View Full Version : Whilest at York!!

07-05-2007, 12:13 PM
Well today I had a nice day out on a course at York University. :heehee: My badge was bright orange and had C******** on it. I thought how am I gonna get round this so after the coffee break I took it off and felt much more like myself. I wanted to do all things male but cos my identity was 'C' I couldn't lol what a bummer. My friend noticed straight away that I had taken the badge off but didn't say anything. It was nice to be back in a Uni I felt I could be myself well almost cos I feel safe in these microcosms. I felt so chilled it was nice. I miss it and yet couldn't go back to studying like that right now. I kinda strutted my stuff while I was there I felt real manly and confident. It's back to the grind stone tomorrow though so I had fun while I could and felt that confidence that I had when I was at Uni where I felt safe and untouchable but then that's not the real world so hello real world I'm back Felix is here!! xx Felix :hugs:

Emily Ann Brown
07-05-2007, 12:26 PM
I think I know what you are talking about, because the last time I tore up a nail I cut them all back to look uniform and I suddenly couldn't get my groove back on....the hands screamed ***** not Emily Ann....silly thing but a real downer.

Just glad to know Felix got the mojo back !

Emily Ann
Now where's that cabin boy with the rum? (He's cute :heehee:)

07-05-2007, 03:11 PM
Lol @ Emily :o xx Felix :hugs:

Emily Ann Brown
07-05-2007, 03:55 PM
(Em takes a long look....hmmmm......Felix ain't too bad looking either now that I think about it....) Darling, go get that rum drink for momma :battingeyelashes:

Emily Ann

07-06-2007, 01:01 PM
Just pouring ya one Hun :drink: and thanx for the compliment xx Felix :hugs:

07-06-2007, 10:10 PM
Darn it, darn it, darn it! Our conference was at Vanbrugh College and we were housed at Alcuin. But the day you were at the university, I was playing hookey in town, looking at the cathedral!

And it sucks about the name tag too. I pulled mine out of the little plastic sleeve and added "Das" to it so people would know what to call me. My birth name didn't exactly fit, since I was in a tie for much of the conference. (Some young women from Hong Kong kept giggling that I looked like a prince. They lavished attention on me. Until I mentioned that I date men. Then, it was as though someone had turned off a light switch and suddenly, they weren't at all interested in talking to me.)

07-07-2007, 03:35 AM
That's a real shame Das and rather rude!! I love gay men and have a good friend who is gay, he is my best mate at work and we look out for each other. I think gay men make the best friends so their loss Hun. Petty we missed each other :sad: xx Felix :hugs: