View Full Version : for the "GM"S

Wendy me
08-28-2007, 11:25 AM
Hey girls /guys or hell hi ..... what's the toughest part abought being a guy in every day life .....??? and no i can't dress the way i want leveeing "HER" aside ..... what's the toughest part of being a guy every day ??? "GM'S OLNY"......

Marla S
08-28-2007, 12:57 PM
Good question ! And a tough one.

Hmmm ???????
Besides anything that has to do with male hair growth :Angry3:
I think it is what once was called male chauvinism, and/or machismo. In a latent way it is always there when two guys meet and it is still widely spread all over the society.

This boys talks are just annoying and I can't identify with it ... but It's hard to find guys that are not on that track, and those that aren't are usually plain boring or inhibited.
(There seems to be a considerable lack of ways for self expression on the male side of life)

Female chauvinism is any better, but I think it is not so widely spread.

08-28-2007, 01:31 PM
I have trouble dealing with men, In my psyche, I feel inferior to them. I am much more at ease around women. Being the boss of lumber yard, and dealing with the guys was always a challenge, the off color jokes, the language and the very physically demanding work. As the boss, I had to be this tough guy, able to swear with the guys and so on....Every day I put on an act at work.

Secondly, being the boy with 4 sisters was not fun....I did the yard work and the scuzzy jobs because I was the guy, and guys did that stuff. painting the house, re-roofing the house and so on even though I was afraid of heights, all while my sisters did sweet little

I do not know if I answered your question, if I am out to lunch here...just delete my post.

08-28-2007, 03:14 PM
Scaared to get all dressed up and go out, than get laugh at.

08-28-2007, 03:28 PM
Seriously. Balls suck.

I am not kidding here.

The damn things are so sensitive to every freakin' thing!

It is as if God took all the emotional sensativity he gave women and concentrated it in one area of our bodies!! What the crap???

Who needs external genitalia!!! OUCH!

Sometimes, I wonder about nature and what the plan really was.

#2 would have to be shaving.

Facial hair sucks. WTF was the thinking behind that??


Kate Simmons
08-28-2007, 03:47 PM
Gee, that is a tough one Wendy. Lessee, down side, down side. I dunno, I don't see any really. Except maybe the fact that I'm expected to shave every day and don't have to be a fashion plate. Lotta dumb stuff to do around the house and running for stuff. Occassional part time work.Other than that, I pretty much have it made as a guy. So, why exactly do I want to emulate a woman? That's probably an imponderable I'll never figure out.:rolleyes::p

Sweet Jane
08-28-2007, 03:48 PM
Hey girls /guys or hell hi ..... what's the toughest part abought being a guy in every day life .....??? leveeing "HER" aside .......

on reflection the only things I dislike about my gender are those things which make "altering my gender" difficult. If I remove those from the equation, I think being a guy is sweet......yeah, guys without my duality have the life!!!!!

08-28-2007, 03:55 PM
No offense anyone but MEN ARE PIGS!:tongueout

Emily Ann Brown
08-28-2007, 04:03 PM
Seconds to what Priscilla said !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Emily Ann

Deborah Jane
08-28-2007, 04:04 PM
No offense anyone but MEN ARE PIGS!:tongueout


08-28-2007, 04:20 PM
Having reflected on my first answer...I realized you really deserve a deeper response...although having balls does suck occasionally...no pun intended.

I guess I would have to say that we have to conform to a tougher social image.

We are expected to be something stereotypical all of the time. We are held to a certain standard that GGs are not. A GG can wear pants, jeans, overalls, whatever...and this is cool. But we are expect to avoid certain colors, certain fabrics...I mean, if I showed up wearing a satin and chiffon suit (how huge) I would be laughed out of the building!!! Women have so much more freedom to express themselves...and be comfortable. (Now, I know many GGs will tell me that their undergarments are not comfortable...and *I* of all people would know this (see my first response)...)

It has to be the expectations that are put upon us by society. If we cry, or express emotions in any non-excepted way, we are labled gay. If we wear clothing that is even slightly fem, we are labeled gay.

Now, I can say this...we do have some upsides too. Many people, unfortuately, find a male more reassuring in times of crissis than they do females. Many people find a male more trustworthy (no idea why, many men are simply con-artists) than women.

It all goes back to social misnomers.

I really think we, as CDs sort of have it easy...we have the excuse of being TG to do what we feel. Many "normal" guys have to maintain appearances, even to themselves...ack!!!


