View Full Version : Shaving

08-10-2007, 12:44 PM
Ok I have been "listening" and I am just not sure what to take away from the conversation(s)...
If I were to shave something...not sure at this point that I will for obvious reasons... living here on the coast, married, kids, etc. Where would I start and what are the benefits? i.e. what feels the best and why and keep in mind panties are about all i can get away with right now on a regular basis. What are the draw backs and is shaving the best or are there some creams out there that work?
I thank you all for what I have learned in the last few days. You ladies are wonderful......:hugs:

08-10-2007, 01:00 PM
Benefits: you feel cooler and your odors are lessened as there is no hair to trap them. (Armpits and genital area).
Drawbacks: ingrown hairs (all areas)

What I recommend is starting with a nice warm bath with baby oil or bath beads to moisten and soften the skin. Skintimates Shave Gel is recommended and a FRESH NEW UNUSED razor blade (trim the length with scissors if possible to reduce wear on blades).

Soak in tub for 5 - 10 minutes (or longer if you're enjoying a glass of wine), apply shave cream to desired area and shave using single strokes (don't "dab") to cover larger area and maintain continuity of shave. Once you complete the first go round, check area by running hand AGAINST the grain to see if you missed anything or left any straggling stubble. Repeat process if necessary.

Once you finish completely, rinse off with cool water (to close the pores), and BEFORE you dry off, apply a nice coating of baby oil to your skin. This will help keep the moisture in your skin and that means the less lotion you will need to apply later.

If you choose to NOT use the baby oil idea, USE LOTION applied liberally to the shaved areas. This will help prevent chaffing and will also help keep the possibility of ingrown hairs down as those little buggers can be painful.

Good luck.


08-10-2007, 03:48 PM
You can also use a Nair product, but make sure it's for the appropriate area. Though if you are full hair length, trim it back with scissors first. That way it gets to the root better. Though after using it, apply lotion or baby oil.