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07-14-2007, 01:21 AM
I have read on this forum numerous times that dressing up does not cause sexual arousal for many. And many psyclologist/psychiatrists (?) have documented that, as well. I have always felt that I am in that group, myself. I can be dressed for hours, days even, and never become aroused because of dressing.

However. I have come to realize that I can no longer get aroused without dressing up. The old "me Tarzan, you Jane" thing just doesn't do anything for me at all. Unless I can fantasize that I am Jane, that is. Then it is great. Anyone else out there in this same boat?

07-14-2007, 01:48 AM
I have read on this forum numerous times that dressing up does not cause sexual arousal for many.

I don't think I'd say that I've read exactly that. Rather, that for many (not necessarily a majority), sexual arousal is not a significant component of their dressing. For another "many" (hard to give relative proportions), there might be noticable or even strong sexual arousal at times, but the majority of the time there isn't. Like that famous quote, "Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar, and sometimes it's a Smoke."

Myself, I find that what arousal I experience is more often from imagining going out dressed, and that when I actually go out (even dressed the same way and to the same place as in my imagination) that it isn't arousing, but is none-the-less fun or pleasant or comfortable.

However. I have come to realize that I can no longer get aroused without dressing up.

I haven't had that happen to me. Thinking about it, I don't recall that I fantasize much at all about being a woman.

07-14-2007, 04:46 AM
Having lived on my own for a while recently, I found that the more often I dressed up the less frequently I got aroused when dressed up, with a direct correlation between the two

I think lack of opportunity to dress, does make places like fictionmania sexualise your feelings if you cant dress. Forced crossdressing when you cant get the opportunity does seem somewhat inviting, so some of those stories really reach the part other stories don't reach :devil:

Marla S
07-14-2007, 05:13 AM
I never felt attractive or sexy in male mode.
I usually feel a bit misplaced playing the guy.
In my younger days the sexual drive caused by testostereone was sufficient, but it rarely was really fullfilling ... more like a job that has to be done ... job done ... aha, that's all ? ... can I sleep know.:heehee: More of a drive thing than a mental thing.

Having accepted my fem aspects give it a different quality ... it becomes more of a mental thing ... deeper and more fullfilling emotions.
I don't need the clothes, but sometimes it's fun and they do help to reassure the feminine aspects.
Feeling less masculine and more feminine while having sex feels more real.

Is that a fetish ? or just more emmotional freedom ?
I think it's the latter. Getting rid of the male constraints.

07-14-2007, 05:26 AM
Although perhaps not as arousing as when I was first learning to dress and look femininely attractive, I still find the dressing and making-up exciting. But being a girl means so much more to me now and exploring the feminine lifestyle magically captivates me beyond just the aspects of dressing.

Don't get me wrong, my outer appearance is still very important, but allowing myself to be softer, kinder, and more accepting toward feminine qualities are the arousing and exciting aspects of womanhood for me. Achieving a feminine reality and accepting womanhood not only includes the way I dress and look, but also embraces a state of feminine behavior and conduct that: is acceptable and natural in public, consists of feminine beliefs that guide my interactions and communications with others and provides others with the opportunity to treat me as a lady. All of these things help me better achieve a state of feminine reality. Being a girl is much a state of mind too. To me, being a woman also means expressing myself from within. To solely focus only on my image is to ignore the most glorious and arousing part of the truly feminine experience.

07-14-2007, 05:49 AM
For me at one time there used to be a huge arousal while dressed. Now that I am older, married and spend more time dressed, The sexual part is not really there anymore. Sure there are times when I get that feeling and love to have a nice soft nightie to add to the excitement. But it is not required.

07-14-2007, 06:04 AM
Interesting question. Arousal used to be my prime motivation for dressing - just had to get into the undies, do what had to be done, feel guilty, hide everything get on with life.