Tina Dixon
08-28-2007, 05:07 PM
Damn, I really don't have a answer to this one, some times every day is a challenge know matter who or what you are, but if I need to give reason may be it's all ways being the strong one like in decisions when things aren't going good instead of just breaking down and crying.

Julie York
08-28-2007, 05:26 PM
As a believer in past lives.....it is just too painful to go into the Titanic thing.


Phoebe Reece
08-28-2007, 05:37 PM
I think that as a guy I am expected to have all the answers, no matter what the question or problem.

08-28-2007, 06:46 PM
As satin stated, it is the massive amount of expectations that are placed upon our shoulders.

We are required to be the bread winners in the household (all be that many women work as well, its just expected that a man do so), we are required to be strong, if something breaks or goes wrong, we are required to fix it, if a relationship fails, the perception is that it is mostly the males fault, we are required to put on a facade of toughness when out with other males, we can not cry or show emotion, etc.

I have found it very difficult to live up to the so called male standards of society. The stereotypes drive me up the wall.

I no longer care what others think of me anymore, but a lot of those responsibilities are still there. For now, I am content living my life how I choose, and not have it dictated to me by some societal garbage.

Roberta Lynn
08-28-2007, 06:59 PM
Back just out of high school I was eligible for the draft during the Vietnam war. That's such a great guy privilege.

My real problem is that my emotions have always been just below the surface. Growing up It was always a struggle to keep them buried. You know boys don't cry.

Marcie Sexton
08-28-2007, 07:06 PM
The GM persona...

Gotta be strong, non emotional, & ballsie< excuse the pun >, and yea to go along with the latter sometimes being a prick...Or so I've been told

Karren H
08-28-2007, 07:07 PM
There's nothing tough about being a guy... it's so easy a caveman can do it! :D


Veronica 1
08-28-2007, 07:13 PM
The hardest thing that I find is that men are not supposed to show emotion, and the fact that we do have a prescribed clothing standard. If we fail in either aspect, we are often ridiculed by the male chauvanistic pigs out there.

08-28-2007, 07:18 PM
The whole men being the main provider thing, That really sucks, I am just killing myself just to try and support my house and family. If it wasn't for those pressures the rest of life would be pretty simple.

08-28-2007, 07:20 PM
There's nothing tough about being a guy... it's so easy a caveman can do it! :D

What she said.

Really, I haven't found anything that makes me regret being a guy, all my trans issues aside.

Maybe if there was something I was expected to be able to do, as a guy, and couldn't, then I have a different answer for you. So far I've had no problems being a guy.

christina marie
08-28-2007, 07:31 PM
none whatsoever! being a guy is easy, can wear whatever,say whatever, whistle at a pretty girl(construction worker, have a bad reputation to maintain), pretty much any behavior excused by the just a guy, doesnt know any better thingy. now being a girl,that is hard work!

08-28-2007, 07:34 PM
I really think I'm two different people.
I like being a guy. Bread winner, decision maker, handyman, father, etc.... these are all blessings from above.
I also love being Megan, the softness, the girlie stiff - the pampering, the make-up, hair, the FASHIONS!! :heehee: ....and the shoes...don't forget the shoes!! :devil:
20 years ago I'm sure I would have answered much differently. But having battled my personal demons, I'm now comfortable with who I am either "Drab or Fab".

08-28-2007, 07:36 PM
Hardest part about being a "man" (don't really consider myself one) is the people expecting me to be and act like one.
Women especially.

I hear a lot of people talk and the vast majority of people I run into fall into the stereotypical role. It sickens me. I have been told by everyone for a long time that I look and act feminine, and I do, but it becomes a problem when people try to force their image of what I should be on to me.

I guess they don't know how to react to the way I am so they force masculine descriptors on to me like "man" and "sir", and my mom goes out of her way to call me boy or dude instead of my name or something else. it really ticks me off because it's almost an indirect way of saying she doesn't approve of what I do, when on the surface she appears to accept. Seems two-faced.

I guess the hardest part is the seemingly built-in expectations society lays down for everyone to follow, and it seems like society is trying to reprogram me.
I don't think women have this problem.

08-28-2007, 08:05 PM
Its gotta be the facial hair. I hate it. Whether I am drab or dressed. I just hate having to shave. Everything else is fine. I don't really mind any other aspect of being a guy.


