View Full Version : Yestarday's Makeover.

08-23-2007, 03:16 PM
I had a make over yestarday. I have made this appointment and cancilled it about a hundred times but finally went threw with it.
The girl who did the make up was named Trisha and she was very nice. I was so nervous. When I sat down in the little dentist chair thing and she put the smock thing over me I started to hear this loud tapping noise pounding out morris code,"run away! run away!" but then I realised it was my three inch heal tapping the floor because my leg was shaking. Luckily, the chair had a foot rest so I could stop the tapping.
Trisha was very nice and explained everything she was doing but I don't think I caught half of it. When she was done I looked a lot better. No more dark under my eyes and my beard was well covered but It was still kind of funny looking until I started trying on wigs. They made such a difference. The cheep $10 halloween wig I was wearing when I came in was crap. I settled on one that was very close to my natural color I looked a hundred times better than I did walking in. Mind you I still don't think I'm close to passing but I did look better. Trisha did a really good job she went for a very natural look and I really didn't look like I was wearing much make up at all. I just looked better.
I feel kind of guilty for buying the wig. It was by far the most I've ever spent on crossdressing in a single perchase. And I hadn't intended to spend that much but it was just the right wig.
So that was it. Pretty nerveracking but a good experiance.

08-23-2007, 03:18 PM

If the wig makes you feel better about your appearance, it was worth the purchase.

08-23-2007, 03:29 PM
How did you find the makeover artist, and when she was doing it did you have issues with feeling of place there? Was it a salon or someone's home?

08-23-2007, 03:29 PM
Sound like the experience alone was worth it all. Like Donna said if it improves your appearance then it was worth it. CONGRATS, if I only had that much nerve...................sighs out loud.

08-23-2007, 03:37 PM
It was just this place in Provo. It's like a beauty salon/costume shop. I would have thought that they'd be sick of me by now I'd canciled at least twice before but they were very nice about it. I asked and she said she'd never given a make over to a guy before but never once did she or any one else there make me feel like I was a wierdo for doing it. I was a bit worried about that this being Utah after all but no, everyone was very friendly and she was very helpful said if I had any questions or needed an other make over to just come back in.

Veronica Fallon
08-23-2007, 04:02 PM
Good job dear! I admire your bravery!
I'm working my way up to your level of courage, but baby-steps for me....

Enjoy your new wig- you earned it!


08-23-2007, 05:42 PM
Good work Amy. I know it isn't easy to do this kind of thing especially in Happy Valley. I bought my first wig a couple weeks ago and the ladies that helped me were very nice. They trimmed up the wig and gave me their input and totally put me at ease.


08-25-2007, 01:18 PM
So, it's been a few days since my make over and now I have to decide if I should go in and buy my own make up and try to do it myself. It did help me look a lot better but I'm worried I wont be able to do it myself and also it means spending more money on this habbit which I always feel bad about because I think every time I spend money on this it's just going down the drain when I finally quit and it makes it that much harder to quit in the end because I have more invested in it.

Veronica Fallon
08-25-2007, 01:30 PM
Quit.... why???????

08-25-2007, 01:52 PM
Reasons. Not right away, though. It'd be kind of silly to right after spending 80 bucks on a wig but I'd like to eventually.
I'm just wondering if I should invest the time money and effort it would take to be able to do make up or avoid getting that deep.

Miss Petra
08-26-2007, 02:22 AM
When I first started really getting serious about dressing a whole 5 months ago a gender friend of mine asked me what does my wife or most woman spend more money on than any other part of their body. I thought about it & my answer was their hair. I see so many CD's with expensive outfits and cheap wigs and nothing screams more than man in a dress so an $80 investment in a good wig is a good investment. There are wigs that cost twice that. I have been asked when I take the time to really brush out & style my wig is that my natural hair? Now thats a wig!!

Sheri 4242
08-26-2007, 03:44 AM
There is good reason why great wigs cost!!! Realistic look vs. some cheap-o Halloween costume. You want your hair to look natural and real -- and unfortunately that costs money. I've seen some wigs run $300-$600, but it is a case of you get what you pay for!!

I have to decide if I should go in and buy my own make up and try to do it myself. It did help me look a lot better but I'm worried I wont be able to do it myself

GG's grow up playing with makeup -- and experimenting in Jr High -- and, in time, perfect their makeup regimine -- although many constantly seem to continue to experiment and change things over the years. In the long run, I think you buy your own, emulate what the makeover artist did to you, and practice, practice, practice!!!

it means spending more money on this habbit which I always feel bad about because I think every time I spend money on this it's just going down the drain when I finally quit and it makes it that much harder to quit in the end because I have more invested in it.

Why do you think it is a "habit" that you'll end up quiting? It isn't a hobby!

08-26-2007, 11:48 AM
I too went for a makeover several years ago, everyone should for it teaches you the proper tones of makeup to buy and in the long run truly look your best. And the same goes for wigs, go and be fitted to find the best shade and fit for it makes such a difference

08-26-2007, 01:20 PM
. . . or is it crazy to have a post about a make over and not share the pics??!! LOL Just teasing!
Well, congrats and getting up the courage to go through with it! It does take a lot of courage - you have to start out with someone seeing you in boy mode, or at least with no makeup on (which is worse for me I think), so it takes more guts then just walking out the door dressed.
Maybe I'm reading into it, but doesn't sound like you were thrilled? Your not exactly gushing here. If you were not thrilled, you might want to consider trying a makeover with someone who has lots of experience or even specializes with TG's. The skills and techniques for making a GG drop dead gorgeous are not necessarily the same ones needed to make one of us look the good.