Nowadays CD is not my dirty little secret so the sense of danger and excitement is not there anymore - Mitch is legitimite and semi public property. Don't get aroused in the same way - an unsightly bulge would spoil the line anyway so tight pantie corselette prevents it.

Because I'm honest with my wife now, I very rarely masturbate - only she has the authority to do that and Mitch doesn't really approve. I find going out en femme interracting with real girls as Mitch and buying something really nice is sexually exciting. I guess it's still there but different and deeper than before


Kate Simmons
07-14-2007, 06:17 AM
Yes and no, I think. If you are really in the femme spirit when dressed, you can have anticipation (and maybe some fantasy) on what you would do when intimate with someone in female mode. If I said I never had those feelings, I would be lying. It's mostly about the closeness and tenderness though. The premise is what counts because in all honesty, sans trappings, we are in reality still guys physically (unless we are transitioning). Even so, I know some who like me in either mode and if it ever went that far, well, it all comes off in the bedroom anyway.:happy:

Jere Oneil
07-14-2007, 07:04 AM
Well, wearing women's clothes hasn't been particularly arousing to me since I was a young teen ager and first discovered what playing with that "thing" could feel like. But then, anything could be arousing. At present, wearing a skirt, a dress, or anything else feminine is only arousing when my wife says not to change before I come into her bedroom for sex. WE sleep in separate rooms because both of us have problems sleeping in the same room. Most of the time, she had rather have me in masculine outerwear at least. She fully accepts the panties as my normal underwear now, and in spite of not wanting to appear as a woman, I do wear bras too, but she usually isn't in the mood to be unfastening my bra during sex.

07-14-2007, 08:51 AM
When I was (much) younger dressing or the mere thought of it would get me aroused. Today dressing is a way of life and above all a way to feel good because I feel more "me". And ofcourse feeling good and relaxed is a prerequisite for having a healthy sexlife. When my wife and I are "in the mood" we both like to doll-up and in the process we both get more aroused. So it sure does have a sexual aspect but not only.

07-14-2007, 11:44 AM
Nice thread Chiana. I think you got some honest answers.

Being accepted and allowed to bring it into the bedroom is an amazing, wonderful thing. For an SO to allow that would certainly be a dream come true for many. Those who can do this have truly won the lottery of life.

There is also an age factor here also. The older I get, the more I realize how dressing up like a woman and acting like a woman has taken over anything erotic that enters my mind; no matter what the stimulus. The age factor also dramatically slows down everything connected to the arousal process, and often times it just won't happen. (even when I really want it too). I've always hated my testosterone, but now that it seems to be diminishing, I miss it!

Sorry to digress a little, so now back to your question. Like you Chiana, my arousal depends totally on thinking about myself as a female. No matter what the stimulus, it all turns into thinking of myself as a total woman. Any type of masculine feelings are just a memory. I too, can only be Jane.

07-14-2007, 12:50 PM
I get aroused just about every time I crossdress. In fact, I can get aroused when I am not crossdressed but it is more difficult.

Lilith Moon
07-14-2007, 01:05 PM
I started crossdressing at age four and I can assure everyone that sexual arousal was not a factor at that time, it felt good and exciting in a none-sexual way.

Then I hit puberty and kabooom, crossdressing became an intensely sexual experience, often associated with sexual release.

Now I'm hanging on to the wrong end of middle age and the sexual arousal, while still a component, is not so overpowering. I find myself again dressing simply because it feels "right" and because of an increasingly overpowering need to do so.

07-14-2007, 01:15 PM
When I was in my teens, dressing was very arousing and rewarding for me. It was a secret that brought much guilt after the fact. Today, well I do still get aroused, but not with the urgency that I had when younger, that can be because of medication, the fact i now wear lingerie all the time and just maturing.

07-14-2007, 01:50 PM
I definitely get aroused when dressed. But, like so many others here, since I am now dressing 24/7, the urgency of dressing and playing when I get the chance is no longer an issue, so I don't get aroused as often. I do make dates to dress just for the sexual thrill, and often wear outfits I'd never wear out in public.