08-28-2007, 08:09 PM
for me, it's dealing with men, I'm just not forceful enought to be a man *^_^* nor could I ever try to bluff my way out of anything. I feel soo defeated every time I try to talk to anyone really soo hard to talk to people when you have a learning disabilty. and now I'm rambling... ya I just can't understand men.


08-28-2007, 08:46 PM
A good question for this fourm. The toughest thing for me, is dealing with the expectations and attemps to force me to live to a societal ideal of what is male, when I no longer belive in it. Know that my understanding of what it is to be male no longer conforms to my communties expectations and living with their attempts to make me fit the mold. The toughest part being male WAS playing a role I didn't believe in to be accepted reguardless of the cost to me.

Amy Sue
08-28-2007, 08:55 PM
For me it's definately the shaving. I hate the prickly feeling in the morning and the feeling of the razor as it scrapes along my face. I often look at GG's and wonder if they realize how lucky they are they don't have to shave their face.

Amy :)

08-28-2007, 09:10 PM
For me, its the traditional view society has that men must be the pursuer when looking for a mate. I hate it. I hate how nervous it makes me to think about asking someone out, then thinking about how I might get rejected. It would be so much easier if girls just came and asked me out instead.

Other than that, I like it. I like being the guy everyone comes to for advice, because he has a good head on his shoulders. I like doing the heavy lifting, as it impresses the ladies. I like all that stuff, but the pressures can get to be a bit much. All the expectations. But like I said, the biggest thing I hate is having to be the pursuer.

08-28-2007, 09:24 PM
The sense of self and identity being so tied into what ever I happen to do to put bread on the table. It is such a strong bio-drive for me, that If I am doing a crap job that I hate, I somehow Identify myself as being that thing and defending it in my mind as being much more noble than, just what I do to earn some pin money. Example: you should have heard me when I was young and single and actually proud of what I did and how well I did it. The job? Bill Collector!...I kid you not.

08-28-2007, 09:35 PM
It is the expectations of how men should look and act. Last night I was at my sister-in-laws house. Her husband notice my shaved legs and I asked if I shaved my legs in front of everyone. I said I keep the hair trimmed off my legs. Then I got a comment about he was worried about me, my hair is longer than my wifes and my legs are shaved. I tried to move the conversation off the subject since I only dress in private. Why do I have to fit the macho hairy guy image and why do guys feel the need to criticize other guys because they don't fit the macho guy image. I kind feel like I am back in grade school being teased by the other kids.

Juanita O
08-28-2007, 10:04 PM
I grew up with a father that made fun of me if i showed any emotion at all. So i learned to not show any emotion. Some times i hate being a guy but it also has its avantages. my guy self and juanita are allway in a struggle to see who is the boss. Oh by the waY I hate shaving also, it is a royal pain in the face.

08-28-2007, 10:14 PM
I would have told him to F-Off and mind his own business. His comment was completely uncalled for and insulting. I would have made sure that he understood that. This is the type of male that I have a complete disdain for.

It is the expectations of how men should look and act. Last night I was at my sister-in-laws house. Her husband notice my shaved legs and I asked if I shaved my legs in front of everyone. I said I keep the hair trimmed off my legs. Then I got a comment about he was worried about me, my hair is longer than my wifes and my legs are shaved. I tried to move the conversation off the subject since I only dress in private. Why do I have to fit the macho hairy guy image and why do guys feel the need to criticize other guys because they don't fit the macho guy image. I kind feel like I am back in grade school being teased by the other kids.

08-28-2007, 10:16 PM
You should have also told her that pantyhose feel better on shaved legs. That would have shut the idiot up!

I would have told him to F-Off and mind his own business. His comment was completely uncalled for and insulting. I would have made sure that he understood that. This is the type of male that I have a complete disdain for.

08-28-2007, 10:21 PM
I agree with Karren. It is not tough being a male! What is tough is being a male who like also to be a lady. That is tough! One body, two persona!! That is me!! Both of us!:love:


More Girl than man sometimes.

Jocelyn Quivers
08-28-2007, 10:24 PM
Not being able to show emotion. Always having to act like a tough guy macho guy. The pain in the butt of shaving my face daily. Jocelyn

08-29-2007, 02:35 AM
The stress of being the provider, the problem solver and the punch bag when others don't get what they want. Men get the blame for everything and we are told that being men we have to "take it like a man", allowing others to offload on you but holding everything back inside.

