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03-10-2005, 05:35 AM
Yes finally plucked up enough courage to shave my pins(legs). OMG the feeling of ultra smooth legs is FANTASTIC!!!!!!

Putting white stockings on now and I'm in heaven.

Should have done this years ago.


trisha maiden
03-10-2005, 05:59 AM
Good for you girl!

I remember when I was a teen a few years ago. I shaved a few inches of hair off my thigh and was scared some one would see. Now I shave whenever, oh that feeling of silky hosiery and satin skirts on my legs. Oh if you ever let your hair get long- I use a hair buzzer on my legs before I shave it won't irretate your legs and the hair just falls off. Enjoy.



Tristen Cox
03-10-2005, 06:15 AM
:D Oh It gets better, legs are only the begining :D

03-10-2005, 06:49 AM
Tell me more, I'm intrigured. PM if you like


Tristen Cox
03-10-2005, 07:16 AM
The first time I did an all over job OMG, now that is an amazing feeling. I waxed my arms and chest and afterwards air felt like water on my skin, it's just incredible after years of having those damned hairy arms. And when you shower it feels luverly. I shaved my legs and buttock, and yes that area too, completely. Once you do it from the neck down you just feel wonderful and never want it to grow back. Waxing gets the roots out same as an epilator so the hair takes much longer to return, whereas shaving or using things like Nair only works for a day til the hairs return above the skin(I hate stubble). Once you're done rub on a nice coat of lotion, something with aloe in the ingredients and you will feel soft and absolutely fabulous. There's nothing like it, ok well maybe really good sex ;)


Tiffany Tuesday
03-10-2005, 07:20 AM
Good girl Gem Miss Smooth Thighs,

like Tristen i'd recommend you keep going until there is not a single hair below your eyelashes ... as it makes you feel properly girly, and those sensual moments with our SO, teddy bear or blow up sheep, so um touchy feely silky soft!

Only tiny drawback is once smooth as a tweenie, you will never want hair again. I've tried the shave, creams, home waxing, salon waxing and even 'mones once but since my GF intro'd me to it, i now love my epilator.

I find the epilator quick, non messy, no need to worry about your time of the pluck (usually 4/6 weeks for waxing as u need at least 4mm of hair regrowth), one epilator does us both when on holiday, and tis easy to keep those hair folicles weak and girlie by a regular quick run over!

And .. big big plus point ... you can epilate whilst ebaying for dresses!!!! But mind those heels on the keyboard as you pluck into those intimate little pink places:) .. or risk actually buying split crotch diamante diapers .. HOOTS!

ps does my butt look big in this split crotch diaper???

03-10-2005, 10:29 AM
ps does my butt look big in this split crotch diaper???

now there's an image......

03-10-2005, 10:34 AM

epilator, waxing, laser, shaving, nair, epilstop...whats best?!?!

which way is the best for getting it off and keeping it off for a while without expensive laser treatment? I've done nair, and shaving. Recently I purchsed this "epilstop" spray and hope to try that after the weekend. How bout the face and neck? what works best on those areas?...chest?

ARGHHH its so hard to be a girl....yet so much fun!


03-10-2005, 10:40 AM
HI Gem,

I can relate to your excitement girl cause I just shaved my legs recently too, don't it feel great ? ;) My problem now is my s/o isn't to keen on the idea....I even asked her before I went and shaved !! She said it was ok but now it's the opposite....darn it ! I think I'll be able to change her mind in time.....have fun....Chris :)

ps any suggestions on how to deal with my s/o on this issue....

03-10-2005, 11:14 AM
HI Gem,

I can relate to your excitement girl cause I just shaved my legs recently too, don't it feel great ? ;) My problem now is my s/o isn't to keen on the idea....I even asked her before I went and shaved !! She said it was ok but now it's the opposite....darn it ! I think I'll be able to change her mind in time.....have fun....Chris :)

ps any suggestions on how to deal with my s/o on this issue....

Im really new to this, but the first thing we did was buy "My Husband Betty". If your s/o has'nt read this, buy it. I just shaved, even did most of my chest and she has'nt complaind about it once. I have'nt shave off my goatee yet, that she is going to miss.