07-14-2007, 02:24 PM
When I dress in casual fem, like capri pants, a blouse, and flats its a real warm confortable feeling. It just feels natural. When I dress in the ultra sexy lingeree i.e. lacy panties, garter belt, stockings, sexy bra, and spikes. WOW! Add to that a wig, make up and painted nails and jewelery and it's very arousing.

07-14-2007, 02:29 PM
For me its about 50 50 if I dress on my own or with my wife then whammo but if I am chatting on Yahoo with friends nada which is probably all for the good

07-14-2007, 02:31 PM
It's funny because I get aroused at the girl that I see in the mirror. It's like the male inside is turned on by the female outside. Does that make sense? I've always thought that I dressed to become the girl that I ultimately want. If I can spilt myself in two - boy and girl form they'd be best friends and best lovers. lol.

Talk about narcissism.

07-14-2007, 03:43 PM
Me too! I find pics of me in my frilly undies very arousing! I get a real buzz when I see myself in mirrors in department stores - could look at myself for hours. So I'm narcissistic too!


Kendra mtf
07-14-2007, 04:58 PM
I still get very horny when I dress up, usualy dressed like a little ****. When dressed more consevitive then I feel more womenly.

Jenna Lynne
07-14-2007, 06:27 PM
Don't get me wrong, my outer appearance is still very important, but allowing myself to be softer, kinder, and more accepting toward feminine qualities are the arousing and exciting aspects of womanhood for me. Achieving a feminine reality and accepting womanhood not only includes the way I dress and look, but also embraces a state of feminine behavior and conduct that: is acceptable and natural in public, consists of feminine beliefs that guide my interactions and communications with others and provides others with the opportunity to treat me as a lady. All of these things help me better achieve a state of feminine reality. Being a girl is much a state of mind too. To me, being a woman also means expressing myself from within. To solely focus only on my image is to ignore the most glorious and arousing part of the truly feminine experience.
I love this! If I did embroidery, I would embroider it and hang it on the wall! Thank you for putting it so nicely.


trannie T
07-14-2007, 07:00 PM
I get aroused thinking about dressing. I do not get aroused when I dress but I have a feeling of excitement.

teresa jeen
07-14-2007, 07:11 PM
i some times get aroused especally when getteing ready for a night out!! but mostely when im dressed down as in jammies and panties i just feel right.

07-14-2007, 09:39 PM
Arroused. Yes, of course. I get arroused thinking about dressing. I can get arroused looking at womes clothes in the store. I like it on the rare occasion when I have the house to myself, with all the anticipation of transitioning. This weekend is one of those occasions. I'm siiting here in a hot pink dress just reading though the posts.


07-14-2007, 11:16 PM
when younger just thinking about it would ruin it.. it's hard to get the dress to lay right over an towel rod... any way, now it's more of what is the setting and the mood of the moment more than what do i see and hear...

yes i would like to think that as the years have gone by that i have grown and learned more... but i do from time to time when it's new, and i am just throwing it on get arroused...

and having the thoughts that we are the fem in our fanitsys is very normal aspect... nothing to be worryed about if it has not happened to you yet, it's bound to sooner or latter. it's like guys masterbating.. cders wondering what it's truley like for her.

that is just my thoughs on it. be it right or wrong, we all are just human and trying to get along right? who cares what he or she thinks about what makes you happy.

Stephenie S
07-14-2007, 11:26 PM
Well there certainly was a time I can remember that I was sexually aroused by just the thought of dressing. That was during my twenties. As I got more used to the reality of dressing the way I thought I should be dressing, the sexual component became less and less. Now, although I enjoy looking nice, and still look forward to trying on a new "anything" I may have bought, I have no sexual response to dressing at all. It's just me.

This seems to be a fairly common experience on this forum. Many of us experience a strong sexual arousal, even to the point of dressing just to seek "relief". Many others can remember this experience from their past. I think that this is pretty normal.


