more into it we will carry it over some perceived line. I find myself doing just what you have described and have many times worn a sheer foundation when out on normal business and when out with my wife. If I do it too much she will quickly point it out. In addition the mear fact that we are getting older makes us want to look younger, no matter what sex we are.:hugs:

bobi jean
06-12-2007, 02:05 PM
I do not believe it matters, what does matter is the fact that you are apparently enjoying what you are doing and sounds like lovin it..

06-12-2007, 02:46 PM
I've become very vain in the last few weeks since Mitch has been out and about. And I've been told so!


Sheri 4242
06-12-2007, 03:57 PM
I'd say it is a bit of both -- and I think it is normal, especially since you have a feminine personna as part of what you are! BTW: I see nothing wrong with it all!!!

06-13-2007, 09:05 AM
I say both too...but I too have worn makeup to work. I found a shade of Relvon makeup (#105) that is very close to my skin tone and found that a light coating along with the matching (#105) powder and no one notices. I also have worn lipstick to work. I found some that almost match my natural lip color and again you can not tell I'm wearing lipstick. That is until I take a sip of my coffee and notice the lipstick stain. LOL
I also use Olay products on my face each morning and right before bedtime. I use both "regenerator" and "winkle remover" products. I found a picture of my dad when he was my age and I have to say I look a lot younger than he did at my age. So I guess using cosmetics does really help you look younger. LOL

Nikki A.
06-14-2007, 12:42 PM
Thanks for the support. The one person (the office manager) who might notice has said nothing. But then again after Halloween (she helped dress me up) they call me by my adopted female name especially when I'm helping her out.
I guess there is a wanting to look one's best (just had a birthday) and expressing this side of me also. Also I've become more accepting of my feelings and refuse to repress them except when I have to.

Lovely Rita
06-14-2007, 12:50 PM
Ask your self the following questions that the dictionary attibutes to vanity.

Are you conceited?

Are you narcissistic? (in love with how you look and undue dwelling in one's own self attainments)

Boastful about how you look? even if it is only in your head.

I extrapolated these from good ole Miriam Webster but I normally go to wikpedia.

It is always good to wonder. Cause if you are wondering chances are you are not.:love:

trannie T
06-14-2007, 11:17 PM
Sounds like mid-life-crisis, but its a lot cheaper than a Corvette or a Harley.

Karren H
06-15-2007, 08:07 AM
Vanity being defined as an excessive belief in ones own attractiveness..... To an obsession!! Nahh.. Your not vain!! Wanting to look you best is just human nature... And a more fem attribute also...

My wife handed me a box of L'oreal hair color last year "your starting to look old". Lol. After the initial shock and thinking "will people think I'm vain for coloring my hair". So I tried it and have had some interesting comments in meetings where all of us old guys are there and someone says something about all the grey hair then everyone looks at me!! Hehe. I just smile and say "Only my hairdresser knows for sure". Lol

I've been coloring my hair for almost a year, have very thin eye brows, use tons of lotions and creams.... I get compliments all the time that I don't look 55

Soooo I plan to go down kicking and screaming!!!


"Your sooo vain, you probably think this post is about you"...... God Carly Simon had great lips and a beautiful smile!! :D

06-15-2007, 08:59 AM
Back in 2005 when the plant closed and being over 55, my wife suggested that I dye my hair, so I would look younger and mabey help find a new job. A friend of us is a hairdresser and has her own hair salon, so we went there and she dyed my hair. She would then do touch up every so often. None of our friend seem to care that I was dying my hair. Some of the wifes did say, I looked a lot younger. :D. Then about 6-7 months later after a touch up, I got this tingling/ichy feeling on my head for a while, but it went away. Then after the next touchup, my face swelled up and I looked like a chipmonk. LOL Our hairdresser friend then told my I had developed an allergic reaction the the dye and could not color my hair anymore. So be careful.

06-15-2007, 09:07 AM
Who cares, if it floats your boat, Go sailing!:D:drink: