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07-02-2007, 09:31 PM

"Minneapolis" isn't quite right - it was actually Bloomington Minnesota, but I think most folks outside of Minnesota don't know of it. Well, what Bloomington IS well known for is that it is the home of the Mall of America (MOA) - THE largest mall in the United States. It WAS the largest in the world for many years but someone else swiped that title - I think it was those pesky Canadians. Yes, yes, I know very well a large number of folks on this forum are from Canada - I'm just teasing! Besides, some of my best friends are . . . nah, I wont take the joke that far!

It goes with out saying that there is no way I'm going to be next to the MOA and not go shopping! It also appears to be a good time to GO shopping as every store in the mall was having sales of 40 to 70% off of most things. I wore a cute little skirt that flares out at the bottom! I don't care if it might be a bit old fashioned - I loved it and that's what counts!

I entered the mall through Dillard's. It's sort of a method with me to help remember where I park. If I always park at Dillard's then I don't have to sit there 4 hours later asking myself "DAMN! Where did I leave the car??!!" Boy am I gonna be in a world of hurt if I go to a mall that doesn't HAVE a Dillard's!

So as I'm walking in, two woman are walking towards the door and I can hear what sounds like the end of a conversation or debate on outfits. One to the other while looking at me as they approach "Now see! This girls outfit is . . ." and that's where she stopped talking and acquired that "is that a guy look?" that I'm starting to hate. LOL I smiled as I walked past and then couldn't resist turning to see if they were looking back at me. Sure enough I busted the one that was talking turning to get a second look. Must be that neon sign on my head saying "Cross dresser" again. Well, there went my "I'm passing" confidence right out the door at the start of my shopping :-(
Oh well, why worry about it - there's shopping to be done!

Didn't take long for two things to occur to me.
1 - A mall this size can not be well air conditioned so it was often quite warm.
2 - The red knit top I was wearing was a REALLY bad idea if your going to be somewhere warm!

By the time you factor in the wig, the makeup, the nylons, and then the top with the high neck, you have a recipe for getting HOT!!! When noticed perspiration running down my nose, I figured "That's it, I don't care about hiding the adams apple, it's time to get a blouse that is cooler!" And so, another great shopping quest is begun!

The Mall of America is truly huge, with an entire carnival INSIDE! I mean we are talking roller coaster, Ferris wheel, etc, etc - all the full sized rides of a carnival and its inside the center of the mall.

Well, other than being far to warm, I enjoyed the mall! I found a store called Nordstrom Rack and found a great pink top for my favorite skirt! Well, when I went to pay for it, the SA was a cute blonde lady maybe in her mid 50's and she was VERY friendly. Told me she thought the top was awesome, and "by the way, pink is my favorite color!", and "I love your ear rings!" she says. I told her "thank you very much. I can't wait to try it on with my favorite skirt!" She told me she was sure I'd look great in it. I said "I hope so, and maybe it wont be as hot as THIS one!" while tugging on the top I was wearing. She just sort of giggle and said she was pretty sure of that! She looked pretty hard at my debit card when I handed it to her so I sort of giggled and said "Don't laugh TOO hard!". She just laughed and said it was absolutely not a problem! Way cool!

On the way back to the hotel I came across a theater and stopped to see what was playing. "Oceans 13" was about to start so I went for it! Cute show - I really enjoyed it!

07-02-2007, 09:41 PM
Doggoneit Kimberley, you just keep having so much fun (okay maybe sweating isn't fun, but you're out there living the dream). I can't believe the two GG's made you as you walked into Dillard's. You look fantastic! I can see why you like that skirt. Now why do I get the feeling that there's more to the story that you haven't told??? :heehee:

07-02-2007, 09:59 PM
. . .Now why do I get the feeling that there's more to the story that you haven't told??? :heehee:

Nah - not much happened there. The only thing I left out are a few more pics, but they're in my blog if your interested. Now I went from here to North Carolina and plan to write up something about that trip in the next couple of days! :-)
Thanks for the compliment by the way!

07-02-2007, 10:12 PM
You go girl having all this fun and not taking anybody with you. Hope to see you in Detroit soon.

07-02-2007, 10:23 PM
OK Kim, I want to know the truth. You travel a lot more than I do, but are we like following each other around. First it was Delaware/Philly and now Minneapolis. I will be there in a couple of weeks.

I am glad you enjoyed your trip to the MOA. Yes it is quite the place. The first time I was there I was made also. It was by a pair of teen guys. They back tracked to get a second look and I was not really paying attention. One shouts to the other "It is a guy" and they move on. I just kept on shopping like they were not talking about me. IMHO if we are "Passing" all the time like so many CDers want to, how are we going to increase awareness and acceptance. Great to have a sister going forth and enjoying just being herself.

Sounds like you hit a great time for bargains. I hope you got a few more than just the top. I have yet to have a store that would not take my money while in male more or enfemme.

Now on to your next adventure.

07-02-2007, 10:27 PM
It sounds like you had a great time. You look really great. The debit card sounds like the other night at the bar, they asked if we wanted to run a tab, siad yes and asked for my credit card. Handed it to them and just smiled. No problem!

