View Full Version : Dangerous site

Angela d'Evial
06-12-2007, 10:52 PM
I have the feeling after a week joining this site that I am loosing control of my deepest secret. Untill now I am the only one knowing the existence of Achnes. Fear that I will be too careless now that I am writing so much about myself. Is that the acceptance ????????

06-12-2007, 10:55 PM
Sounds more like excitement. And I agree that with excitement, errors in judgement can occur. So depending on your situation, be as careful as you need to be, but don't stop enjoying the site and your extracurricular activities.

Lori SC
06-13-2007, 08:12 PM
I have the feeling after a week joining this site that I am loosing control of my deepest secret. Untill now I am the only one knowing the existence of Achnes. Fear that I will be too careless now that I am writing so much about myself. Is that the acceptance ????????

I think you are just excited and happy to have found so many people with a similar secret. Writing about it or talking about it just makes you feel comfortable being the way you are. So it is a step towards acceptance.

Just because you accept yourself the way you are, doesn't mean that you're not going to keep CDing a secret. The risk of losing our jobs is one major reason many of us keep the secret.

If you are happy with yourself and your life and not ashamed of crossdressing.- That's acceptance.

Hugs, Lori

Michelle 51
06-13-2007, 08:23 PM
Well girl at least what's said on here stay's here.It's what makes us all feel like we know each other.We tend to share things on here that we have hid our whole life.We understand each other .A lot cheaper than a shrink and more fun

06-13-2007, 08:26 PM
This site does have a way of making us feel "normal". Maybe that's because we are. (At least we know we are not alone.)

Lovely Rita
06-13-2007, 08:29 PM

Adrienne Heels
06-13-2007, 08:52 PM
When you have fun, you want to tell others about it!

06-13-2007, 09:15 PM
Untill now I am the only one knowing the existence of Achnes. Fear that I will be too careless now that I am writing so much about myself.

It probably means you have a lot bottled up inside you that you need to share with other people, and here we are all ready to listen...

If you hadn't found us, then you might have ended up taking bigger and bigger risks, sort of hoping someone would notice so that you could tell them about it.

06-13-2007, 09:27 PM
sounds to me like you are going to be just fine. Just one of the girls. Isn't it great.

Karren H
06-13-2007, 09:35 PM
Wah ha ha ha ha.... That's supposed to be a wicked laugh... lol Oh well.... your hooked or screwed or both!!! Welcome to the club.............


susie bear
06-13-2007, 09:55 PM
All I can add is be careful and have fun. Enjoy yourself. If we can be of any help just ask. We will be here for you.

susie bear

06-13-2007, 10:06 PM
Acceptance is a good thing..........Welcome to the club!



trannie T
06-13-2007, 10:17 PM
Don't worry about being too careless, we already know who you are and where you live. The Transvestite Police will be kicking down your door any minute now.

Jocelyn Quivers
06-14-2007, 08:37 AM
In addition to acceptance, I would say you just expanded the size of your closet. Jocelyn

06-14-2007, 10:17 AM
I've recently joined this site as well, and more find it liberating to be able to somewhat openly join in an discuss my feelings on the subject of CDing. I have yet to compose my introduction post here, as I haven't found the time to do it properly and perhaps my male half kinda wants to allow my femme side more freedom but in moderation. I prefer to think of it as trying to let her "walk in pumps before she tries to dance in pumps" :)
I expect part of me may fear the amount of freedom that's needed to balance out a lifestyle that's been closeted for 30 years or so... but all in good time. I don't think any of us will ever lose ourselves,... just find ourselves.

Kate Simmons
06-14-2007, 10:34 AM
There's a lot to be said about taking ownership and gaining self empowerment Achnes.:happy:

06-14-2007, 10:41 AM
Acceptance leads to self discovery. Here you can relax and be yourself.



06-14-2007, 11:20 AM
The most dangerous aspect of this site is that after you accept your self as the "woman within", you cannot control the degree of being a woman. That is you fully dress more than your SO or others acept, partially dress in pants/blouse/low heels, use your make-up and perfume every day etc. Once I spent several months as Janice. If I had this sites support and information, I may not have decided to curtail that experience.

06-14-2007, 02:47 PM
Hi all.. I too have found coming here very liberating... For years I hid my CDing from others and myself, but finally came to the realization that this has been a part of me since about 9. I'm more comfortable with myself every day for it. This is the 21st Century, we don't need to go back....

06-14-2007, 03:57 PM
It is a Dangerous site.

Its fine for the hetero hide&seek CD playing games, but is pretty hostile to the bi-gay or fulltime CDTS that just want to live a repected life without playing games.

Emily Ann Brown
06-14-2007, 04:05 PM
It's a dangerous site just like Columbus finding out the world wasn't flat !!!!

Emily Ann

06-15-2007, 12:30 AM
The only danger I've discovered is I'm spending way too much time in the forum. It's become compulsive for me to sign in and check out the updates the minute I get home or have a spare minute.:o

Angela d'Evial
06-15-2007, 12:34 AM
The only danger I've discovered is I'm spending way too much time in the forum. It's become compulsive for me to sign in and check out the updates the minute I get home or have a spare minute.:o

Exactly, it is becomming so addictive that it influences all my daly tasks and duties. I hope it will fade away a bit after the excitement lowers !!!!!!!!

Thanks everyone for replying to this issue !

