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Veronica Fallon
09-22-2007, 11:21 AM
Gave my new neighbors an eyeful this morning!

This week I've been planning my 2nd outing anywhere en-femme. It will be my 2nd time at a Tri-ESS meeting, & my 1st time at some of our local T-clubs. I've tried to prepare as much as possible ahead of time so that tonight will be less stressful & more enjoyable than my 1st time out (a month ago) was.

Well, I awoke this morning to the anxious sounds of dogs eager to go outside. I slipped a burgundy silk robe (partially) over my pink satin chemise, & slid my feet into my fuzzy, fluffy, pink slippers, & out the hidden, side, bedroom door we all went. My wolf/Husky was on his leash & my S/O's chihuahuas were loose, as usual. My hair was still in rollers from last night & covered with a pink scarf, while my toenails & long fingernails were painted a pearly-pink hue. I hadn't been awake for two full minutes yet, & didn't even have my glasses on. :sleep:

So of coarse the lil' tea-cup chihuahua, Bambi, picks today to make her monthly "break for it"! She does her business, then boogies around the corner & is gone in a blink. Now there's a busy-ish road at the end of ours, so I don't dare let her go. I run after her, looking most hideous, dragging my wolf (who is now wildly excited for the unexpected romp), with the other chihuahua nipping & barking at my bright, flopping slippers, while trying to "whisper-yell" at the escapee to hopefully avoid drawing attention from any early-rising neighbors. Bambi has suddenly become selectively-deaf! :mad:

I get a few houses down the street when (through my blurred vision) I make out the shape of a person ahead in a driveway, emerging from behind a parked car & deftly scooping up the rebel mutt. Now I can't very well turn away, so I take a deep breath & (trying to calm my wolf) continue forward, quite unwillingly!! :witsend:

As I get close enough, I see that the neighborly dog-catcher is the Cuban woman who just moved in with her family last week. My free hand is shaking as I reach for the lil' beast. I thank the woman & quickly turn to go (flee!). Just before I do, I see the most incredulous look on her face- horror mixed with wonder, shock, dis-belief, & total, utter amazement! :shocked:

I've never felt so embarrassed!! :redface:

But by the time I'd made it safely back home I was already seeing the great humor in the situation. My S/O was just getting up & burst out laughing as I described the scene to her. As we had coffee later she joked that I should hereby be the "welcoming committee" for all new neighbors from now on! :laughing::roflmao::lol:

Hmmm... :thinking: I don't think so! Maybe when... :flyingpig:

Peace, Luv, & Humorous Humiliation,


Deborah Jane
09-22-2007, 11:30 AM
:lol2:Great story Veronica. I wish i,d been there to see it:lol2:

09-22-2007, 11:37 AM
What a great story, Veronica. You paint a great workd picture. And I agree with you SO... you should be the official welcoming committee!

Roberta Lynn
09-22-2007, 11:45 AM
Great story Veronica, but since I have no imagination I think you should post a picture from this morning. :D:D:D

09-22-2007, 11:54 AM
doesn't everyone wear pink fuzzy slippers? As long as there isn;t a for sale sign n her front yard by tonight, you are fine.

Veronica Fallon
09-22-2007, 12:03 PM
Great story Veronica, but since I have no imagination I think you should post a picture from this morning. :D:D:D

Hmmm... you asked for it!! :tongueout

Monsterish Hugz,


P.S.- This pic will be deleted tomorrow to protect the innocent, the guilty, & all living things!!! :eek:

09-22-2007, 12:59 PM
Great story! Good thing you didn't meet any kids :eek: They would surely have been scarred for life!

trannie T
09-22-2007, 08:07 PM
Too bad it's not on video. I'd love to see the looks on your face and the neighbor's, must have been priceless.

09-22-2007, 08:18 PM
I got a great bark out of that story!

09-22-2007, 08:27 PM
my eyes my eyes , i can't see .. good story lol ..

