View Full Version : Man, I feel like a woman!!

03-26-2005, 04:18 AM
I just wanted to know how many of you feel the same way I do. Personally, I'd like to just wake up as a woman, but for now I'll settle for dressing like one :p

03-26-2005, 04:29 AM
Every day i dream and wish i was a woman but it's unlikely i'll ever go any further than just dressing as one. I have all my friends and family who know nothing of my dressing and could never come to terms with it to think about. :(

So i just have to hope every night when i go to sleep this is the bad dream and really i'm a woman just waiting to wake up.

Wendy me
03-26-2005, 06:51 AM
dressing fully like right now , i helpe take care of my dad bad heart , parksons and a few outher things ....after him going theough like bypass opps. and a defiblator i don't think i would want to risk him haveing the big one over some thing like this............

03-26-2005, 07:04 AM
Nope.... don't want to be a woman, just content to dress like one.


03-26-2005, 07:52 AM
I get too much fun out of being a man, particularly with my wife, and other stuff, so I don't want to lose that. I also get very excited wearing female clothes, but I think it's mainly male excitement, so another reason to remain male. I dream of looking good enough as a female in public for others not to notice, but it's the excitement which drives me, not an inner feeling that I want to become female. So I'll stay a man thanks, but with an inner woman who just loves to be let out occasionally.


Laura Jane
03-26-2005, 08:46 AM
Could you imagine if you woke up one day and found you had changed magically to a GG in the night. Of course if it was just the obvious change down below and not an all over change, you could probably carry on normally, but if you actually had the face, hair and body of woman, everything would change.

You couldn't go to work, family would not recognise you, even your pet dog might turn on you!

Of course, after the shock you would adjust, but you would be someone with no identity and maybe even no friends!

Luckily for us, we would have some wardrobe to start with! But the old 'Pretty Woman' shopping trip would be item 1 (ok maybe 2! ;) ) on the agenda!

It would certainly make for a better film plot than Tom Hanks change in Big!

03-26-2005, 09:59 AM
Fully :D

03-26-2005, 11:57 AM
Would go? Surgery. Will go? Nowhere. Present obligations conflict with longtime desires. My past choices were not well thought through, but they do need to be honored. The inexperience and foolishness of youth can sometimes exact a great price. I'm paying that now. Mais, c'est la vie, n'est-ce pas?

Tristen Cox
03-26-2005, 12:19 PM
FullyOkay fully what? SPILL IT! :p

Me I would love to wake up transformed and never go back. Hey I can dream right? I wouold get the surgery if I could ever afford it, but would that bring me happiness or am I kidding myself? For now just going all outon CDing is good enough for me but who knows what the future may hold. I can never make up my minds. Plural yes:D

Sweet Susan
03-26-2005, 01:36 PM
My answer has to be that I would like to crossdress 24/7, as that is more likely to happen than to wake up as a woman. However, waking up as a woman would really be fun, and if it were possible, I would undoubtedly choose that route. I recently watched a movie, of which I have forgotten the title, that was about a snobbish high school girl cheerleader who was transformed into a guy, and a thuggish theif who took her place. It was rather fun to watch, and it gave me something to daydream about while watching. I'm sure some of you have seen it. It was a comedy. Duh..........

03-26-2005, 01:37 PM
Okay fully what? SPILL IT! :p

If I spill it won't be full :D

03-26-2005, 04:02 PM
I think I would like to wake up in the morning and actually be Priscilla but I also think of how I could no longer write my name in the snow,if you know what I mean?

Love and Hugs,

03-26-2005, 04:09 PM
Well...I already am Chrissie inside...have been for many years now too. I know who I am. When I dress, then I get to fully realize Chrissie and all her femininity. That will always be a special thing for me...but I don't HAVE to be dressed to be Chrissie either, and THAT is the key for me. I truly feel that I have been blessed to be able to have the best of all possible worlds here.


03-26-2005, 05:47 PM
I still like being a bloke betimes - like now, where I am engaged on concrete and stone paving work. My ambition is to fully dressed, coifed, made up, for 24/7 for at least a week and share house with my hubby, without fear of intrusion by family, friends or the neighbours' dogs!
However, right now Flicka can only dress partially - and for relatively short periods - but she is doing very nicely indeed, with all the attention and affection any woman could ask for - in concentrated form!

Melissa A.
03-26-2005, 07:00 PM
If I woke up as a girl, I'd have lots of 'splainin to do. But I can't say I'd be completely dissapointed. I've never felt an overiding need to grs, or go full-time- I love my guy self, and lots of things that go with it- But i'd be lying if I said I never have thought about what it would be like to become a woman, or to have been born one.

I'm a crossdresser. Not just a panty-wearing crosssdresser,(for those of you who are, that's great, for you) but a fully dressed cd with a strong feminine side that needs to be experienced often. Despite the very real inconveniences, I love having "the best of both worlds". And sometimes, not quite the best. Being a cd is WORK sometimes. But to me, worth it

If I could wake up as a girl? We'd have to take the fantasy a bit further, and everything would have to be normal concerning family, friends, and my social security number.

03-26-2005, 07:28 PM
I just love the cloths that GG get to wear. So whenever I can I wear dress/skirt, makeup and long hair. When I do I feel good about myself and have lots of fun shopping.

However, I am do not have a great desire to be a full time women.

