View Full Version : Must be kharma

Veronica 1
09-20-2007, 08:35 PM
Here I am looking forward to winter so I could wear bra and forms under my insulated coveralls and the parts manager up and quits. I am the logical replacement and so I ended up getting a "promotion". Twice the work and no mention of a raise. The worst part is that I will be working inside and not needing anything more than a shirt. :sad:

Rosaliy Lynne
09-20-2007, 08:56 PM
just hate it when that happens?

Zelda Noe
09-20-2007, 08:59 PM
Just say no to the promotion my dear. No money increase so why take the silly job. more $ would have ben okay-more clothes. *giggle*


Alice B
09-20-2007, 10:23 PM
Welcome to the world of management!::tongueout

09-20-2007, 10:35 PM
Quit bitchin', at least it's inside during the winter. Insulated coveralls don't cover the frozen fingers, that have to do the work. When you get the job, ask about a raise, there probably will be one. Summer it's probably AC too...BJ

Veronica 1
09-20-2007, 10:53 PM
Quit bitchin', at least it's inside during the winter. Insulated coveralls don't cover the frozen fingers, that have to do the work. When you get the job, ask about a raise, there probably will be one. Summer it's probably AC too...BJ

Winter is my favorite time of year. I love the cold and have been known to go camping for Christmas. Guess that is why they call us Crazy Canucks. :D

09-21-2007, 11:01 PM
Here I am looking forward to winter so I could wear bra and forms under my insulated coveralls and the parts manager up and quits. [...]The worst part is that I will be working inside and not needing anything more than a shirt.

You could always be a "hands-on manager", out checking on the guys, out visiting suppliers...

Veronica 1
09-22-2007, 12:03 AM
You could always be a "hands-on manager", out checking on the guys..

Uh, well, gee, I don't know....:heehee:

09-22-2007, 04:40 PM
The thing is, with global warming, we haven't had a 'real' winter in ten or fifteen years in Western Canada, so, like the girls said, get nice nails, go for the raise, buy shoes! w.