View Full Version : New Job

06-26-2007, 06:03 PM
So I started a new job today: at a women's clothing store. The store is not open yet, so we are still setting up. I am the only guy that officially works there. There were 2 guys helping today, but they are from another store owned by the same company. So basically al my co-workers are women. Its an upscale clothing store for women in the 40's and 50's. We saw a women's blazer today that looked like it was made out of burlap with sparkles, and they wanted $270 for it!

Anyway, so on our lunch break I was sitting at a bench outside with a girl who works there, and she mentioned how we didn't know much about this job (very little has been shared with us, even how much we will be getting paid. I didn't know what time I was done today until 5pm when I asked and they saud "now".) So anyway, she mentioned that she wasn't sure if we would get a discount, but said the manager said she could likely hook her up with one. So I said "I wonder how much." then followed with a "Actually, why does it matter? Its not like I'm gunna buy anything anyway." She laughed and said "Oh come on, we all know about your little fantasy." Pretty sure she was joking though.

I thought it was kind of funny, because I had only known her for maybe 4 hours at the point when she said that. :heehee:

06-26-2007, 06:06 PM
Didn't take her long to size you up, did it? :heehee:

06-26-2007, 06:08 PM
Congratulations on the new job! One question though -- how the heck do you interview and accept a job when you don't know the pay?

And, yeah, I hope you get a good discount and you let me use it once in awhile. I just love sparkly burlap! :p

06-26-2007, 06:47 PM
So I started a new job today: at a women's clothing store. The store is not open yet, so we are still setting up. I am the only guy that officially works there. There were 2 guys helping today, but they are from another store owned by the same company. So basically al my co-workers are women. Its an upscale clothing store for women in the 40's and 50's. We saw a women's blazer today that looked like it was made out of burlap with sparkles, and they wanted $270 for it!

Anyway, so on our lunch break I was sitting at a bench outside with a girl who works there, and she mentioned how we didn't know much about this job (very little has been shared with us, even how much we will be getting paid. I didn't know what time I was done today until 5pm when I asked and they saud "now".) So anyway, she mentioned that she wasn't sure if we would get a discount, but said the manager said she could likely hook her up with one. So I said "I wonder how much." then followed with a "Actually, why does it matter? Its not like I'm gunna buy anything anyway." She laughed and said "Oh come on, we all know about your little fantasy." Pretty sure she was joking though.

I thought it was kind of funny, because I had only known her for maybe 4 hours at the point when she said that. :heehee:

Well, Angel, I think you unknowly got read then your female co-worker saw you scoping out the ladies clothing. I would ask if she minds working with a crossdresser? If she says no she doesn't mind, I'd be getting to know her very well. She maybe a woman who would support your crossdressing. We all know those ladies are hard to find.

Joy Carter
06-26-2007, 06:54 PM
So I started a new job today: at a women's clothing store. The store is not open yet, so we are still setting up. I am the only guy that officially works there. There were 2 guys helping today, but they are from another store owned by the same company. So basically al my co-workers are women. Its an upscale clothing store for women in the 40's and 50's. We saw a women's blazer today that looked like it was made out of burlap with sparkles, and they wanted $270 for it!

Anyway, so on our lunch break I was sitting at a bench outside with a girl who works there, and she mentioned how we didn't know much about this job (very little has been shared with us, even how much we will be getting paid. I didn't know what time I was done today until PM when I asked and they saud "now".) So anyway, she mentioned that she wasn't sure if we would get a discount, but said the manager said she could likely hook her up with one. So I said "I wonder how much." then followed with a "Actually, why does it matter? Its not like I'm gunna buy anything anyway." She laughed and said "Oh come on, we all know about your little fantasy." Pretty sure she was joking though.

I thought it was kind of funny, because I had only known her for maybe 4 hours at the point when she said that. :heehee:

Maybe it's written all over your face Hun. :heehee:

trannie T
06-26-2007, 06:57 PM
Why does a man take a job at a women's clothing store?

Maybe because he's attracted to women's clothing?

06-26-2007, 07:07 PM
That sounds like a dream job to me:happy: Just go with the flow!!


06-26-2007, 07:20 PM
When I worked at New York & Co, everyone in the store knew that I was a cd. No big deal. There were instances where one of my fellow SA's would bring an outfit over to me, hold it up in front of me, and say that I should try it on.

There was one slow evening (very few to no customers) when one of my fellow SA's came over to me and asked if I would do her a favor. She had worked the shift in heels and her feet were killing her. She knew that we wore the same size. She asked if I would trade shoes with her for a while. I was wearing comfy loafers from Naturalizer. We swapped shoes and I did about 45 minutes to an hour in her heels with her wearing my shoes. Kind of a different gig for an evening.


06-26-2007, 07:22 PM
Its a very wierd circumstance. I was hired as a contractor for the 3 set-up days with the possibility of employment after. For the 3 days she said it is minimum wage ($8.00 here), but after that she doesn't know, because she hasn't gotten her budget yet. But then I've heard from other people she is paying a little above minimum wage.

Honestly, I doubt she read me and just said it was a joke. I wasn't even dealing with the clothes, I was mostly helping to unload the truck and collect boxes & garbage. Besides, none of the clothes are my style anyway :p

And I took a job at a women's clothing store for 2 reasons:
1-Lots of cute girls work there.
2-I need a job, and they need a guy for shipping/recieving.

trannie T
06-26-2007, 09:03 PM
Maybe you can work up to the sales floor, or become a model.