I had a make over yestarday. I have made this appointment and cancilled it about a hundred times but finally went threw with it.
The girl who did the make up was named Trisha and she was very nice. I was so nervous. When I sat down in the little dentist chair thing and she put the smock thing over me I started to hear this loud tapping noise pounding out morris code,"run away! run away!" but then I realised it was my three inch heal tapping the floor because my leg was shaking. Luckily, the chair had a foot rest so I could stop the tapping.
Trisha was very nice and explained everything she was doing but I don't think I caught half of it. When she was done I looked a lot better. No more dark under my eyes and my beard was well covered but It was still kind of funny looking until I started trying on wigs. They made such a difference. The cheep $10 halloween wig I was wearing when I came in was crap. I settled on one that was very close to my natural color I looked a hundred times better than I did walking in. Mind you I still don't think I'm close to passing but I did look better. Trisha did a really good job she went for a very natural look and I really didn't look like I was wearing much make up at all. I just looked better.
I feel kind of guilty for buying the wig. It was by far the most I've ever spent on crossdressing in a single perchase. And I hadn't intended to spend that much but it was just the right wig.
So that was it. Pretty nerveracking but a good experiance.

08-26-2007, 07:29 PM
Well, I'm not ready to post pictures besides I didn't have a camera with me. NO I was very happy with what she was able to do. My expectations weren't very high so I think she did a great job with what she had to work with. I was the most thrilled to be able to drive around and not get any double takes from anyone. Is it wierd to get excited about not being noticed? I'm afraid I'll always be conflicted so sorry but that's probably as gushy as I get.
I am going to get some make up of my own and try to do what the make up artist did. Wish me luck.
I'd rather not get into the arguement that it's not a hobby if that's okay. If that's the way I want to look at it and it makes me feel better about doing it than that's my own porogative.

08-26-2007, 07:34 PM
No it's not just you Kimberly! I want to see! But alas Amy is not ready to show her face and we understand that. But it is a good story and I am glad she shared it with us.

Alice B
08-26-2007, 07:43 PM
That's great that you did it. I want to do the same and have had this week set aside for a month, but the woman that was recommended has not returned calls or e-mails. I'm very frustrated as I wanted to do it tomorrow and then go our for the first time. Send pictures of how your results look.:hugs:

08-26-2007, 07:45 PM
Very cool! This is one of my dreams. Maybe sonme day.

You and all the other girls here that have done make overs rock!

My heels are off to you all!


08-27-2007, 12:59 AM
..but as you know, I understand. (NOT that I understand myself mind you, but I understand feeling conflicted.)

I think we all think of what we do in different ways, and one man or woman's denial is another's truth. If any perspective unique to you helps make your hobby enjoyable to you with a measure of peace then that is well.

08-27-2007, 05:08 AM
If you think you spent a lot on the wig. Wait until you see what it cost you for therapy, for when you quit your hobby. I am real glad you made it to the makeover. I have wanted to do one for a long time. good for you gurl.

08-27-2007, 08:38 AM
just as important as the makeover is the fact that you did it! You were accepted for who you are and it must have been great for your self confidence! well done


08-27-2007, 08:55 AM
I too can understand where you are coming from. Why. Justify the expense. The feelings. Hobby/indulgence. If I'm not living this full time, why spend all that money????? Why have 2 wardrobes????

Question? Do you feel that feeling of waste before or after you dress? CD'ing raises a lot of issues besides just why we do it and how it affects those around us.

It all comes down to where we are at the time. We are all the colours of the rainbow, in lots of different levels of indulgence (get a bite on that one will I?), crikey, we accept that we we all have different sexual orientation as well.

If you feel that you are wasting your money, then maybe you are. If you get dressed and you feel great and it fills your inner needs (whether or not you think you look great) - isn't that money well spent????????????????? It's funny how for some of us the desire ceases as soon as it is filled and for others it just stays and stays and stays. Go with what feels good for you honey. $80 for a great wig - excellent investment (in my eyes, how about yours?)

Besides, congratulations on getting your makeover, I know that takes real courage the first time.

08-27-2007, 11:08 AM
Thanks for all of your encouragement. Kind of both PortiaHoney. Different thoughts are always running threw my head about it. I know this might sound a little stupid but right now I'm okay with being conflicked. I know that's kind of a contradiction in terms but that's how I feel about it. I'm never going to be completely fine with all this and I'll always want to quit. But at the same time my wig looks awesome and it took a lot of guts to go threw with the make over so, yeah, I'm kind of proud of that. So I'm not going to try to justify the two any more I feel both ways about it and to deny the fact that I don't like it would be just as bad as to deny the fact that I do. (Have I lost any one, yet?)
So, yeah to me this is a hobby and I'm sorry if that upsets any one if I see it that way. And I do still hope to quit eventually, and that I'm not sorry about. I can quit if I want to so:tongueout On the other hand I'm going to try real hard to enjoy my hobby while it lasts.

08-27-2007, 06:42 PM
Sounds like you enjoyed your first make over. I know I did. I hope you enjoy your hobby for a long time. Buying your own makeup will not be a waste of money. Have fun and practice, practice, practice!!! If you decide to quit thats OK too.



08-28-2007, 01:25 PM
I wasn't sure if I should continue on this thread or start a new one but oh well I'll just keep this one. I gave it a shot this morning and really I don't think I did to bad. A little sloppier than what the girl at the salon did but, still, I think it was pretty successful. Then I washed it all off and went to work. Exciting story I know.