07-14-2007, 11:42 PM
Always. Its just diferent though, like I've explained in other posts. No erection (my tucking takes care of that) and the feeling is a more internal flush like one rather than what I would normally associate with arousal when in drab.

07-14-2007, 11:56 PM
Hi i always get aroused when i dress and i love it. i hope that this feeling never leaves. when i get dressed i think i am the cats meow and thats what i enjoy....:2c:

07-15-2007, 02:18 PM
I can feel aroused or I can just feel relaxed. It depends on my mood. I can still be aroused without my clothes though.

07-15-2007, 02:50 PM
I will never get over the erotic part of it, for me, that's how it started and I can't walk through a lingerie department without the level of excitement that I always get. Dressing is by far the most arousing thing I have ever done and maybe because it's still "in the closet" it has that secret fantasy aspect. I suppose if somebody saw me I might lose some of that feeling, so for now it will just be dangerously arousing!

07-15-2007, 06:26 PM
I can be dressed for hours, days even, and never become aroused because of dressing.
That definitely applies to me. It is thrilling, but not exciting.

I have come to realize that I can no longer get aroused without dressing up.
What I find is that alot, but not all, of my fantasizing involves either dressing female or being female. It is not essential, but can be helpful in being and maintaining excitement.

Ashley Lyn
07-15-2007, 07:00 PM
I still find that 'dressing' helps the arousal... I can still get 'that' just by touching the SO, but it is more intense when I am dressed!! The SO enjoys our relationship while I'm 'dressed', and it satisfies fantasies I never tho't would ever come to fruition!!:D

A lot of my desires change when dressed... I almost feel that I AM a woman, and should do to/with my partner what a woman would do with a man! Hoping this doesn't sound silly, but I totally take on the female role when dressed... Maybe 'role-playing' would explain it better...
Is this odd to others???:rolleyes:

Miss Lulu
07-15-2007, 07:06 PM
I crossdress everyday or almost. Even though I have a large feminine wardrobe going from casual to formal, I particularly like to dress sexy. I feel good when I'm dressed sexy, but it doesn't necessarily arouse me sexually. Usually, if I get into this mood though, I'll dress trampy or erotic.

07-15-2007, 10:07 PM
I find it very erotic, in a feminine sort of way. As if I'm roll playing.

Tip or Ozma
07-15-2007, 11:47 PM
Sexual arousal from crossdressing is a big part of it, but the more my wife and I share this aspect the greater out total level of intimacy (beyond sex)grows. We enoy a rich sex life with and without clothes.

Slip Affinity
07-16-2007, 12:24 PM
Yes, it's a very big part of it for me altho it doesn't always have to end in "relief". I revel in the feeling of what I am wearing and enjoy every minute of it.

07-16-2007, 12:38 PM
I remember back when I was in my 20/30's, when ever I got dressed, I would then have an erection and have would to do something about before I could enjoy the dressing. Now I am approaching 60 and when I get dressed I don't get an erection, but I do seem to obtain some sexual arousaled. I guess a more erotic feeling. I think now dressing for me is more how good it feels, the feeling of the clothing, and etc.

07-16-2007, 02:05 PM
I am getting turned on in my heart these days, and rarely in my lust/genital centers, so I'm not sure my experience relates to your question.

This shift could be due to age, feminine perspective, or both.

I get turned on by women, whether I am dressed, or not, in both ways.

I AM noticing that I am sometimes getting turned on by men when dressed, sometimes not dressed (heartwise, desire, not yet physical).

I have yet to have a genital turn-on when dressed.

:rose: Roberta :rose:

07-16-2007, 02:36 PM
I have been crossdressing since age four (or earlier). Unlike some replys I have seen, I found that dressing was very erotic even as a child. I didn't know exactly what I was experiencing at the time, but I now know that I was achieving a sexual climax each and every time I dressed.

