View Full Version : came out to 3 people!

03-17-2005, 03:43 AM
Hey everyone,
recently for some reason ive been able to tell freinds about my cding. all girls too. The first girl i told was like whatever, i dont care what you do on your spare time. i was like hey that wasnt so bad. And the next girl i just recently told was really cool with the idea, and said shed love to put makeup on me!! :D And the last girl i told, whom is one of my close freinds was like totally cool with it. she was asking questions, and gave me makeup tips. she also agreed to do my makeup and is gonna let me borrow clothes tomorrow! (yay for her being tall!! ) for some reason girls seem to be so understanding, and i just love them for it! telling people deffinitley wasnt as bad as i thought it wsa gonna be! im so happy!! ::):):)

03-17-2005, 03:59 AM
Wow thats so great to hear. I'm proud of you it takes alot to tell friends etc. I'm glad everything worked out so well for you. Your very lucky and have some great friends good luck hun. Kaylia

Sandra H
03-17-2005, 04:04 AM
Hi Allie.

Well done it must feel great to be able to talk to three friends about make up, cloths, shoes etc. I have never told anyone and like most other girls I think that they would either laugh or think I am a pervert. But when you stop and think about it women’s cloths are a big thing to us, but just something to wear for them. But you are very brave, so a very well done again.

03-17-2005, 05:37 AM
GGs can't keep a secret so I would think by now more than three friends would know by now.
Still It was brave of you to come out to people best of luck, who knows where it might lead? :D

Shining Star
03-17-2005, 06:00 AM
congratulations keep it up girl

Tristen Cox
03-17-2005, 07:29 AM
Hmm Elinor has a point there. Regardless, good for you Allie.


PS: send a few down here would ya? :)

03-17-2005, 09:16 AM
GGs can't keep a secret so I would think by now more than three friends would know by now.

Some GG's are better than others. :) :mad:

03-17-2005, 01:24 PM
Way to go Allie!!!!


03-17-2005, 03:42 PM
thanks for the congrats everyone :) and i can trust these girls elinor, there some of my closest freinds. i also thought that they would laugh at me and call me a pervert, but the total opposite happened! so i guess my advice is just go for it, if there really your freind theyll support you.
heres some quotes from one convo, they all were pretty much like that :p :D

michelle - "really? how did you think that i would react?
well i can honestly say that i was seriously shocked
but you know what? it doesn't matter cus you're a really awesome guy"
me - "i thought youd like be grossed out and not want to hang out with me anymore,well im glad you think so"
Michelle - "and frankly it doesn't matter what a guy does on his own free time"


Sweet Susan
03-17-2005, 04:54 PM
It'll be interesting to learn more about this. Keep us posted, and let us know if there is any fall out.

03-17-2005, 07:35 PM
Congrats Allie,
I hope you continue to have such good resposes as you venture further

03-17-2005, 08:10 PM
Glad to hear it is still going well. Amelie is right, what we think is a big deal doesn't really register with most people. My youngest son was here for a few days a couple of weeks ago, and received a couple of parcels in the post. (my fav set of breastforms, and two new pairs of boots). He put them in my bedroom. My closet door was ajar, with 12 pairs of shoes hanging on the inside. He spoke to his oldest brother (who also dresses and knows I dress) who told him I had just rediscovered dressing, and was using it to find myself. That went over ok. I spoke to my youngest son via email. He is ok with it. Not a big deal. carry on. wenda.

03-17-2005, 10:19 PM
When I first saw the title "came out two 3 people" my first thought was, MUST HAVE BEEN A SMALL CROWD.
Allie, you are a very brave woman. Those numbers will multiply before you know it.
Feels good doesn't it? It all about being honest and being yourself.

You go, girl!!!!!

Dawn Marrie ( Thats Who I Be !)