Roberta Lynn
09-22-2007, 08:42 PM
:lol2: Thanks for a look at the picture Veronica. It only goes to prove that it is impossible to hide true natural beauty :D
Or a sense of humor :happy:

09-22-2007, 09:19 PM
LOL. Your neighbor just thought to herself "there goes the property value":Angry3:

I wish I had seen that.:happy:

09-22-2007, 09:24 PM
It sounds like a wonderful experience for me. It is really best to be out to your neighbors so you don't have to worry about being in your own yard while enfem.

Gave my new neighbors an eyeful this morning!

This week I've been planning my 2nd outing anywhere en-femme. It will be my 2nd time at a Tri-ESS meeting, & my 1st time at some of our local T-clubs. I've tried to prepare as much as possible ahead of time so that tonight will be less stressful & more enjoyable than my 1st time out (a month ago) was.

Well, I awoke this morning to the anxious sounds of dogs eager to go outside. I slipped a burgundy silk robe (partially) over my pink satin chemise, & slid my feet into my fuzzy, fluffy, pink slippers, & out the hidden, side, bedroom door we all went. My wolf/Husky was on his leash & my S/O's chihuahuas were loose, as usual. My hair was still in rollers from last night & covered with a pink scarf, while my toenails & long fingernails were painted a pearly-pink hue. I hadn't been awake for two full minutes yet, & didn't even have my glasses on. :sleep:

So of coarse the lil' tea-cup chihuahua, Bambi, picks today to make her monthly "break for it"! She does her business, then boogies around the corner & is gone in a blink. Now there's a busy-ish road at the end of ours, so I don't dare let her go. I run after her, looking most hideous, dragging my wolf (who is now wildly excited for the unexpected romp), with the other chihuahua nipping & barking at my bright, flopping slippers, while trying to "whisper-yell" at the escapee to hopefully avoid drawing attention from any early-rising neighbors. Bambi has suddenly become selectively-deaf! :mad:

I get a few houses down the street when (through my blurred vision) I make out the shape of a person ahead in a driveway, emerging from behind a parked car & deftly scooping up the rebel mutt. Now I can't very well turn away, so I take a deep breath & (trying to calm my wolf) continue forward, quite unwillingly!! :witsend:

As I get close enough, I see that the neighborly dog-catcher is the Cuban woman who just moved in with her family last week. My free hand is shaking as I reach for the lil' beast. I thank the woman & quickly turn to go (flee!). Just before I do, I see the most incredulous look on her face- horror mixed with wonder, shock, dis-belief, & total, utter amazement! :shocked:

I've never felt so embarrassed!! :redface:

But by the time I'd made it safely back home I was already seeing the great humor in the situation. My S/O was just getting up & burst out laughing as I described the scene to her. As we had coffee later she joked that I should hereby be the "welcoming committee" for all new neighbors from now on! :laughing::roflmao::lol:

Hmmm... :thinking: I don't think so! Maybe when... :flyingpig:

Peace, Luv, & Humorous Humiliation,


09-22-2007, 09:34 PM
:lol::lol2: Thanx so much for posting Veronica. That's priceless!! :lol2::lol:

jennifer easton
09-22-2007, 10:37 PM
I love it!!! so almost been there! not quite like you, but caught just the same, early one morring I was feeding the cats outside on the deck, scantly clothed, and my neighbor cought a glimse, but I think he thought it was kathie instead of me!!

09-22-2007, 10:44 PM
That is just too funny!:rofl:
Leave it to the dogs to out you!
A most lovely picture, by the way!:heehee: I can just see it now, given that visual aid. Sure wish I could have seen the neighbor's face though!

Pamela Julie
09-23-2007, 01:20 PM
Veronica, I am horrified that you would be caught wearing pink slippers with a burgundy robe:nono:. If I were that neighbor, I would have invited you in for a cup of coffee and to discuss fashion. I hope everything works out between you and your neighbor. I loved the story:clap:.


09-23-2007, 03:02 PM
May the Pink Fog be with you,heeee, heeeeee Great story,i loved it.

09-23-2007, 06:02 PM
What a Great story...

As my dear father is know to say...."Well it's no laughing matter but, it mo matter if we laugh"
