View Full Version : What's your daily routine?

08-12-2007, 08:33 PM
I know this question has probally been asked a thousand times before but Whats your daily routine when you go outside? either to work or fun.

for me, its summer and I haven't worn a bra in months. Just didn't feel like it. when I do go out all I wear is mascara, my favoriate perfume and I'm on my way. I think I maybe falling into a rut.

how about you?

08-12-2007, 08:44 PM
Whether I'm off or going to work, it's always mascara, perfume, and polished nails. Don't look at it as a rut, just who I am. Off work, all fem clothes, at work, as much as I can get away with. Wore a ladies vest today and my womans boots.

08-12-2007, 09:07 PM
I don't dress everyday, so I don't have a daily routine when it comes to dressing. I don't even underdress everyday, and I think I have kinda fallen into a rut right now, where I seem not very interested in dressing at all.

08-12-2007, 09:28 PM
Morning dressing routine is panties, pantyhose and camisole.

08-12-2007, 09:42 PM
Let's see - on most Mondays its up at 3AM, starting the 45 minute drive to the airport at 3:45, on a plane to Atlanta by 6AM. Leaving Atlanta for (INSERT EASTERN CITY HERE) arriving somewhere around noon to 3PM. Wait for baggage, get Rental car, get lost on the way to the hotel. If I know the place and knower where to go to have fun, I spend a couple of hours getting ready and then go to dinner / movie.
Tuesday - go try and fix the broken instrument at (INSERT SEMICONDUCTOR OR AUTOMOTIVE COMPNY HERE). If done early enough, get ready and go out the door as Kim again. Depending on the the job, I might have to work there Wed too.
Thursday, repeat most of Mondays activities but in reverse.
Friday - In the office with two or three conference calls and doing Field Service reports, and Expense Reports.
Saturday - 6AMish on the internet playing multiplayer game called Joint Operations (combat / warfare) till around noon.

08-26-2007, 06:03 AM
I start my day with a bubble bath, always perfume and depending on where I am going, if I need to wear a bra. After wearing a bra all day, it feels good to take it off in the afternoon.


08-26-2007, 09:26 AM
M-F get up at 6:15 am, shave, shower, dress in drab other than pantyhose, go to work. S-S get up at 6:15 am (8:00 am if I’m lucky) shave, take a bath, put on hose, bra, brest forms, makeup, blouse and skirt or dress, and pumps, and enjoy the day.

08-26-2007, 09:42 AM
up at 6:15, throw on a bra and panties (if I feel like wearing nylons, I put those one too), get dressed for work. Eat small breakfast and out the door by 6:45.

Home by 3:45, get undressed, exercise in underwear, shower/bath. Throw on panties and bra, nylons, skirt and blouse and play xbox 360 till supper. eat and help out in the kitchen, spend time with my kids.

8:30 bed time for kids, alone time with wife. If no alone time with wife, do my make-up and watch TV. 10:30, slip into something for bed (lingerie/nighty) and crash...

Repeat daily.

Weekends I am in my nighty/lingerie until noon and no set pattern at all.

Angie G
08-26-2007, 11:49 AM
I work swing shifts so it varys day get up go to work come home dress -nights get up dress chang go to work come home dressed with some other thing in there her and there :hugs:

08-26-2007, 02:00 PM
My rutine dosent even include crossdressing. I pic times to do it, when my scheduel allows. Then I do it at home, when no one els is here, or I go out, when the least amount of traffic is present. And usualy I don't get close enough to realy be recaognised. I hope to get braver. I will meet a new CD friend (my first one) next month. I must dress up as cute a can be for her. And for me!