View Full Version : hands and feet

06-17-2007, 04:18 AM
I have always been very subconscious about my hands and feet.They are the only things that I would say make me feel really nervous about going out. I have been out a number of times now but only after dark. I know I can't hide my hands in my pockets for ever ( and even harder when you don't have pockets!!).
Has anyone else had or got this phobia??? I have tried all sizes of heels and to a certain extent I can learn to live with them.After all who looks at the size of women's feet.Perhaps plain shoes that aren't too fancy is the answer ? Dunno! I guess I can live with that. I just need a way of making my hands look more feminine.

06-17-2007, 04:21 AM
What do you think is the problem - too big and muscular or hairy or not very attractive?


06-17-2007, 04:29 AM
Just too big. :cute:

06-17-2007, 08:29 AM
My problem has been hair on my hands & feet.
After years of shaving, the hair on my feet is no more, but my hands... I can have hair 1/2 inch long in 3 days. I generally shave my fingers & hands every other day when I do everything else. I guess it's age, but I don't have any hair below the knees anymore either... Got it all in my ears! Teeheehee...

06-17-2007, 08:36 AM
hi, I have pretty big hands and good size feet. I just wear the shoes(heels) I want and for my hands I wear rings and nice stick on nails and they are fine. Ive even had compliments in my nails and rings. its more if you blend in to the enviroment then anything. go out and have fun

Kate Simmons
06-17-2007, 08:55 AM
Not much you can do about size, Hon, other than de-emphasize by making some of your other features more prominant. It's the old magician's trick of misdirection and will usually be effective if done right.:happy:

06-17-2007, 09:22 AM
Not much you can do about size, Hon, other than de-emphasize by making some of your other features more prominant. It's the old magician's trick of misdirection and will usually be effective if done right.:happy:
Yes all the girls do it - dress to emphasise what you do like about yourself and draw the eye away from what you don't - there's quite a few GGs out there with big hands and feet and they're probably not as noticeable as you think but it depends what you feel. I don't like my muscular arms so I tend to wear long sleeves - I think I've got great legs so I show them!

06-17-2007, 09:33 AM
I think you just are getting too nervous over this...acting subconscious will be more a reason to look your way.I'm a girl with big feet ect...and I'm a GG. I just think you are over thinking this....act confident....do the best with what you have.

06-17-2007, 12:05 PM
Sometimes a nice pair of flowery bridesmaid's gloves can look nice, depending on where you are, and are often seen as fashionable, maybe a little too formal for most occasions though. I like the stick-on fingernails that you can paint with nail polish, avoid the "square-round" type that nail salons want to sell you, a nice rounded point is much more feminine and less conspicuous. As for feet, I stick to basic high heeled pumps, unless you have pretty toes, open toed or strappy sandals attract too much attention

06-17-2007, 02:52 PM
I kinda feel your pain, epecially about the hands.
As my male self, I have a work with your hands sort of job, and it really takes its toll. Between the callous' and cuts and scratches I seldom have very feminine hands. I guess "press-on" nails help take some attention from my hands to my fingers but it's just one of the things I figure I just have to live with and learn how to deal with.

06-17-2007, 02:58 PM
it's simply a matter of offsetting it with a clever optical illusion: have a friend accompany you. have that friend where those giant foam "we're number 1" fingers on each hand. your hands will look petite by contrast.

06-18-2007, 10:20 PM
If your feet are long but not too wide try a rounded toe shoe like Mary Jane style.

Perception of the hands and arms depends on the types of sleeve and belt you wear. Have to experiment there because everyone's got a different problem there...

06-18-2007, 10:52 PM
My feet are pretty big (size 12-13 US), and they are wide. Plus, I generally have alot of calusses on my feet, and they are hairy, and just big in general. My ex-girlfriend just described them as "Man feet". She couldn't think of any other way to describe them. I have a hard enough time finding men's shoes in my size, let alone if I tried to find women's.

My hands if I put on some nails would probably looks pretty feminine. I don't have any calluses on my hands or anything, and they are very smooth naturally.

Karren H
06-19-2007, 05:40 AM
Your obsessing over one or two flaws.... and it's more the overall presentation and your attitude.... If you walk around trying to hide something then people will pick that up and give you a second more closer inspection.... If you walk into a place with an attitude that projects that you belong there dressed as you are then no one will question your presentation....

Love Karren

06-19-2007, 06:11 AM
I think Angelfire you have hit the nail on the head. I have size 11 (uk size) feet and have the same problem finding male shoes. I have in the past stuck to open toed high heels because I like to see the nail varnish on my toes ( why hide them if they look cute, right??) But I take what you all say. Perhaps closed shoes would be better. And although I have not really bothered with false nails, thanks for the advise. Will definitely give those a try :thumbsup:.
Slightly off subject here, I stubled across something called "femskin" whilst searching for something else. Has anyone had any experience of this ?? I'm guessing it is pretty hot and uncomfortable after a while.

06-19-2007, 06:41 AM
Gloves tend to make the hands look smaller--especially darker colored gloves---avoid white.

It might just be merely a personal perception thing too---Place the heel of your hand even on the bottom of your chin. In a correctly proportion hand, the middle finger should extend just up to or just short of the hairline on the forehead. If it fits, then the hand is of the right proportion to your body, so Dont worry about it. The first big lesson we learn as we study ART is that you cant always trust what you see or think you see.---Always measure parts of the body against certian reference points before you draw them.----One of the reason beginners often draw hands and feet too small is they dont measure first. The chin to forehead measurement is the test for correct hand length. (at least from where I learned art)