Through the years it has diminished to a great degree, but dressing still has a strong sexual aspect for me. I dress at home almost every day now. And several times a week it can be a sexual experience.

What is perhaps paradoxical is that on the times I fully dress and go out socially, I am not turned on sexually while I am out. Instead, I just want to present myself as a woman and socialize. It is very pleasant, but definitely not sexual. Then again, when I get home it can become sexual again.

Can anyone else relate to this?


Paula Roush
07-16-2007, 02:48 PM
I am finding as I get older it is getting harder to get Sexual arouseled.

07-16-2007, 06:07 PM
just had to get into the undies, do what had to be done, feel guilty, hide everything get on with life.

This seems to be where I am at right now. Sometimes I do just wear panties for the sake of wearing panties, but not all that often.

Ashley Lyn
07-16-2007, 06:18 PM
This seems to be where I am at right now. Sometimes I do just wear panties for the sake of wearing panties, but not all that often.I've been wearing panties every day for the past few days! SO suggests it, and "who am I to argue"???:D 'Course I'm wearing shorts etc when we go out, and I appear 'male', but its that hidden female part of me that is always fun...:happy: Soft, silky... YUM!

07-16-2007, 06:32 PM
This is a good thread for me to see right now, since, I'll be going out for the very first time soon, and my ideal is NOT to get aroused in public, (if you take my meaning), and to be a lady. So lately I've been training myself, wearing femme items in normal situations, trying to relax while thinking of being en femme, talking and walking a little more femine in my day to day life.

As a private cross-dresser, I usually don't worry about it, and I think, like a lot of you, the experience becomes less and less sexual the older I get, and more and more a mater of persona and/or expression. Yet I'm still young enough to simply get aroused by the idea of it. It's half and half for me right now.

Lisa OZ
07-17-2007, 12:14 AM
Sexual arousal from crossdressing is a big part of it, but the more my wife and I share this aspect the greater out total level of intimacy (beyond sex)grows. We enoy a rich sex life with and without clothes.

How I agree. To dress on ones own is heaven, however all the stars align for me when I dress with my wife and explore our common intimacy. I guess I am fortunate to have finally found a woman that shares my little foibles.

07-17-2007, 02:18 AM
for "different folks" ..no pun intended ...
:eek::D xx"K"

07-17-2007, 03:59 AM
for a long time arousal was allways there even a problem with going out---now it's not as bad it's about 50---50 for me now

07-17-2007, 09:33 AM
Not odd at all, Ashley.

I'm 50-something and still get turned on when I play dress up. I'm amazed at what my brain comes up with...:happy:. Also, I was in a relationship with a GG and she made all my fantasies become reality. I'm telling you, sex with her was blast!!

I guess we all get lucky sometimes.



I still find that 'dressing' helps the arousal... I can still get 'that' just by touching the SO, but it is more intense when I am dressed!! The SO enjoys our relationship while I'm 'dressed', and it satisfies fantasies I never tho't would ever come to fruition!!:D

A lot of my desires change when dressed... I almost feel that I AM a woman, and should do to/with my partner what a woman would do with a man! Hoping this doesn't sound silly, but I totally take on the female role when dressed... Maybe 'role-playing' would explain it better...
Is this odd to others???:rolleyes:

07-17-2007, 11:45 AM
This is a good thread for me to see right now, since, I'll be going out for the very first time soon, and my ideal is NOT to get aroused in public, (if you take my meaning), and to be a lady. So lately I've been training myself, wearing femme items in normal situations, trying to relax while thinking of being en femme, talking and walking a little more femine in my day to day life.

As a private cross-dresser, I usually don't worry about it, and I think, like a lot of you, the experience becomes less and less sexual the older I get, and more and more a mater of persona and/or expression. Yet I'm still young enough to simply get aroused by the idea of it. It's half and half for me right now.
You'll be too terrified to be aroused - that might come later. What I do is wear a firm control long leg pantie girdle. Holds everything in and down, gives me a lump free profile and I couldn't get aroused if I wanted to!