I know that this is different from a lot of the other girls here, but each of us need to be true to ourselves.


03-26-2005, 09:53 PM
I just love the cloths that GG get to wear. So whenever I can I wear dress/skirt, makeup and long hair. When I do I feel good about myself and have lots of fun shopping.

However, I am do not have a great desire to be a full time women.

I know that this is different from a lot of the other girls here, but each of us need to be true to ourselves.


I'm the same as Richelle. I enjoy being a girl, but I would not want to give up being a guy. I feel most like a woman when, after spending the day as Windy Cissy, I go to bed in my nightgown...when I wake up and look at my polished nails, I can't wait to put on a dress and makeup and spend another day as Windy. But the first thing I have to do is shave the stubble off my face! Windy

03-26-2005, 09:58 PM
Nope.... don't want to be a woman, just content to dress like one.

me too do not want to be a woman just dress like one :)

03-26-2005, 10:04 PM
I'm the same as Richelle. I enjoy being a girl, but I would not want to give up being a guy. I feel most like a woman when, after spending the day as Windy Cissy, I go to bed in my nightgown...when I wake up and look at my polished nails, I can't wait to put on a dress and makeup and spend another day as Windy. But the first thing I have to do is shave the stubble off my face! Windy

Hi windy,

Is'nt that a bitch.

Love and Hugs,
Priscilla(the crackpot)

03-26-2005, 10:08 PM
...because it is right. This is who you are. It is not your fault that your genes and your body don't quite match up with the real you.


03-27-2005, 07:56 PM

I"ve went all the way to be a girl. Hormones, SRS, and everything.


03-28-2005, 12:44 PM
In the beginning, I was content to wear a few articles of women's clothing. But it didn't take long for me to progress to complete crossdressing. At first, feminine pants and shorts, but then after awhile, skirts, etc. on a regular basis.

Now, I find that even this isn't enough to make me content and happy, and I sometimes (okay, quite often) find myself wanting to be a woman. Two or three years ago this would have horrified me. But now...

There are financial reasons for my not proceeding down that path, however. Besides, I really don't think I could face family and friends as I went through the process. However, if I could wake up one morning as a GG (great plot idea for a sci-fi movie), well, that would be ideal, because then what could they say? It'd be a fait accompli. I'd be, like, "Extraterrestrials took me to their mother ship and did this to me, and there's nothing I can do about it, so you'd better get used to the new me!" If only that could really happen!

03-28-2005, 02:07 PM
When I was about 5 I went through a long phase of going to sleep wishing I would become a girl overnight, and it never happened. I was heart broken...

But I'm quite happy being a guy now, and the loved ones in my life all love the male me, and not Kimberly. Though my gf will learn to love both very soon. :)

04-05-2005, 07:49 PM
I"ve went all the way to be a girl. Hormones, SRS, and everything.


Really? What's it like? is it really a complete transformation, or just the outward appearance? forgive my ignorance, but do you have a uterus and all as well, or can they even do that yet? how much does it cost. sorry, i'm rambling now.

congrats btw. you're living my dream.

04-05-2005, 08:35 PM
I knew, like many from very early age, that this bod of mine is just plain wrong, and so at the age of 30, I took the path of gender reassignment. Its 9 years later now, and unfortunatley, the sheer stress of coping alone, with mounting hositilty around me,no support group of any kind, having to look over my shoulder 24/7 with only myself as back up, and basically fearing every knock on the door(oh and every child or woman who walked passed, becuase if anyone is going to read you and tell the world its them) I became out of my depth and overwhelmed. I craved the surgery, but was unable to take time off work, and money became a massive issue, as did (due to stress) my apperarence.I got to the point where I was in imenant danger, and said to myself"this is crazy, Im terrified and alone, and anyone I do befriend is seen asa freak or worse, and suffers because of me(as did my parent, friends etc) I made the decision that this could not go on. Ive been back living as a male now for just over 12months. I hate it. I feel revulsion, at my body, I see life slipping away(im 39) my chance is gone to be Sarah again. I would go back now this istant if I could afford cosmetic surgery, silicon in my hips n bum, the srs surgery, improved hair but it would cost thousands. When I was in role, I didndt get read all the time, but being on hormones pilled onthe weight. Now, I guess I cd to have a little respite from the feelings, Im not sure how much longer I can go on, but I am throwing myself into my work to dvert my attention, and I really want a relationship, but dont know if I can keep my past inside.Sorry about saying all this. I dont see myself as a TS faliure, I spent 9 years living every day as a woman, my driving licence, bank cards, officail stuff all says sarah on it, I evern used to get notifications for smear tests from the doctors. I used to go to sleep when I was young as repeat over and over,"I AM A WOMAN" and prayed so hard to wake up, and find a vagina and breasts, and long beautiful hair. I'd wake and die inside. I still do. I cant help these feelings, I AM NOT MALE, I dont identify with men, the whole thing is an act, I have to think "what do men do/say?" . Its good here isnt it...............not!
ok thats enough of my angst ridden little life for now
Be good

04-05-2005, 08:41 PM
Yes dress fully! Certaintly would like to go further if it was effective!

Tina P Hose
04-05-2005, 09:53 PM
Dress fully at some point, thanks for asking.

04-06-2005, 11:49 AM
You seem to be the most "normal" one.
I feel the same way. Girls' stuff is just so much fun!