View Full Version : Almost outed myself at work

06-19-2007, 09:34 AM
Yesterday I walk into the lunch room and one of the ladies from the front office is there and I got looking at her outfit. It then struck me I saw the same outfit in the new Chadwick catalog. Before I realized it, I looked at her and said, "Step....did you buy that outfit from Chadwicks?" She looks up at me with this funny look and says "How did you know?". I replied, "I saw the same outfit in thier lastest catalog". She walks over and in a lower voice says, "You look at fashion catalogs". I chuckle and said "Why not, they are address to me". Her eyes got big and I then told her I get a lot of fashion catalogs in my name. She asked how and I told her that I collect VS catalogs and how I got on their mailing list by applying for their Angel Card and you know how it is, once your on one mailing list, you get on others. She then asked me what my wife thought and I said shes OK and about a funny thing that happen a while ago, when my older sister asked me if I had a certain catalog and if so could she borrow it. She said it right in front of one of my grand neices and my grand niece just sat there with a OMG look on her face. It was priceless. Step.... started laughing and said "That is funny".

06-19-2007, 02:17 PM
Hi Joann.. it sounds like you handled that nicely:thumbsup:... You should see the number of catalogs I get at my house..Love your new Pix...:love: Natie

Talon DeRojo
06-19-2007, 02:35 PM
JoAnn - I've been in a similar situation and I just said that I get the catalogs to order gifts for my wife.

06-19-2007, 02:52 PM
JoAnn -- Sounds like you got out of that one nicely. Afterall, who can fault a guy for having VS catalogs?

Emily Ann Brown
06-19-2007, 03:03 PM
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh sis.....

You ,(like me), are getting way too comfortable. Wait till she adds up that comment with the pretty nails. Maybe you should refrain from wearing the red kitten heels to work for a while (I'm one to talk, sitting here in hose and panties, colored fem socks, fem jeans, female oxford top, and my long nails).

Emily Ann

06-19-2007, 03:43 PM
This really is the case of shopping for your wife. Once you have ordered an Xmas or birthday present for her and had it shipped to yourself, you - no matter how macho or manly you may (or may not) be - are on 137 mailing lists. Of course that doesn't explain your STUDYING them! :devil:

- O yeah! "I often look for things she might like - it's always fun to surprise her..." Yeah, that'll work.


06-19-2007, 04:02 PM
I am the owner here and I get a Victoria Secret mag and a Fredericks mag at work, I always laughed it off with the mail lady by questioning why I keep getting these mags. I surprised her the other day though by letting her see me in a skirt and form fitting top. My breast are naturally big and I wear a Victoria Sercret "very sexy" style size 38C and when I wear a nice form fitting top they really show up nicely. I asked her what she was thinking because she couldn't get her eyes off me and she just said they look real, so I told her they were mine and no padding just a great bra. She said why? I told her I am thinking of dressing as a woman full time and that I am doing a test to see what the reaction would be. She said you look good and if they are real there bigger than mine, I naturally thanked her for the compliment. i guess the mail lady knows now about me. Her reaction was positive and she said she would treat me the same as always, she is a great postal carrier.

06-21-2007, 09:23 AM
Well yesterday morning Step..... came to my office and in a low voice asked if I had a certain catalog. I said I would look when I got home and if I did I would bring it to her the next day. I then asked if she was looking for something in perticular. She then sat down and started telling me what she was looking for. I had to smile at myself. When I got home I asked my wife if she had seen that catalog and she said, "Your sister has it". So I went and told my sister that when she was finished, I need that catalog for a friend at work. She looked at me and then asked if she could use my computer to order a couple of items from it before I took it. I said sure go ahead. Again I had to smile at myself. I just gave the catalog to Step..... and she walked up and gave me a hug. I told her to be careful that was against company policy and she said, "I'll not say anything, if you don't girlfriend". I have had a smile on my face all morning. :happy: :D

06-21-2007, 09:30 AM
YOU GO GURL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ~silently wishing she had someone to talk to more at work~


06-21-2007, 09:37 AM
It really funny. Neither my wife or my sister knows I am a CDer, but I do some many things around them that is CD related.

1. Long acrylic nails
2. shaving legs/chest/arms
3. painted toe nails
4. looking at fashion catalogs
5. wearing fem t-shirts
6. Use Olay products on my face

The werid part is I have simple explinations for all and both my wife and sister accept.

06-21-2007, 09:52 AM
Very intersting that they don't "know" about it. Though, I am sure there are probably suspicions on both of their parts. Have you thought about coming out to either of them or both at any time?


06-21-2007, 04:28 PM
No way.........I showed my sister the Kit Kat Dolls UTube and when the judges pointed out that they were all guys, she clicked it off and said, "Why did you want me to watch that, those are nothing but sick, perverted. soullest idiots". My sister is a very religious person. Goes to church not only on Sunday, but also on Wednesday, is in the chrior, teachs Sunday School and on weekdays, teachs 4-5 yers old at her Church Daycare. At least she doesn't pester me about not going to church on Sundays.
On the other hand my wife thought the Kit Kat Dolls were funny.

06-21-2007, 05:13 PM
Well, your sister may not know, your wife I couldn't guess, but I reckon Step has an inkling "girlfriend". ;)

06-21-2007, 05:19 PM
It really funny. Neither my wife or my sister knows I am a CDer, but I do some many things around them that is CD related.

1. Long acrylic nails
2. shaving legs/chest/arms
3. painted toe nails
4. looking at fashion catalogs
5. wearing fem t-shirts
6. Use Olay products on my face

The werid part is I have simple explinations for all and both my wife and sister accept.

What are the explanations you give them?

06-21-2007, 05:29 PM
I ordered some things on VS one time and all of a sudden I started getting the catalog. Of course, I ordered using my VC Angel card and also started getting those free panty or $10 off discount cards. Well, my roomate/cousin started noticing these because he always gets the mail so I just chuckled and told him that I bought some lotion as holiday gifts for some lady friends and they asked if I wanted to be on a mailing list so I said yes and now I'm getting their catalogs and discount offers.
I also jokingly told him that my wife (Alessandra Ambrosio) works for VS as a model.
She's my idol!

06-21-2007, 05:37 PM
1. Long acrylic nails - I have really bad nails that produce ridges down the nail which will the split and end up pelling. they don't do that anymore. Wife only complains when they get toooo long.
2. shaving legs/chest/arms - I develope a rash that iches like mad. The lotion I use causes the my hair to get all sticky. So wife suggested I shave my legs and chest. I add the arms. :D
3. painted toe nails - I started getting pedicures and manicures when I first came to Dallas in 2005, to help my image while looking for a job and one day got brave and had my toes polished. Wife was mad at first but then said OK only if I wear socks outside. Now once a month I get a pedicure/manicure, toe nail polish,fill, and eyebrows waxed
4. looking at fashion catalogs - Collect VS catalogs. Once your on one mailing list, you get on other mailing lists
5. wearing fem t-shirts - Wife accidently put one of her Hanes T-shirts in my drawer. I wore it one day when we went to WalMart and she noticed it. Since then she has let me buy more in various colors. they are unisex looking.
6. Use Olay products on my face - started using them when I came to Dallas back in 2005, again to help my image. I am over 55 and anything that helped me to look younger while looking for a new job. I used to color my hair, but developed a allergic reaction to the dye.

06-22-2007, 04:32 AM
I find it's fun to tease sometimes. If I see a woman at work in a dress I like I will almosr always tell her so ( In a none threatening non harassing way of course). I sometimes follow this up by asking where she got it and whether they have it in my size, Usually its treated as a joke. No-one has ever been upset. Sometimes other guys join in and say they would like one too, I don't know how many of us are joking or serious.


06-22-2007, 05:13 AM
1. Long acrylic nails - I have really bad nails that produce ridges down the nail which will the split and end up pelling. they don't do that anymore. Wife only complains when they get toooo long.
2. shaving legs/chest/arms - I develope a rash that iches like mad. The lotion I use causes the my hair to get all sticky. So wife suggested I shave my legs and chest. I add the arms. :D
3. painted toe nails - I started getting pedicures and manicures when I first came to Dallas in 2005, to help my image while looking for a job and one day got brave and had my toes polished. Wife was mad at first but then said OK only if I wear socks outside. Now once a month I get a pedicure/manicure, toe nail polish,fill, and eyebrows waxed
4. looking at fashion catalogs - Collect VS catalogs. Once your on one mailing list, you get on other mailing lists
5. wearing fem t-shirts - Wife accidently put one of her Hanes T-shirts in my drawer. I wore it one day when we went to WalMart and she noticed it. Since then she has let me buy more in various colors. they are unisex looking.
6. Use Olay products on my face - started using them when I came to Dallas back in 2005, again to help my image. I am over 55 and anything that helped me to look younger while looking for a new job. I used to color my hair, but developed a allergic reaction to the dye.
You forgot to list about when you started wearing makeup to work (foundation, lipstick, eyebrow pencil), which would be a memorable experience I'm sure ;)

Also, wearing bras to work too is a pretty femme thing to do (especially when the bra strap falls off during a meeting), would love to hear the explainations for those :)

I wish I was around those GGs you work around, the ones I know are pretty sharp - hard to get anything past them...

06-22-2007, 08:44 AM
DanaJ..... Ah yes, forgot about those. Giggle.

7. Wearing makeup to work. - Wife did find my makeup one day. Asked if it was mine, said "yes". She then asked "Why". I said it helps in my presentation when I goto trade shows. She seemed OK with that, then asked if I work makeup to work. I said, "Sometimes, if we are having important visiter".
8. Wearing bra and cami to work - wife don't know about this, but I usually wear a white lab coat and/or white Sterile oversuit. We have a clean room. so a bra with no padding is not noticable.

I have been told that I look really sharp at the trade shows. I guess the combination of acrylic nails, a little makeup, grooming, and clothes hopefully enhances my appearance and that influences the people interested in our products. I know I get a lot of smiles from the GG's at the various trade shows. LOL