07-17-2007, 11:58 AM
For me, it is all about sexual arousal ever since I started as a teen. Even after this many years, it is very easy for me to get turned on when dressing up. Althought I wear panties almost all the time, it still keeps me going at night. My wife does not like/approve me dressing up, so I only get fully dressup when she is not around. But she it OK for me to wear panties because she knows what a nice pair of lace thong will do to me:D

Ashley Lyn
07-17-2007, 12:33 PM
I'm 50-something and still get turned on when I play dress up. I'm amazed at what my brain comes up with...:happy:. Also, I was in a relationship with a GG and she made all my fantasies become reality. I'm telling you, sex with her was blast!!Looks like we have a lot in common..!:happy: Sometimes I think I'm weird, but the more 'strange' things that the SO and I see on TV, etc confirms the fact that "there isn't anything wrong with being a crossdresser"!

I sometimes look at my 'guy' friends and try to pick out which ones I think are crossdressers... Brings a smile to my face...:D

07-17-2007, 12:50 PM
As a younger member of the community, I have yet to mature to the point where the sexuality has left my dressing. I started dressing the same I began puberty. As a result there was a bit of sexual release in my dressing. I still have some aspects of sexual release when I dress in lingerie and I am still attracted towards the more scandalous lingerie (teddies, bustiers, g-string and panty sets). During those moments if "relieve" myself, the desire to dress dropped. When I dress for more normal activity there is little if any sexual tension attached. As I am getting older I have definitly noticed that sexual drive has slowed down a bit for dressing. As I dress more and more for normal everyday function.

07-20-2007, 08:06 PM
Oh My Supreme Being!

Honesty has again erupted on this forum!

I'm starting to feel good about this place again.

Alice Torn
07-20-2007, 11:40 PM
I have always gotten aroused, when dressed, and fantasize being the lady, being held, danced with, laying. Not so in drab.

07-21-2007, 05:56 AM
When I was younger when I dressed I always got aroused but when I hit puberty I could not last more then 5 minutes in womens clothing. Could not stand it went to all the trouble to sneak the clothes in my room took a long time depending who was around. But as I got older and the more I dressed the desire to pleasure myself has gone it does not bother me anymore its just like wearing my boring mens clothes who gets aroused with them on. On occasion things do pop up and its annoying especially when you are looking good.

07-21-2007, 06:59 AM
I have gotten aroused while dressed, usually at the most inconvenient times, but not because I was dressed. It’s usually something else that causes the arousal, this happens in male mode also. I have found that when it comes to me wanting to be aroused it is much more difficult when I am not dressed in some fashion, pantyhose or something.

08-07-2007, 01:56 AM
I am getting aroused just at the thought of being aroused reading this thread.
I havn't been en femme for a few months now, and I think I'm going to burst soon.


08-07-2007, 02:41 AM
Satin and Lace = lumber.


08-07-2007, 07:33 PM
I'm 63 and I still get aroused when I dress! Many times it's a "soft-on", which remains concealed, but there's a lot of "leakage", which is inconvenient. It's all very exciting though, which is why I want to keep doing it.

PS, I hope this post is still within the Forum rules, if not I suppose a Mod will let me know, and I'll delete the offending bits, but then the message will get lost.

08-07-2007, 07:39 PM
I find that it depends on what I am wearing...if I am getting dressed real sexy then I will admit that it does arouse me.



08-07-2007, 08:40 PM
Don't get especially aroused due to dressing....

Except that folks are a lot more likely to put their hands on me and rub/caress/tickle than they would with Bob......That'll get me going!

But is that really what you were asking ? ;)

:rose: Roberta :rose:

08-07-2007, 09:42 PM
I definitely get aroused when I'm dressed! It's a feeling I've had in my many years of dressing. I'm sure when I dress more or as I get older, that excitement may go down, but I definitely hope it doesn't!