Country girl
07-02-2007, 10:40 PM
Tx Kimberly, Sounds lke you had a perfectly wonderful grand time. Thanks for sharing your adventure with us! :hugs: CG GG

Patricia Danielle
07-03-2007, 12:23 AM
TxKimberley. I LOVE that skirt!!!! I went out wearing one of mine today for the first time. Went to a recording studio and tracked some pedal steel guitar for a band out of Iowa. Hard to believe I'm still wound up like an 8 day clock. To think I'm playing a private party on the 4th so I get to lug all my stuff back out to the car again.. I'm a transplant from Deep East Texas born and raised around Livingston..Patricia..

07-03-2007, 12:48 AM
Another great adventure Kimberley. So is there a state you have'nt dressed in yet?

07-03-2007, 12:53 AM
DANG! I live in Richfield. I'm 10 minutes by city bus to the MOA.

Oddly (or not...) it is not my second home.... (but it could be!)

Too bad I didn't know you were coming this way. :(

It's been horrifically humid here recently, including today....

Too hot.... Africa hot...

Anyway, good story. I'm surprised anyone thought/assumed/guessed that you were CD. As has already been mentioned, You look great! :thumbsup:

07-03-2007, 01:39 AM

By the time you factor in the wig, the makeup, the nylons, and then the top with the high neck, you have a recipe for getting HOT!!!

Well, other than being far to warm, I enjoyed the mall! I found a store called Nordstrom Rack and found a great pink top for my favorite skirt! Well, when I went to pay for it, the SA was a cute blonde lady maybe in her mid 50's and she was VERY friendly. Told me she thought the top was awesome, and "by the way, pink is my favorite color!", and "I love your ear rings!" she says. I told her "thank you very much. I can't wait to try it on with my favorite skirt!" She told me she was sure I'd look great in it. I said "I hope so, and maybe it wont be as hot as THIS one!" while tugging on the top I was wearing. She just sort of giggle and said she was pretty sure of that! She looked pretty hard at my debit card when I handed it to her so I sort of giggled and said "Don't laugh TOO hard!". She just laughed and said it was absolutely not a problem! Way cool!

Welll, Kim,

I don't think many would disagree with me: you are pretty hot! Beyond that, in the northwest (where I live, and also in business circles) Nordstrom's is a byword for customer service, so I'm not surprised at your reception there.
If I looked as good as you do, I'd be tempted to shop Nordstrom's enfemme. Maybe I will, a some point. A good friend is appreciative of my "habits" and she probably would not object to a joint shopping trip (moral support for me, lol)


07-03-2007, 05:44 AM
Maybe those GG's where just jealous of the way you looked I would of not let it bother me and I am glad you did not either. I just hold my head up high and be proud of who I am. It was a really nice story sounds to me you had a good time. That outfit you are wearing is really cute too.

Lora Olivia
07-03-2007, 05:46 AM
I really find it hard to believe that anyone can look at you and see anything but a gorgeous lady....i see nothing masculine in your appearance, everything to me is quite right so just keep being you sweety cuz you got it goin on:D

Lovely Rita
07-03-2007, 10:00 AM
Kimberly, always love to read about your journey. You are inspiring.

By the way I enjoyed Ocean's 13 also.

Kristen Marie
07-03-2007, 10:26 AM
Your stories are the absolute best! And they are encouraging to us...plus you look amazing!!

Angie G
07-03-2007, 10:34 AM
Way to go Kimberly I don't like big mall all that much :hugs:

07-03-2007, 10:59 AM
Heck,... but how can you do all this shopping solo? If it were me, I'd just HAVE TO have someone there to share it all with...


Sweet Cindy
07-03-2007, 10:59 AM
Wow, and I thought I was pretty cool for being dressed at work behind a locked door with no one around - you're shopping at the largest mall in the US! Amazing!

I can't believe you got clocked so early into your trip - you look gorgeous! And not just gorgeous-for-a-crossdresser, I mean like a beautiful woman. I can see why you have the courage to get out so often.

Thanks for sharing your story!


07-03-2007, 11:09 AM
Please know that not all Minnesotans are that closed minded. I'm sure you just stunned them a little more than they were expecting. Sounds like you had a great time.

07-03-2007, 12:35 PM
Please know that not all Minnesotans are that closed minded. I'm sure you just stunned them a little more than they were expecting. Sounds like you had a great time.

It's sweet that this thought occured to you. I am the same way when it comes to people visiting the Austin Texas area. I'm proud of where I live and would want others to have a good opinion of it.
I don't feel anyone was closed minded at all. I don't think the fact that she was so suprised she stopped talking when she saw what she decided might be a guy in a dress. She wasn't rude, didn't laugh or point, or any thing like that. I think she behaved just fine - you can forgive her for being surprised or even shocked, but she did NOT become rude.
Combine that with the lovely lady at Nordstrom Rack who went out of her way to chat and be kind, and I think Minnesotans rock!

Thanks to all for your kind words! I'm having a ball these days. Of course the bad news is, sooner or later someone IS going to be rude or mean, and then y'all are going to get a post from me crying. But until then . . .

