View Full Version : Adams apple

Amy Angel
09-06-2007, 01:45 PM

I have been cursed with a long neck and a sticky-outie adams apple. I have been afraid to go out because the adams apple is a dead giveaway. Other than a turtleneck (which seems out of place in the summer), are there any other good methods of camoflauge?

Much appreciated,


Kieron Andrew
09-06-2007, 01:47 PM
neck scarf

09-06-2007, 02:08 PM
Surrender to it. You will be seen as a man in a dress by those who do not have the imagination or courage to see your feminine radiance.

Play for yourself and radiate for those who are willing to receive your beauty....carry a big purse for the occasional jerk.

I think I look pretty good, most days....yet no one ever truly sees me as a woman...they do see that I am well put together and a happy and interesting person....that's what matters to decent people.

:rose: Roberta :rose:

09-06-2007, 02:09 PM
Try a choker.

09-06-2007, 02:19 PM
IN my younger (and skinnier) days I felt geekish with my slender neck and prominent adams apple. I didn't like it as a male, and I wasn't even contemplating dressing up and going anywhere so I really understand how self conscious you feel. As I went up with the addition of chinnage to a 15 1/2 neck, it receded a bit.

Now that I am rapidly losing weight to fit into cuter lines of clothing, I worry that it will be so noticeable again. I am now nearly 30 lbs lighter and skinny enough for my teenager to comment that "Dad is looking kind of scrawny these days". I notice it more in the mirror but recently realized from looking at pics in natural poses that it is at its most noticeable at exactly the angle I hold my neck to look at myself in the mirror. Try holding a hand mirror and adjusting it to see yourself rather than adjusting yourself to see in the mirror and maybe it will seem a little less onerous. I found that chin up high or low emphasizes it but in a slight downward angle it was slightly lessened (Or so I thought and remember that perception IS reality when it comes to self image)

There are some make-up tricks with shading, but I don't have any experience trying that and that would manly work from one angle with static light source, (ie a picture session) not out and about.

09-06-2007, 02:53 PM
I have heard you can use makeup and shading techniques that help from hide it from a distance. Scarves and turtlenecks ( they make sleeveless turtlenecks too)also you can try chokers.

09-06-2007, 04:20 PM
Hide it with a pretty scarf? The only problem I see with that solution or a chocker, is that you are kind of drawing the eyes to that area of your body.

Maybe one in a thousand might ask: "OK, she's always wearing something around her neck, what is she trying to hide?" But, that's not a super likelihood.

Peace and Love, Joanie