I am in guy mode right now, and this thread is definitely making me wish I wasn't!! Too bad my clothes aren't nearby.

08-07-2007, 10:52 PM
I'm just over the 60 mark and I tend to agree with the fact that the more I dress the less the arousal. I do like the idea of every now and than buying something new or maybe my SO brings home a little something. The other day my SO got a Newport News catalog and I told her that I thought the outfit on the cover was really hot. I'm hoping that she got the hint and orders it for me. Time will tell. If your SO doesn't object to the crossdressing ask her if she would buy you a litlle something now and then. Even a nice piece of jeweler makes a good gift. But than treat her to a nice gift on occasion. Maybe give her the gift when you are dressed. Might arouse both of you..:hugs:

08-07-2007, 11:13 PM
When I am EnFemme I am always sexually aroused ( I'm almost 60 ) and I hope that I arouse that feeling in others. :love: & :hugs: Trina Hot in Shorts

Sweet Jane
08-07-2007, 11:19 PM
Hi..I think sexually, I am just me, whether I am wearing guys clothes or womens clothes..I think the chance of me feeling aroused is about the same whichever way I am dressed....yeah its not the clothes that arouse me, more often its the person I am with!!!!! (hmmmmmmmmmmm...somtimes thats me?????:redface:)

08-07-2007, 11:23 PM
Enfemme I am very flirty and aggressive, I also like to show off, perhaps in ways that I shouldn't. :love: & :hugs: Trina - Demure Afro - Celtic Sex Goddess

08-08-2007, 12:02 AM
Usually happens to me when I'm wearing something I really like. If I feel sexy in it, then it's arousing to me. Wearing stockings or pantyhose with a favorite outfit just adds the icing to the cake.

08-08-2007, 08:10 AM
I get aroused at the thought, the prospect of dressing, but once dressed I'd actually be horrified if I displayed any sign (to myself or others) of being aroused by a woman. However, when dressed I DO like the positive attention of a man. I also like it when another woman gives "partial" approval, that I almost pass, but not quite. (When I go out to eat/shop with my wife and several of her friends, I have to order, and it's always followed up with a group snicker. And one of her friends does the most wicked impression of me trying to sound femme. I love it!)

08-08-2007, 08:26 AM
I have nearly always bevome aroused when I dress, in my youth thhis ended in self relief. Now in more mature years I have discovered more of my sexuality and I'm not as straight as I thought I was. I first thought that some sort of relationship with another cd would be nice but I haven't met the right gurl yet. I have also, because I felt incredibly girly, met a lovely man a few times. He knows that I'm a cd girl, that there are strict limits on what I'm comfortable with but we still have wonderful and very loving times together which make me feel more feminine than I have ever done before. He treats me like the lady that I dress to be and I give him many of the pleasures that gentlemen desire. Seems a very good arrangement for us both at the moment.


08-08-2007, 09:54 AM
All the way thru adolescence and my 20s it was very arousing to be dressed. For many many years it seems to be dressed is a MUST. It is like someone flipped a switch in my head and said:..from now on you are a different person with a different personality.
Of course, I feel very sexy in some clothes I love or when I buy something new, but who doesn't !

08-08-2007, 01:38 PM
I have always dressed/underdressed either because I was aroused, or wished to be aroused. The associated fantasy is and always has been to be taken by one or more GGs. Sadly it has never happened and i have never had sex of any kind with a GG while dressed - although I have 7 children. Hope springs eternal!

08-08-2007, 02:17 PM
I still do but it is not a much now as i can dress alot more now.

08-08-2007, 03:25 PM
I am getting aroused just at the thought of being aroused reading this thread.
I havn't been en femme for a few months now, and I think I'm going to burst soon.


:heehee: L O L , you've just cracked me up Nicole.

For me I have always become aroused when dressed in my own company , if I'm out in public or at a TG social get-together I'm not.
I always work to the belief that I dress and enjoy the Femme feeling for a given period of time and then finish off the experience with an intense climax , after that it is much easier to un-dress.

