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Wendy me
03-22-2005, 11:06 AM
hi girlfreinds ok lets look at crossdressing and not just your clouthing ........
i know ......wendy whats up crossderssing with out your pretty fem . clouthing ???????????????it can't be done .......or can it????? ok we all get the dressing make up and rings and things ......and clouthing we love and some we don't (the gaff thingy) .weather you pass on the outside or not
weather you are out and abought or you have that small privent stash put far away from any one to find ..........yes in all forms it's good .......just what makes you happy ..........a good thing ................

ok now your dressed eather all glamed out or just a veary dear pair of pantys..............are you done now ???????? no your not we tend to dress and fuss over this girlfreind of ours and over look one thing ....................
as we get ready we can watch "him" fade away and her come out .........
hold on now your missing something ..........what make up ? no shoes ? no
clouthing ? no

give up ???????????? me too ....no waite this my thread ok yes thats it .......
are you crossdressing you mind ??????wendy your mad as well off your rocker
.....ok as i see it we all got at least two people some more in us ................

you see i thought and even posted parts of this before ......last night i was chatting abought this with a sister that we all love .........

as mutch as we want to be our girly side over there covered in make up and fem thingys is "him".....and his mind is going all the time too. as i go through thearpy .....we are looking at a balance .......a common ground if you think of this in that way .........see we are two people in one boady with diffrent intrests ......not a marrage made in heven......

so now "he" is not going away any time soon ..........and wendy is like here to stay....still there?????????good almost done.........well i have found out that i need to not only dress wendy .....my thoughts and mind set also need to be wendy.........and need to hold on to some of "him" for the balance thingy ......"he" is strong and we need to do a little leaning on "him"........

still reading thanks now the closer ......as we develope this bound we also need to have "him" get a little wendy in "him" as well makes "him" and her play nice to gether ..........and softens the two of you out a blance a understanding .............

so when you get ready next time you dress ........try to cross dress your mind as well . this is as mutch abought crossdressing as putting on your girly things..........oh do i got this down yet sometimes i do and sometimes i don't
a lot of work but i need to do it ........or for me i am a guy in womans clouthing .....................
your thoughts???????????do you change your thinking and mind when you dress and not it make me feel sexey or i get off on it you know how your mind set is ..........

03-22-2005, 11:37 AM

I think to some extent I do change mentally from “him” to Richelle as I get dressed. I know that if I make a mistake or talk to myself, I mentally address my self as Richelle. For example I think, “that was dumb Richelle”.

Another small mental change is if a guy and I are heading for the same door, I will slow down a little so that he can be a gentleman and hold the door open for the Lady I am.


03-22-2005, 02:07 PM
Nope, not me Wendy. I'm just one person, fully integrated. No conflict in the mind.

Wendy me
03-22-2005, 02:13 PM
Nope, not me Wendy. I'm just one person, fully integrated. No conflict in the mind.

donna i sit in awar of you i realy do just one of you in there ??????? we need to like chatt . no realy only one of you is like so easy ........just right. me and manny outhers have our own conflicts ......from with in and need to work at it .......

was that allways that way or did you like get to be just one ??????
veary intersting .........

03-22-2005, 02:22 PM
The most difficult thing for me is to supress more of him so that I can be more in balance.He is very scary,I think I am making progress and my thoughts are more peaceful now than they were several months ago.So,yes I do crossdress my mind also.

Love and Hugs,

03-22-2005, 03:06 PM
was that allways that way or did you like get to be just one ??????
veary intersting .........

I reckon I was always this way. I've never thought that this was something to be ashamed of, or need to purge myself of. Just part of the whole me. What makes me, me :D

Wendy me
03-22-2005, 03:15 PM
donna not like ashamed of who i am .........purge thingy well lets just say i have a hard time getting fid of a pair of run fulled hose.........and once a gain your just well donna that is just way cool .......some day maybe..........just right now a wendy side and a 'HIM' side just kinda works well sometimes.....i think ...........

03-22-2005, 03:22 PM
I guess I am one of the lucky few, who's male side has so many feminine qualities already, and who's mindset seems to be a mix of both worlds as well. I think a lot of the conflict comes because of how we, growing up, were taught "this is how a guy/girl should be", yet, not given really a good teaching of "this is how a human should be" -- Why can't we be combine the best of both worlds? Might it help us interact and understand others better? Help create peace?

If you look at it, finding the center, or the equilibrium of your two halves, is much like finding a peace within yourself. We only see a conflict based upon what society has deemed "acceptable" in the areas of dress, actions, and speaking.

Strive to find the best of both worlds, and take care dear friends. :)



03-22-2005, 03:23 PM
Nope, not me Wendy. I'm just one person, fully integrated. No conflict in the mind.

This is the same for me. I am only one person, I am Amelie.

Wait a second, I am not always Amelie. Sometimes I am Babette.

Hold it,, I forgot, sometimes I am also Brigette.

So, I was wrong, I am many different people.

03-22-2005, 07:14 PM
It's a good thread Wendy and I know exactly what you're saying! :eek: :p
In a way I've always had this Sharon side of me, although it wasn't always apparent to those who didn't know me well. I also have no difficulties in being a man when I need to express those qualities most commonly attributed to masculinity. I think this is the main reason I was always successful as a manager in my past career. I could be tough when the occasion called for it, but I was never afraid to show the softer side of me either.
To those I have disclosed my secret to, it has always been a surprise, but when they reflected on things, they realized that there was this "feminine" personality also. I just never get too carried away trying to sell myself in either role.
I'm just who I am, and I am me.

03-22-2005, 08:45 PM
For me there are two sides of me for sure. I have found it very hard to combine them. As I still live out side as him. So April only shows when I am home. I grew up in a very rural location and live in one now. I also have a very manly job and body. (I am a logger and truck driver by trade) I find it hard to make them mesh together. But, yes, when I dress I must set my mind as well. I by no means have it mastered. :mad:

Kisses, April

03-22-2005, 10:42 PM
Wendy I understand what you mean!! Kadence has always been a part of me, Both of these parts make the whole me. It wasn't until recently that I have discovered or chose to acknowledge that these feminine qualities came from Kadence. As my wife says that is where my sensitive, loving, and compassionate side comes from. Definitely not from "him", but I have certainly enjoyed opening up and letting Kadence at times take over. I just wish I had a chance to let her dictate things more often.

I still have trouble letting go of "him" on occasion, when dressed, but I also have found that I am feeling more confident about showing my more feminine qualities to those outside of my close family and friends. I have become more content with who I am. Thanks to both parts!!