You know, there never used to be any difference in the life expectancy of men and women, they were exactly the same. Now there is a huge disparity. These days men are dropping like flies due to stress related diseases. Men are four times more likely to commit suicide than women. I have known two friends, both in their thirties, who committed suicide due to the stress of living up to the expectation of a man. Neither of them gave off any warning signs, both lost their business, one in a divorce settlement, and felt they had been devalued as men and were worthless.

Male conditioning is the biggest BS there is. It turns sweet, caring, loving boys into loud, arrogant, bullies or cold, calculating money crunchers, or a mixture of both! And some people think this is a good thing, that this conditioning makes them more desirable, Geessh.....

Leah B
08-29-2007, 07:18 AM
I guess the hardest part is the seemingly built-in expectations society lays down for everyone to follow, and it seems like society is trying to reprogram me.
I don't think women have this problem.

They do. Ask a woman. Any one of 'em. Feminism has made everyone aware of the problems women face. Unfortunately, it has also made it taboo to complain about being a man.

Having to be tough, take the initiative in dating, be leaders, etc., is a PRIVILEGE, we're told, but that's a crock of S***. For me one of the toughest things about being a man is that we're supposed to enjoy everything about it. It's taken for granted by most people that we're lucky to be men, and that we'd be crazy to abandon that.

I certainly don't think women have it easy. But I do think they most take their plusses for granted.

08-29-2007, 05:46 PM
They do. Ask a woman. Any one of 'em. Feminism has made everyone aware of the problems women face. Unfortunately, it has also made it taboo to complain about being a man.

What I meant was there is not a strict guideline for the female gender. They can do and act and dress however they want and nobody cares, and everyone still wants them.

It doesn't seem to me society programs women, but women are programming society. Women don't have any problems that men don't have aside from PMS, but then again, that's only an opinion being that a problem for some is a gift for others. Your view may be the complete opposite of mine and still be true.

08-29-2007, 06:17 PM
Ya, know i really don't worry about them. I am transgendered, have been a girl all my life, just have the wrong equipment. The hardest thing really is the thought process of a woman, i.e. OBSESSIVE COMPULSIVE TO THE MAX, VERY DETAIL ORIENTED, DON'T STOP UNTIL IT IS DONE. You know the thing that drives most husbnands crazy about their wive's.... that is me. And yes i will get up in the middle of the night and clean house if i know something is out of place
Hope you all understand

susie evans
08-29-2007, 06:26 PM
men are simple creatures just like my wifes grandmother said they are like old dogs you keep them fed and breed and they come back home every night :hugs:


08-29-2007, 06:38 PM
The never ending responsibilities that are assumed you will take care of because you are a guy, but over which you have no control or input.

On the lighter side, perhaps I should find for one of those cavemen for whom it is so easy...

08-29-2007, 06:49 PM
let's see,,,, Besides breaking ones back to make a buck you have to come home and break your back to keep the house yard car dog cat and wife happy and working good. then you have what the others said . expected to be macho and the whole sensitivity thing, along with the pigs. other then all of that not much to complain about. Well except the bad grammar and spelling. you know it's bad when you misspell grammar thanks spell check.I hope in some odd way this answers your question.

08-29-2007, 07:02 PM
Life has it's ups and downs no matter what your sex is. My dad was a heavy drinker and gambler. I don't think he dealt with life very well at all. In turn, my mom raised us (6) on her own. Always working overtime to put food on the table and pay the rent.

I'm such a ditz... kinda lost track of where I was going. Wendy, very stimulating thread. Really made me think.

Anyway...got a date tonight. Yes, with a guy:devil:


renee k
08-29-2007, 07:04 PM
There's nothing tough about being a guy... it's so easy a caveman can do it! :D

Karren, Can't help but say, you stated it perfectly!


08-29-2007, 07:42 PM
Being a GM would be a lot easier if I didnt have this softer side, but I think I would work just as hard if I was a GG


Rachel Morley
08-29-2007, 09:15 PM
For me, what I hate most about being a man is the social hierarchy that's involved amongst other men. Any perceived weakness is bad. It's just like being in the animal kingdom and who is the leader of the pack. You gain respect with other men depending on how tough you look or are, and whether it looks like you can kick someone's a$$ or not. You can also gain respect if you have a lot of money or if you have an attractive girlfriend or wife. There are even "rules" about where you stand when you go into a public restroom to take a pee ... that's one of the reasons (but not the only reason) why I always go into a cubical and sit down. :D