06-15-2007, 05:34 AM
If you have some fear then make sure to keep the details in your posts very general. Don't share your town, occupation, or really personal details of your male self with the general public here. Other than that, feel free to share your feelings and problems with all the girls here. Everyone is very helpful and can sometimes have incites into your life because of all that they've been thru in their life.


06-15-2007, 07:34 AM
It took me a while to join this site. I did a lot of looking before I joined. Now I do add some to the chat but I still do a lot of just reading. But, it is nice to know that "WE ARE NOT ALONE".

06-15-2007, 08:59 AM
Yes, it is addictive. I too had a lot of fear/excitement in the beginning because I felt like, as others have said, that it could get out of control. I'm more at ease now. Only been a member for a month. I continue to learn about myself by relating to what others post. I think I've always accepted my CDing, but I had a lot of questions about myself. Some I've answered, and some not (and there is even humor in some of the mysteries). I will probably always stay in the closet, but I still enjoy the site and CDing.


06-15-2007, 09:05 AM
:devil:HeHeHe come here little gurl HeHeHe:devil:

Sorry, just more sarcasm making its way onto the web :D:D

06-15-2007, 05:23 PM
Just go with the flow.... welcome ... as sally says just keep your posts general... there is only you can control the information passed...

take care :hugs:

06-15-2007, 05:53 PM
Yes the acceptance is world-changing !

Your fear is welcome too, and may be sensible.

After all, there is a big world out there, and on the Internet. Not everyone "out there" is like the community "in here".

Relax, Be Safe, Have Fun !

:rose: Roberta :rose:

06-15-2007, 06:02 PM
I've been spending more and more time here on a daily basis, and I think part of the appeal for me, as a male who only gets a chance to dress-up once in a great while, is that it allows me to be Caroline every day, with out having to spend the time it takes getting ready to be Caroline. And i get to talk to some other ladies who understand. I never had a chance to talk about it before, so yeah, it is addictive,

I am more and more tempted to go out on a shopping spree tho. :devil:

06-15-2007, 08:28 PM
Wah ha ha ha ha.... That's supposed to be a wicked laugh... lol Oh well.... your hooked or screwed or both!!! Welcome to the club.............

NEver mind her. She tries to do the tough b8tch thing, but she is really thrill-seeking, risk-taking sweetie! She is right though, this site can be addicting. When I first re-discovered dressing, and then found this site, I had to share every experience. Be careful with your identitiy, however, there are more lurkers on this site than members. Welcome, enjoy!

06-15-2007, 09:33 PM
I was just tellin a friend this today about how great it is to be able come to a site like this and tell everyone about your deepest secret and have it seem normal. that is just badass! to me . that thinking helped me to get past that mind block your going through now...cp...:hugs:

susie evans
06-15-2007, 11:09 PM
well welcome to the club you are past the point of no return so enjoy the ride it gets better and better with time :heehee:


06-16-2007, 07:49 AM
I have the feeling after a week joining this site that I am loosing control of my deepest secret. Untill now I am the only one knowing the existence of Achnes. Fear that I will be too careless now that I am writing so much about myself. Is that the acceptance ????????

I do more reading of the posts here than I post. The feeling of not being alone ............. that having others that share in this with me makes a nice support group for me and now you Achnes as well. So tell us all about yourself if you feel. This is a great site to feel right at home and be comfortable in who we are.

Jolene :)

06-16-2007, 10:08 AM
When I found this site, I was absolutely thrilled! Like minded people. Oh my! I joined immediately.
I can read about how others deal with "coming out", ask questions a t times, and show off some of my pretty dresses.
Now where else can you do all that? (Probably a lot of places, really.)

I'm not so worried about anyone seeing my pictures as much as someone that isn't open minded enough to understand it. Or at least try to understand.

I am me and this is one place I can be free.

I don't think that there is any other place on the web that compares to this site.

Just my opinion, mind you, but in the immortal words of Alfred E. Neuman...

"What? Me worry?"

Susan Dee
06-16-2007, 11:07 AM
It's just good to know that you are not alone (in both meanings) and that there are others who understand what's going on inside your head.


Sweet Jane
06-16-2007, 02:24 PM
Hi...I like to think that we all feel a bit "safe" here.....I'd never reveal as much about myself to my friends as I do to my on line friends....

06-16-2007, 06:27 PM
i too have just joined! What a wonderful place! I think of it as a closet door ajar......looking out to see what the rest of the girls are doing.....

06-16-2007, 09:18 PM
Yes I feel this site , as it makes you feel like that special girl can be dangerous also. I was so thrilled and seeing all the lovely girls in here made me want to dress and be more of a girl, First off I joined back in November 06 and on about my 4 post, I admitted it to all that I was a crossdresser, That made me feel good BUT even tho I dressed somewhat most of my life I was so more daring and the thought of being exposed was a rush I bought like 5 pair of heels , after seeing those pink heels posted in an earlier thread I now want a pink pair . I had a pedicure recently and even tho not red had them polished and walked around like it was no bodys business, in the past I would have died to be around public in nail polish... so the answer is yes,:heehee: be careful this site turns you into a girl so quick your head will spin!!!

Cindi Ann Kelly
08-13-2007, 09:46 PM
you are on the right track. by writing about yourself, you are
are accepting who you are. If you can accept yourself for who your are, them maybe in time others can accept you also.
