View Full Version : Another SO Thread

08-16-2007, 09:38 PM
I've been reading the many SO threads over time but I haven't heard this view and I was wondering if others have this experience. I have a supportive, involved SO. But more than that she is my anchor in times when the drive is almost overpowering. For me there are times when the drive to dress, explore is overpowering. Or better put the drive surpresses my better judgement. It could be I want an item that is more than the budget, even though I have 10 already, or I'm considering mones, or I'm just so focused on dressing, I run over her or, expect her to immediatly fallow what ever I suggest. At these times she keeps me centered, I can always count on her to voice her honest opinion give me good feed back and save me from myself. Besides being my best friend, and lover, beyond being supportive she is my anchor. Do others have this? How valuable is this to you?

08-17-2007, 01:42 AM
When I was in a pink cloud and developing a shopping addiction, she sent the nosiest of my daughters with me to the store so I'd stay on track. That worked out kinda OK. I ended up helping the daughter buy some clothes.

Tree GG
08-17-2007, 08:13 AM
How wonderful that you see your wife's opinions and actions in such a positive light. Instead of calling her controlling or manipulative or unreasonable or unsupporting or mean or narrow minded or restrictive. Instead of comments like in "Alice in Genderland" line stating "....free of Betsy's restrictions....", your comments are very respectful, loving and appreciative. What planet are you from? :heehee:

Stephenie S
08-17-2007, 08:33 AM
How wonderful that you see your wife's opinions and actions in such a positive light. Instead of calling her controlling or manipulative or unreasonable or unsupporting or mean or narrow minded or restrictive. Instead of comments like in "Alice in Genderland" line stating "....free of Betsy's restrictions....", your comments are very respectful, loving and appreciative. What planet are you from? :heehee:

I want to repeat what tree said and add my admiration.

What a lovely thing to say about your wife. Yes, we all should be so lucky. I am in the unique position of actually knowing the woman UBOK is married to, and I agree, she is one special person. She is a blessing, and a rare treasure.


08-17-2007, 10:02 AM
Oh Goddess yes I have that. Many have been the times when that wonderful Pink Fog has rolled into the island that is my life and I have had to rely on GlitterGG to be my anchor and keep me from going nuts spending money we didn't have on things we didn't need. I swear if it weren't for her, I'd never have any money for anything. ;)
