View Full Version : getting careless

Michelle 51
06-13-2007, 08:44 PM
I work a split shift so i have the house to myself from 9 to 2 everyday.Raining today so did the whole deal lipstick earrings heels dress etc and spent the morning on the pc and went back to work.This evening i'm watching the news and my daughter is on the pc and my wife points to the pc and i look and there are my heels under the pc chair where i had kicked them off and forgot them.I waited till my daughter left the pc and picked them up and asked the wife if the girls noticed and she said o yeah.They wanted to know who's they were since they are a 12 w and she said i don't know so i'll have to wait and see where this goes.I would like to tell my daughters everything but then the boyfriends and son-in llw and in-laws and grandkids would know so i might as well just go down town in a dress and get it over and i'm not ready for that but i'm going to pay more attenton to my dressing when this settles.My wife said later she was going to say they were an old pair she found in the junk room but i not sure that will fly Justabit

06-13-2007, 08:48 PM
I'd say try not to even acknowledge it again and see if it just goes away. An odd pair of shoes isn't really a big deal to most people. The longer you can let it lie, the better off you'll be. It'll probably just blow over if you can stay quiet.

06-13-2007, 09:31 PM
Oh no that is a major screw up for sure. I say don't ask and don't tell and maybe it will all go away. that is what my wife has been waiting for.

06-13-2007, 09:38 PM
What shoes? :whistling:

Did you see any shoes dear? Nope. You girls making things up again? :heehee:

How about, "They belonged to the computer tech we had in. Tall lady."

Seriously, I'd say nothing. It's logged into their brains and any other clues will be added too, but that's not saying they can do the math. You tell when you are ready to tell, of ever you are.

Julia Welch
06-13-2007, 10:57 PM
Say nothing....you'll draw more attention to it.

Emily Ann Brown
06-14-2007, 07:44 AM
Tell them they belong to your friend Emily Ann.........then mail me my shoes ! GIGGLE GIGGLE .

Emily Ann

06-14-2007, 10:12 AM
Yeh, I disagree with the say nothing advise, if your girls saw them they will most certainly have questions. My youngest daughter found my stash when she was around 8 years old and she thought I was cheating on her mom so she showed the items to my wife. I have no idea how I was able to explain away that to my wife but I did and I finally fessed up to her 9 years later. I think that it may be more appropriate to come clean, as I think that when we are not careful we are only looking for someone to "catch" us. If I had it to do over i would have come out to everyone back then and I know my life would have been harder but more peaceful since I can't do without this side of me. Good luick in however you handle the situation.

06-14-2007, 10:24 AM
I don't think i would sweat it much at this point, tho I know my size 16 heels would be hard to miss. My guess is if my sons saw them, they would probably use them as battleships for their action figures!

Michelle 51
06-14-2007, 11:06 AM
Tell them they belong to your friend Emily Ann.........then mail me my shoes ! GIGGLE GIGGLE .

Emily Ann

I'll only bring them in person and we'll round up some more girls on here and have a little shopping spree and coffee after.How's that sound lol justabit

Lovely Rita
06-14-2007, 12:24 PM
Oh oh. I know it too well. My SO found out through my carelessness and tons of other times when I was younger. My sister always found my stash of nylons because of forgetfulness.

All the best I hope it turns out ok for you

06-14-2007, 12:37 PM
I have made mistakes like you did a few times and each time my wife covered for me. As far as I know my five children don't know, the youngest is 22 and three of them still live at home. But their all boys and I dont think they are good detectives as girls. I would just let time go by and ignore it and play it as it comes.
A friend of mine found out that both his childtren knew he was a CD for years and never let on till they were in their 20's

Yours Terri

06-14-2007, 12:42 PM
I'm sure we've all gotten careless about things from time to time (and as we get more comfortable with ourselves).

One of my big 'woops' moments was when my dad was visiting once. It wasn't until after he left that I noticed that I had been barefoot the entire time he was here... with red toenail polish on!!

I'll never know if he noticed. It could have been an interesting conversation if he had, since he had found my stash once years ago when I was still living with my parents. At that time I convinced him that it was a 'one time' thing and I wouldn't do it again.

Does anybody else have any 'careless moments' that threatened to out them?

06-14-2007, 03:30 PM
a couple days ago i had some panties strewn about on the floor of my room and my roommate came in. hahaha. i don't think he saw them. i have lots of clothes piles.

Angie G
06-14-2007, 03:37 PM
Good luck is all I can think of hun :hugs:

Stephenie S
06-14-2007, 04:17 PM
I have told this story before, but it is interesting.

Years ago I had my clothes stored in a locked steamer trunk at the foot of our bed in the master bedroom. I thought that they were pretty safe as it was securely locked at all times.

I was visiting with my grown daughter last winter and she told me of the time she and her brother spent all day breaking into the trunk. She said they were both really disapointed to find that the trunk held only women's clothes. They were expecting something really exciting.

I had NO idea that anyone had been able to open that trunk, but kids are recourcful.


06-14-2007, 09:39 PM
My daughter and a friend of hers came running into the computer room one night before I could react. They caught me a little by surprise. I was dressed as a guy but was wearing high heel sandal with sparkly pink stuff on them. My daughter said "nice shoes dad". That was it. My wife thought it was really funny. Nothing was ever said after that but I am much more careful with my shoes.

Alice B
06-14-2007, 09:49 PM
Say nothing and let it pass. I am supprised that your wife did not say that they were hers. 12 year olds would have thought nothing about it. I would not get dressed and come out to the whole family. Not yet at least. Just chalk it up to a close mistake on your behalf.:happy:

06-14-2007, 11:18 PM
yes i did the same all of my bras were layed out and my wife seen them and she said whoes are those and i had to tell her that they were mine she got mad at first but she ask me what size do u wear and i had to tell her 34b but she said she was ok with that and i wear them every chance i can get in the house with her especially my see through top it is nice to have a wife like that