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View Full Version : Can you hide pierced earring holes?

08-12-2007, 11:38 PM
I want to get my ears pierced but I have a big problem, my parents. If they were to find out that I have pierced my ears I would be disowned and that would also have huge financial ramifications since I would be dropped from their will. They are very old fashioned. I dont want to lose my parents or what I may have coming in the event of their passing. Co-workers will also be a problem to a point. I have heard that it is possible to conceal piercings but do not know how to go about it. I have tried various things on my wifes ears but nothing has worked. Also, I know that when you do get them pierced that you have to leave in the studs for about 6 weeks before removing them. Is it possible to have a flesh colored plug put in from the get go or can you do this after maybe a week or two after they are pierced? Any ideas?

Stephenie S
08-12-2007, 11:42 PM
None at all. If your parents are going to control you to that extent I would say leave the piercings until you grow up. There will be time after you become an adult to do that.


08-13-2007, 03:06 AM
You don't have too wear studs for 6 weeks, I didn't. I just wore them at night while I slept and left them out during the day. If you want to hide the piercing then use some concealer or foundation. I never told my daughter I had pierced my ears and it took her three weeks to spot it and I was not even trying to hide them at home. If your parents have poor eyesight then they will have no chance of spotting piercings.

08-13-2007, 03:45 AM
None at all. If your parents are going to control you to that extent I would say leave the piercings until you grow up. There will be time after you become an adult to do that.


Ouch, thats a bit catty. She needs support not petty catyness. It sounds like she comes from a very traditional family. It not her fault her parents are narrow minded. Clearly her wife is accepting so be constructive not negative. Besides I'm not so sure I could take any advice from some one who does not have the courage to show herself, after all you must be out if you are transitioning!

Sheri 4242
08-13-2007, 04:07 AM
You don't have too wear studs for 6 weeks, I didn't. I just wore them at night while I slept and left them out during the day.

Sounds like your parents are a lot like my mother -- oh'hhhh the stories I could tell. That said, it is better to leave them in for 6 weeks, +/-. So the next question would be how often are you around your parents? I got my first piercings when I knew we wouldn't be seeing her for several weeks (vacation); the next piercings I just tried to stay away from her as much as possible -- and control the times when I was to be around her. Each time I worked very hard at getting a bandage cut "just right" and placed over the studs. My mother, who can put you through a Q & A worse than the Spanish Inquisition ever thought about being, asked why were the badages there. I simply said I had been to the Dr. and had some newly developing skin tags and two coffee-stained crusty patches cut/burned off. That was that!!! She never said another word about it except to remind me that my late faher had trouble with discolored skin patches and that I needed to keep on top of these!!! Even though she is spry for her age, I guess her mental accuity just isn't what it was and she never questioed me -- sort of like she was embarassed (though she said nothing) that she hadn't noticed that I had these anything that needed attention.

Part of it is vanity -- anybody in my family will tell you that my mother is the type who feels she is mentally superior to everybody -- and I do mean everybody. She is smart, but not that smart. Plus, she is very OCD, and I a certain that played into it. Then we come full circle back to vanity: she isn't the type to ever admit she was wrong -- which combined with some screwy ideas makes it important to her to at least act like she is ontop of the heap. So, my first suggestion is bandages and say, "oh the dr wanted to burn off a scaly skin patch that was developing -- or cut off a new skin tag.

Next suggestion: take em' out when you know she's going to be around and get them right back in when she leaves. The most important thing is to keep them in, along with twisting them several times a day and using cleanser. I know a lot of student athletes who use a tiny piece of fishing line since at this one school boys are not allowed to wear earrings. These young men put in an extremely small piece of the fishing line (and pull it back from the rear so that nothing shows from the front.

One problem you may run into is the "marks" they leave on the lobe when freshly taken out. To counter that, get a wet was cloth and a piece of ice and gently masage them -- the tell-tale impression in the skin should disappear quickly. I'd leave concealer off -- if any got down in the hole and it wasn't fully healed, this could help an infection form which you DEFINITELY do not want!!!!!!!