08-29-2007, 11:23 PM
If I can get away with ths answer, it would have to be the double standard that's set out there for us. A Girl can join the Military. A Girl can petition to get into an all male college and win. A girl can wear whatever she wants or do any job she wants now. Nobody thinks twice about seeing a female mechanic anymore. They can be tough and sensitive. Yet, if we decide to wear a cute bracelet, or own that one pretty comforter, apply to an all girls school, or even cry (other than being drunk, kicked in the groin, or SO leaving us), we're looked at as weird or perverted or gay. to me, it's this double standard that makes it hard being a guy. I've heard the only place that doesn't have this double standard is Thiland. That It! I'm moving to Thiland!! :tongueout Any followers welcome!! :hugs:

08-30-2007, 12:34 AM
1. We're expected to know everything. I notice in the office that the girls ask each other questions only when they know the other girl will know the answer. They pester me all the time. :rolleyes:

2. We can't cry. My dearest friends are ones that I can talk to with tears streaming down my face. :sad:

3. We can't be passive. I would love it if I could sit in a coffee shop, by myself, and a girl would come up and flirt with me. :straightface: Well, actually, that's how I met my gf. :luvu:

chrissie :happy:

08-30-2007, 12:42 AM
Actually men are boring. They just stand around and like to show off their masculinity. Talk down to their wives and girlfriends, are coarse and uncouth, think they are gods gift to women and think they know everything there is to .
know. Also, all they talk about is sports. BORING.
Would rather spend the afternoon with a bunch of women. They are easier to talk to, have more fun and are infinitely more enjoyable to be with.

Chantelle CD
08-30-2007, 02:48 AM
Keeping a woman happy financially when you have a bad back, other than that being a guy, is a piece o cake. BEEEERRRP PFFFFFFT HAHAHA that was a good one!!!!

Darla in Pa.
08-30-2007, 04:55 PM
Facial Hair, is for sure the worse part. but crying is pretty close I can be hurt bad and never shed a tear, but a sad story or situation I break down My father would always say what is wrong with you crying like that! Maybe i should have just got a big club and go kill something. I just hate to be crude because that is what is expected of Society.

Joy Carter
08-30-2007, 05:18 PM
The one thing to me that I hate is the constant competition, and unwillingness of most males, to show a little heart when dealing with others.

What I like about being a male, is that I can support my family and keep them comfortable and safe. I get rewarded by the love we share.

08-30-2007, 05:28 PM
leveeing "HER" aside

I'm assuming you mean leaving ;) In which case you're brushing aside the issue of being transgender which seems a bit odd on a forum like this.

08-30-2007, 05:33 PM
Hey girls /guys or hell hi ..... what's the toughest part abought being a guy in every day life .....??? and no i can't dress the way i want leveeing "HER" aside ..... what's the toughest part of being a guy every day ??? "GM'S OLNY"......

The hardest part? Trying to live up to what society thinks a man should act like while knowing I'm not that.
Trying to not act like I feel on the inside. Does that make sense?
Only one person I work with knows my femme side, and although I do things like paint my toenails and were clothes that could pass either way, nobody knows Whitney.
I feel her inside, but I can't let that side show in my mannerisms while being "a guy".

08-30-2007, 08:33 PM
Not being able to talk about fashions or the good time I had last weekend! A good chunk of my life now is "Sally Time" and that is off limits for almost everyone I know. Just my T-girl friends and wife and daughter. It is really hard when I think of something and go to say "Hey, you wouldn't beleive the deal I got on a silk dress at the thrift store this weekend". They just wouldn't understand. :rolleyes:

08-30-2007, 09:31 PM
The hardest part for me, is having real boobs. What was once 38C, now looks like it might be 40 D. Tight t-shirts are not in my wardrobe....BJ

Kelly Greene
08-30-2007, 09:45 PM
One of the hardest things about being a G/M is that there is a need to sepeuate the male and female side. If friends or cowrokers see you as less male then they are you are open to ridicule, when words are used to hurt someone you have to look at it and say it’s just wrods. When the reality is that a word can hurt just as much as a fist, I try not to play the game of taking pot shots at others but that only leaves me open to attack, because I am an easy target. The menute I show that I have feelings, the “ Manley Men”
Have a little lite of in their head that says “ I have to zing him so that he knows that I am his better”.
The hardist thing about being a G/M is that I have fellings that I have to hide inorder to survive in a “Mans” world.