View Full Version : I thought this might be of interest....

Carin's Wife GG
07-23-2007, 01:57 PM
before I had the stroke I was getting ready for a wedding in Vegas between Carin and I. On May 28 my brain got a bit mushed and I could not remember much of the previous several months. What a disappointed for Carin especially. The CDing part of our relationship seemed to be gone. I couldn't muster up any interest in it and basically turned away from it. small things bothered me like her pink nail polish. Somehow my brain could not grasp the fact that I have a TG partner. I was confused and geeling very guilty. I couldn't feel any acceptance toward this part of the person I loved.

It has been a little less than two months since the stroke and I am finally getting the feeling for her that I had before. Carin is a wonderful partner and father. Loyal, caring and generous. For a time after the stroke I could not even go out to dinner with her and the TG friends we had made. Somehow my confidence was gone.

This coming weekend however we are going out to a gurls dinner. Carin is getting a manicure and pedicure with RED nail polish at a salon. She is excited. She told me what excited her the most is going out with ME. I am looking forward to going out with her enfemme. The acceptance is coming back.

Live in the TG world is getting better for me. And I am glad to be back here. Maybe I can add my opinions now and then!

Love to all,


Michelle 51
07-23-2007, 02:14 PM
Glad your feeling better. justabit

07-23-2007, 02:15 PM
Louise, you are a marvelous lady. After all you have been through and still first concerned for your partner. That is one of the finest examples of love I have seen in quite a while. The two of you make quite the couple. I hope you both have a wonderful time at dinner... I wish I lived closer!

Sheri 4242
07-23-2007, 03:22 PM

It is so very good to see you posting! Not only that, but your attitude and clarity seem to be getting much, much stronger, which is a very good sign!!! I can't wait till you and Carin can go to Vegas!!! Val and I had such an incredibly wonderful time -- more meaningful than either of us could have ever imagined!!!

Your experiences from pre-stroke until today have been very revealing -- I'm paying attention and hope everybody else is, too, b/c there are significant health lessons to be learned that might be important to any one of us!!! Your recovery progression is amazing and I am glad your confidence is returning!!!



Fab Karen
07-23-2007, 03:47 PM
Glad you're getting better & have finally started getting back to your old self mentally. For you it was your partner's crossdressing, but for someone else it could potentially be anything that they'd suddenly feel strange about.
Hopefully we'll see more of you around here now. Take Care.

Carin's Wife GG
07-23-2007, 03:54 PM
my language is much better (thank god, I was a misery not being able to speak, lol).



Rita B
07-23-2007, 04:03 PM
What a nice story with a happy ending. I only wish, I only wish, I only wish. . . . . .

07-23-2007, 04:15 PM
Louise it is a great pleasure to see you posting with such strength of feeling again. Long may it last. :hugs::love::hugs:

Samantha B L
07-23-2007, 05:00 PM
It's very nice to see that you are regaining your health and that you both are able to go on and enjoy life. I'll keep you both in my wishes and prayers for long life and much happiness. Anyway,I can't think of anything more fun than CD'ing. Last but not least,post your opinions anytime,Louise,that's what everybody else does. Samantha

07-23-2007, 10:03 PM
Louise Glad you are feeling better. It's understandable that you don't remember some of the things you did before the stroke. But Carin was there for you and you are getting better. Just take it easy so we can hear more about you and Carin.

Bobbie cd
07-23-2007, 10:32 PM
I can only imagine how terrible it must be to have a stroke take away parts of yourself like that. Thank god that you are recovering. Your posts have always been wonderfully insightful and touching. I will pray for your complete recovery. Just take your time and continue to enjoy the love that the two of you share! :hugs:

Carin's Wife GG
07-23-2007, 10:51 PM
I can only imagine how terrible it must be to have a stroke take away parts of yourself like that. Thank god that you are recovering. Your posts have always been wonderfully insightful and touching. I will pray for your complete recovery. Just take your time and continue to enjoy the love that the two of you share! :hugs:

you put it perfectly. The stroke took away parts of myself. I am now beginning to put it back together.