Karren H
07-03-2007, 01:02 PM
You have sooo much fun it makes me sick!!! Hehehe. Haven't been out in 8 weeks!!! Grrrrrrrr....

Anyway..... Even if you have a less that perfect outting, the number of fantastic ones still far out weigh that one incidence.. And I'll bet you that the chances of you having a bad experience are pretty slim!!!

So keep it up!! Your a hoot!! Ohhh and let me know next time your in THIS side of PA!!! Lol. Girl needs her own personal travel agant or a new map!! :)

Love Karren

07-03-2007, 01:08 PM
Wow! You certainly are getting around. I love reading about your adventures.
I was out today, more or less stealth... No bra or forms, just wearing stretch jeans and a black long sleeved fem tee. Bought some short-shorts and a skirted tank bathing suit. I'll wear the shorts the next time I go out.

If you're ever in southern Maryland, let me know... Love to go shopping with you sometime.

07-03-2007, 01:16 PM
I like those bits of your story too - admiring comments, double take and a sweet smile. The interraction is what it's all about - where I get the buzz from now!


07-03-2007, 05:32 PM
Since I live in MN, I thought I would add some insite as to why those GG's may have read you.

First thing I want to say is that you look fantastic and what you were wearing would be great for an evening on the town or to dinner. With that said and I assume you were shopping during the day, then you were a bit over dressed for MN daytime shopping standards and even more so, because it was warm out (temps have been in the mid to upper 80's). Since the stockings and dress sandles gave you the appearance of being over dressed and you were not with another woman or group of women (indecating that you maybe from out of town or were there to have a nice time, that may carry over into the evening), is more then likely the reason the GG's noticed.

Most women in MN that I see shopping during the day this time of year (including my wife) wear light cotton tops (your pink top would have fit right in if it hadn't been so warm in the mall), capries (a few women do wear slacks or jeans), low key saddles or mules. One thing that I have notice of late, is that even if a woman is wearing a skirt or dress (again yours would fit right in), when it is this warm, I never see them wearing stockings (nylons). Bare legs and feet the warm weather fashion it seems.

07-03-2007, 05:54 PM
I know that area very well, lots of family there, and further north in the buffalo area. Your right its a big mall, sounds so fun. Thanks for sharing, and I think you look great!



07-03-2007, 06:16 PM
Hey Kim,

Keep up the travel log, we are enjoying it and only wish we could pull it off as well as you do!

07-06-2007, 07:16 AM
Kim sounds like you had a great time.Next time your in MN give a holler I'd gladly meet ya at the mall for some shopping .:hugs:

Leah B
07-06-2007, 09:25 AM
Ah, the Mall. Nordstrom Rack is great! Did you check the shoe section? Those guys go up to like size 15 and have a great selection (they even have half sizes above 9!). Their prices used to be lower though :( .

And yeah, even in winter, you don't want to overdress for the Mall. You do a lot of walking!

It's too bad you couldn't make it into Minneapolis (or St. Paul! People always forget about St. Paul), it's a great city. Shopping-wise, there's Nicollet Mall, which is more of a high-end downtown mall/shopping district. Nice if you have the cash.

If anyone else is comin' around (or i you find yourself through here again, Kimberly), feel free to ask any question about the cities!

07-06-2007, 12:56 PM
Great story and great attitude, Kimberly. You look cute as a bug. I do not agree that you were overdressed (although if it were warm I would have lost the stockings). I think it's a great look for a daytime outing. Wouldn't it be nice if we CDs influenced GGs to regain their sense of feminine fashion by showing them it's something to be savored and celebrated?!

Going to the movies is something I've really been wanting to do. The next time I'm away from home I'm going to follow your cue and have that experience. Thanks again for posting.

susie evans
07-06-2007, 03:32 PM
i'am happy for you and all the fun you are haveing i'ts great i want to go with you next time if you get to so cal let us no :hugs:


07-06-2007, 04:32 PM
I have heard that the mall its self is not heated in the winter (it is air conditioned in the summer). All the lights and people keep the place warm.

Paula T
07-06-2007, 11:45 PM
that you were going to be in town as I have been to the MOA a couple of times and would have loved to go shopping with such an attractive gal. I get some looks but I dress to blend and with all the walking I most always wear flats.:(

Gail Stauffer
07-07-2007, 01:01 AM
well I think you look great!! and wish I had as much confidence to go out as you do, course it would help traveling where others don't know you as well!! would be fun to do sometime!!

07-07-2007, 02:15 PM
As they say, girls have all of the fun! I wished I looked as good as you do! Keep the adventures coming.:happy:

07-17-2007, 07:09 PM
well MOA does rock i live here in MN now and i love that place. don't so much have the cash right now to enjoy it as i am buying soooo much music and recording gear to get this album i am working on done but hey next time you're in town shoot me a line i'd love to go shopping with ya and i could show you some other really cool shops if you are into the vintage clothing thing too i love those shops they have some really cool stuff in them great ball gowns and the like. plus they have really cool "hippy" skirts. lol anyway there are some really cool places to go shopping in the downtown area too.