Linda C
08-08-2007, 03:35 PM
I would have to say Cding has always turned me on - I guess that it's the lesbian in me - I see that gurl in the mirror staring back at me and I can't help myself :devil:

08-08-2007, 03:40 PM
:heehee: L O L , you've just cracked me up Nicole.

For me I have always become aroused when dressed in my own company , if I'm out in public or at a TG social get-together I'm not.
I always work to the belief that I dress and enjoy the Femme feeling for a given period of time and then finish off the experience with an intense climax , after that it is much easier to un-dress.

I can't decide whether it's chicken or egg..but I do know that the two things are very closely linked for me. I can last for about 10 days then I HAVE to dress, I plan for days beforehand just what outfit to wear, right down to the last detail, and then after enjoying the pleasure of getting it right: well to me anyway, I just have to reach a climax like Merinda. Then the desire to continue being dressed just evaporates, to slowly build up again over the next week. It does n't show any sign of changing, and now in my mid 70s probably won't........I hope


08-08-2007, 04:32 PM
I would have to say that it's not primarily about sexual arousal for me. I just love the way I feel when dressed. I can become aroused when dressed, but I don't necessarily get aroused when I get dressed. And I don't need to get dressed to be aroused.

08-08-2007, 08:47 PM
The only time I find myself aroused is when I wear my breastforms, and I think it's because I don't wear them daily.
I wear femme jeans and tops daily, and have been wearing lingerie full time for more years than I can quite remember.
Something about the breasts though. Powerful....

08-08-2007, 09:55 PM
I would have to say that there was much more arousal in it for me when I was young. Now, I just enjoy it and find it comforting. But I also find it easier to get aroused when I imagine that I am the girl rather than the boy. In fact most of my fantasies lean this way.

I thought I was just cracking up but I discovered a book titled "Alice in Genderland" and the author discusses the exact same scenario for herself.

Looks like we aren't alone!

08-09-2007, 11:25 AM
Interesting - but I have to say that the occasions when I get the chance are very limited because of my situation, so sexual arousal always comes with dressing...

Ashley Lyn
08-09-2007, 02:25 PM
I recently passed the BIG '60', and STILL feel aroused when dressed, or have the tho't of 'dressing', tho' can control the evident arousal function...:rolleyes:

My 'fantasies' run wild when dressed, as well, and SO has been very content at helping me satisfy them with her help..
(just the two of us, of course)!! :heehee:
Don't believe sharing our experiences/fantasies with others would be beneficial at this stage in our lives.. :happy: Some 'fantasies' are 'better left that way'!

08-10-2007, 12:38 AM
I get aroused when dressed and also feel very sexy when I get to wear all day long

08-10-2007, 09:57 AM
I always feel aroused when dressed. I just look in the mirror and see matching bra and panties or a silky nightgown how could I not be. Anyway that's just me.

08-10-2007, 03:36 PM
When I was young as many here did I got aroused just by the thought, now I like the feel of the clothes and like to feel sexy. I wish I could share this with my wife then the arousle levels would escalate,but I can still dream right.


08-10-2007, 10:19 PM
I am fairly new to crossdressing and get very aroused when I do it.. hope it doesnt wear off to quick

08-10-2007, 10:53 PM
Something about the breasts though. Powerful....

Sorry for chiming in so late...

I have to agree. When I am dressed up and can't see parts of me I normally can (like my feet) because of the additions to my chest my body simply quivers with excitement.

08-10-2007, 11:30 PM
Chiana, absolutely, to get aroused and perform sex I become Jane, I need to be in femme clothes, their touch only escalates and makes the release. I am not in the comfort zone to wear bra, how I wish I could do that, I envy those who have the chance to wear bra during sex.

08-10-2007, 11:37 PM
You bet. I must be enfemme to have sex. :love: &:hugs: Trina - Vampish Red Head