Now, in a minor hijack: what to do about the marks a bra makes??? We've got some friends who have started "dropping by" to use our pool -- and I don't swim b/c of the bra marks. If I know they are coming, I don't wear one the night before. Otherwise, it is no quick dip for me. Ironically, we've told these friends for 15 years to come swim any time they want, but they have, over the past years, only been over a couple of times -- UNTIL this summer!!! What's a girl to do??? *sigh*

Angie G
08-13-2007, 04:35 AM
QWay don't you just hold off on the ears pierced if it's going to make that much of a problem hun just use cliip-ons for now :hugs:

08-13-2007, 05:31 AM
Now, in a minor hijack: what to do about the marks a bra makes??? We've got some friends who have started "dropping by" to use our pool -- and I don't swim b/c of the bra marks. If I know they are coming, I don't wear one the night before. Otherwise, it is no quick dip for me. Ironically, we've told these friends for 15 years to come swim any time they want, but they have, over the past years, only been over a couple of times -- UNTIL this summer!!! What's a girl to do??? *sigh*

Now that depends.... Do you want your friends to use the pool and how good of friends are they. If it is yes and they are good friends then it should be no big thing to them knowing:D. On the other hand if you want the pool to your self, and they can't take it then just come out wearing your bikini and watch them run:devil:.

08-13-2007, 06:16 AM
What's a girl to do??? *sigh*

Buy a plastic dog poo from a joke shop and put in the pool somewhere highly visible :devil:

08-13-2007, 06:45 AM
Well, its easy for me to say so from here, but I suspect your making a big deal of nothing. Pierced ears are VERY common for men these days. You might get a little teasing from family or friends, but I doubt very seriously that even the most concervative folks would get too bent out of shape over it.
Having said that, yes I do know a reasonably effective way to make them less obvious. When I had mine done, I felt it was unprofessional to wear the studs to work while it healed. I got some medium gauge fishing line, warmed the end and tamped it flat, cut it about 1/4 inch long, creating an almost clear/invisible stud. It's NOT perfrect and wouldn't save you from a close inspection, but it is far less obvious than a diamond stud.

08-13-2007, 12:12 PM
Use magnetic earrings or clipons.
If a simple pair of studs are going to create that sort of problem, best to just leave it be.

08-13-2007, 01:26 PM
Now, in a minor hijack: what to do about the marks a bra makes??? We've got some friends who have started "dropping by" to use our pool -- and I don't swim b/c of the bra marks. If I know they are coming, I don't wear one the night before. Otherwise, it is no quick dip for me. Ironically, we've told these friends for 15 years to come swim any time they want, but they have, over the past years, only been over a couple of times -- UNTIL this summer!!! What's a girl to do??? *sigh*

Real simple solution here. Wear a T-Shirt using the excuse "I don't want to get a sunburn". Works wonders for me every time.


Now, about the earrings. There are plastic "tubes" you can use which are available to help keep the holes open if you MUST take the earrings out. Now, they may be visible, but to someone unless they are looking for them may very well overlook them.


08-13-2007, 06:44 PM
Hi, Debbie. I understand your desire to have your ears pierced. What I can't understand is your parents' attitude. Disowning your son just because he wants to pierce his ears is a little much! Hey, there are a lot of guys out there with pierced ears, most of 'em just wear studs, no big deal. What would your parents do if they found out you're a CDer? I can't advise you as to what to do, but, if I were in your position, I would probaly call their bluff.


08-13-2007, 06:53 PM
Debbie, you're 47 years old, and if other people's opinions mean so much to you, then I suggest you forget the piercings and stick with clip-ons. Honestly though, pierced ears aren't a big deal nowadays. :happy:

08-13-2007, 08:06 PM
I commend all of you who have made the plunge and got your ears pierced. Maybe some day for this girl. Oh well for now, laser hair removal on my chest and back is enough.


08-13-2007, 08:20 PM
I understand where you are coming from, my dad is now 90, and not very progressive. What about uning a hole punch on a bandaid. To make a round circle and use the fishline thing too. Just a thought...BJ