View Full Version : Who from Forum Attended SCC 2007?

09-17-2007, 12:27 PM
I just returned from my first SCC. I was told it would be a memorable experience. It really was and I am glad I went. Are there others of you who went this year? I met a lot of new people, but was not sure if they were some of the members of this forum. Please identify yourself and a favorite picture from the time you were there. Here is mine.

Donna Kaye Simms

09-17-2007, 12:49 PM
I saw at least 2 others besides my self. JoAnn was one.

Eight of us from IXE drove down Tuesday.


09-17-2007, 03:10 PM
I was there, but don't have any pics to post just yet. :D

I'm sorry I didn't get to meet you personally, Donna, though I do recall seeing you there.

I was fortuante to spend a fair amount of time with several members here, including Roberta Lynn, Joanne and Randi (32869). I also met Kandi and Davida, and their lovely wives. I hope several of my other new friends from SCC will be joining us here as well. :D

Deidra Cowen
09-17-2007, 06:40 PM
I was there from Thursday around lunch till about 5am Sunday Morning :tongueout

Had a really great time...here is my fav pic since I think its the best one of me, plus its with two of my Tgirl friends that I really don't get to hang with as much as I used to. One has gone on to living Fulltime the other can't dress as much due to Realtime stuff. But we still are great friends, and picked up right where we last left off during this SCC.

By the way...made a goal to really work hard on earning some more bucks and also saving money so I can go to some outta town conferences this coming year. Maybe like that big one I hear about in Chicago!

09-17-2007, 09:35 PM
I did.


09-17-2007, 09:42 PM
Hey Donna!!!

Had fun chatting with you and love that new wig!! Do blonds really have more fun???


Phoebe Reece
09-17-2007, 09:52 PM
I was at SCC and enjoyed seeing a number of girls from this forum there. It's hard to say which is my favorite picture, but this is one I kind of like. (That's my SCC registration card hanging around my neck)

09-17-2007, 11:48 PM
Hi Deidra,

Was really nice meeting you at SCC (I met you at the bar .. I was the new girl in pink along w/ Rachel). Great to finally meet some of you girls there! Looking forward to getting more active in the community in Hotlanta.

* note: Girls please practice caution when out and about in clubs, etc. later that same night I had an 'admirer' slip GHB (date-rape drug) into my drink (almost passed out at the club). :( Luckily, I was with a group of girls and one of them figured out what happened and got me ouf of there. Just a reminder to practice caution.


Deidra Cowen
09-18-2007, 06:15 PM
Hi Deidra,

Was really nice meeting you at SCC (I met you at the bar .. I was the new girl in pink along w/ Rachel). Great to finally meet some of you girls there! Looking forward to getting more active in the community in Hotlanta.

* note: Girls please practice caution when out and about in clubs, etc. later that same night I had an 'admirer' slip GHB (date-rape drug) into my drink (almost passed out at the club). :( Luckily, I was with a group of girls and one of them figured out what happened and got me ouf of there. Just a reminder to practice caution.


I enjoyed meeting you too there in the bar...you looked very beautiful in the pink dress btw! Hey if you could PM me about the GHB incident...something like that happened a couple of weeks ago at Twinkledome.

09-18-2007, 07:59 PM
I haven't resized any pictures yet, but my avitar is from SCC.

09-18-2007, 08:59 PM
I went. It was my first SCC also. Yes it was wonderful. Did you attend any of the seminars? I went to as many as I can. I presented (real name Thora Lars, Look me up in your program.) one seminar. I ate waaaaay too much. I'm already saving up my pennies and writing a querie for next year.

Lori SC
09-18-2007, 09:08 PM
Hi Donna,

It was great to meet you at SCC! (As well as all you other girls).

Here's a picture of Phoebe and me at Twinkledome.


My avatar is also from a picture taken at SCC.

Hugz, Lori

09-18-2007, 09:26 PM
I was there and met many of you lovely gals.
I'm still working on my pictures, but here's one with me and Tammi (oohTammi). Girl, you looked stunning. :eek:

