View Full Version : Dreams

03-25-2005, 05:38 AM
Now i'm not one for dream interpretations (i'll leave that stuff up to the spiritually minded) however, i'm wondering if this is common for other CD's???

How many CD's actually dream of cross-dressing whilst they sleep..... I often do. They are normal dreams (not the wet kind) but they do have an erotic feel to them. In my dreams, I often find myself dressed sensually (as a woman) whilst being around people that i know (and they don't seem to even care that i'm dressed)... maybe it's my deepest wishes coming out in my dreams???

My biggest fear (apart from never waking up, of course) is sleep-talking. I think i would prefer to tell my wife about my CD'ing of my onw accord, rather than spill the beans in my sleep!!


Wendy me
03-25-2005, 06:47 AM
i always dream like i am a stripper ...........you know hot and nasty.........that talking in your sleep thingy ..........now you got me thinking...........

03-25-2005, 07:16 AM
Sometimes, I actually force myself to dream of cross dressing. Logically, it would seem the reason for this is the private nature of dreams; we can be who we want, when we want, where we want, and under any circumstance we choose.

In my dreams, I'm perfectly passible and no one suspects. I look good, attractive, and desirable. And, guys are opening doors for me, stepping aside so I can pass, and so on.

Being a male gets old after a while; wearing wool, denim, socks, thick cotton, heavy belts, underwear that will stand in a corner by themselves and that will support the weight of a farm tractor, some wear ties, and so on. Womens clothing is soft, light, comfortable in most cases.

Dreaming of cross dressing is an attempt to fulfill a desire no different from the boxer who dreams of becoming champ, the kid who dreams of becoming a fireman, or the housewife who dreams of her husband waiting on her hand and foot...

03-25-2005, 11:08 AM
:eek: Ohh Carrah WASH those underwear. Ucky!

Hi Derminator,

Talking in your sleep may be a problem. My husband talks in his sleep all the time and has come up with some really strange stuff. I really need to get a tape recorder to tape his dream theories and stuff.

He has never talked about crossdressing in his sleep though. But after he watched a show on remote spy planes he talked in his sleep about what kind of engine they needed etc. Whole lot of technical stuff I didn't understand and he didn't remember any of it when he woke up.

I'll have to ask him if he dreams of himself being a woman.

For me being a GG I am always a woman in my dreams but sometimes a different woman than who I am. And I never need glasses, which I need just to see one foot in front of me. It's perfectly normal to dream of who you want to be.

Maybe you can ask on the side if you talk in your sleep. If you don't then no worries.

Happy dreaming!

03-25-2005, 11:25 AM
Yes, I have dreamed what it would be like to be a GG. Also, sometimes when I ma having problems falling asleep, I start day dreaming about getting all dressed up and the next thing I know it morning.


03-25-2005, 12:07 PM
All i know is that when i dream, sometimes it's like a perfect world where there are no judgements. I feel like i'm on top of the world and totally at ease. I just love that feeling.

Sweet dreams to all!

03-25-2005, 01:16 PM
Hi Derminator,

Sounds like pleasant dreams to me. I am usually so full of meds that I don't dream or if I do I cant remember.

Love and Hugs,

Melissa A.
03-25-2005, 02:57 PM
Hi Derminator,

I have the exact same dream! I am dressed, around people I know, and am amazed that no one cares.

That really is a dream. Would that it were true.


Melissa :)

03-26-2005, 06:31 AM
I also dream a wearing a dress around people who know me and they act like no big deal. People who would not accept it. In my dreams no one encorages it and they seem to care or notice. I guess that I can now relax, knowing that I am not the only dreamer out here.


03-26-2005, 09:00 AM
For some reason I just cant find a way to control the content of my dreams. There have been times when I wanted this type of dream. I can honestly say that I have never had this type of dream.