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View Full Version : Cding is a gift/feeling girly is a gift

08-12-2007, 12:56 AM
After being in the forum It is nice to see that I am not alone. I love that I can feel"girly" that I love,skirts,dresses,panties,bra's lingeria,and hose. I love that I know what"pretty is" what femanine is. I think we are a natural part of the human continum. Life is more grey than black or white in many things and gender is one of those things. Maybe one day society will realise that gender is a combination of mental,biological,and environmental. Maybe one day each human will dress in the way they feel, not by what anatomic parts they have. Until then I will beleive in my self and others like me. I love who I am, and i am special, I am pretty,beautiful, girly and compasionate among many things. How do you girls feel?

08-12-2007, 01:07 AM
wow that would be a awsome amazing world,i feel the same kinda i was ashamed but now i love dressing up because its not only good its great i feel good and i find out so much about my self that ive ben runing from so long

Sheri 4242
08-12-2007, 03:12 AM
Life is more grey than black or white in many things and gender is one of those things.

You are right: things are seldom all black or all white, but somewhere along a scale between the two. I wonder how many here know how many different shades of gray there are??? (Black is 0; white is 255 -- the answer to todays quiz ( :lol2: ) -- is 256 shades from absolute to absolute.)

08-12-2007, 09:49 AM
I guess it will take some gender rights pioneers to get gender freedom. Why is ok for women to express male traits of themselves and it is not ok for men to express female traits. I think people are afraid of having to define themselves by their inner self. Most people probably don't know themselves either.

08-12-2007, 10:37 AM
I guess it will take some gender rights pioneers to get gender freedom.

Sarah, why would anyone want to go out on a limb and campaign for rights for you if you can't be bothered to lift a finger to help yourself?

08-12-2007, 10:50 AM
Sarah, why would anyone want to go out on a limb and campaign for rights for you if you can't be bothered to lift a finger to help yourself?

Ding, ding, ding, ding!!!! You win the prize for the most sensible posting of the year! :Party:

Maybe one day each human will dress in the way they feel, not by what anatomic parts they have. Until then I will beleive in my self and others like me....
I guess it will take some gender rights pioneers to get gender freedom. Why is ok for women to express male traits of themselves and it is not ok for men to express female traits.

If attaining the rights that you feel you deserve mean so much to you, don't wait for someone else to get them for you. There are people out there every day asserting themselves -- what are you waiting for?

Lora Olivia
08-12-2007, 10:52 AM
I am becoming more apt to express my feminine side as I see fit. Had a discussion at a bar with some friends that came around to my fingernails, which after chewing them down to nubs for 40 years I have let grow out since being "out" to my wife. 1 friends sister asked if this was being more in touch with my feminine side? I said yes!!..... wife later told me she was happy or proud I said that

Stephenie S
08-12-2007, 10:53 AM
I feel, for me, that my life in two genders was a gift. From God, if you believe in God, from nature or whatever if not. I have a real blessing to be able to look upon life from both sides. I will NEVER complain about this and would feel cheated if it were taken away.


Chantelle CD
08-12-2007, 12:23 PM
What would black be......if there was no white????

Its all good.

08-12-2007, 05:35 PM
Wow! Some awesome posts.
All of us are part of a larger and very diverse society. Mostly good but some 'not so good'. I believe that when we present ourselves as sincere, respectful and withour fear; then we will earn respect from society in general.
Just like 'real life'.

08-12-2007, 05:50 PM
sharon ,
you are right their are people asserting themselves everyday. I should be able to stand up too. But, i also have to consider other's I'm close to. Cding is a part of me, but not all of my life either. It will take each of us to take the first step. Only together will change happen.

trannie T
08-12-2007, 06:19 PM
I should be able to stand up too. But, i also have to consider other's

Sarah this is why we have a difficult time getting acceptance from others. We all must stand up for our rights.
Support political cadidates who will advocate rights of transgendered people.
Do not tolerate any form of discrimination against any group.
Do not allow others to get away with negative comments without being challenged.

Each one of us can take action, we do not have to put on a gown and stand in front of the city council if we desire we can still remain in the closet but still make a difference.

Edmund Burke said, "All that is necessary for the forces of evit to triumph is for enough good men to do nothing."

08-12-2007, 07:40 PM
I guess it will take some gender rights pioneers to get gender freedom. Why is ok for women to express male traits of themselves and it is not ok for men to express female traits. I think people are afraid of having to define themselves by their inner self. Most people probably don't know themselves either.

I totally agree with the others who said if you want gender rights, express them yourself. That is why I go out in public frquently as a man, but wearing feminine clothing. Last evening, and again this evening, I went out to dinner wearing panties and bra (of course!), a skirt and low cut knit top, and open toe sandals so my pretty toes were visible. Of course I got some "looks.":rolleyes: I was not in any place that catered particularly to CD's. But the staff treated me very nice, and a couple of them even came over to talk to me about why I hadn't been in for awhile. (Too busy!)

Maybe we are different, but so are ladies who prefer to dress like men! No one says anything about it, and why? Because they just do it!! Their attitude is, "this is me, take it or leave it!" If we want gender equality, we have to adopt the same attitude. "Here I am, this is me!!" Having said that, I will add that might not work for those who want to look like Drag Queens! But not all of us have those aspirations! A lot of us just like to look pretty, and wear nice things. So do it!!


More Girl than man sometimes

08-14-2007, 10:18 AM
I did not mean to offend anyone,
You have all made good points. There are many brave people that have expressed themselves. We need to stick together and together anything is possible. I also used to express myself when i was single. I dressed like a girl full time for 4 years after highschool. There is a measurable set of consequences, set by society(employment,discriminaion,persecution). I'm willing to endure those things if I am by myself, but I must think of my loved ones too. I would be interested in how those of us who are married w/children have dealt with this.

Alice B
08-14-2007, 11:32 AM
I agree with enjoying the girlie feeling, but come at it with a different view. I am quite comfortable with my dressing and all that goes with it, but am also quite comfortable with my male side, which is the dominate side of my presentation in public. I think it is the fact that I can only dress at special and non-specific times that make the girlie feeling so strong and special. When I know that such a time is coming I can get very excited about it, but at the same time can get along fine when I know I can't dress. Often for a month or more due to travel. I think, for me, the naughtiness or non-puiblic acceptance make the experience more exciting. I have not yet been out in public (except once at halloween) and do look forward to that experience soon and I plan to have a make-over and photo shoot. Yet, there are special experiences, thus something to look forward to and get excited about. If they were common, every day experiences I doubt that I would feel the same, or want to do them. That is my two cents worth.:hugs:

08-14-2007, 07:09 PM
There is an excitment to crossdressing because it is taboo, but that is not the only reason I do it. I do it because I enjoy the female part of me. I use cding to get in touch with that side, to feel comfortable. I would wear dresses,skirts, more often if it were accepted. I will cd even if it is in because I love wearing skirts and dresses.