View Full Version : Transgender Issue

03-29-2005, 05:54 PM
I have a seriously BIG decission ahead of me, because i'm seriously considering Pills for breast growth.

But the problem is i have to tell my family (Mother and Grandma) because I see them quite frequently, but I have no idea at all how to tell them or when to tell them...

Anyone who has some experience in this area or had to deal with this them selves Please reply to this.

Thank you all - Love Stacy. :)

Tristen Cox
03-29-2005, 08:05 PM
My advice here, think about this seriously. Is it worth it, I mean all of it? Is this something you may change your mind about later? Has this idea just come up or have you thought about it through and through for a long time? This is a physical change and you can't just wash it off when you need to go somewhere. If you are serious there are better proucts I think, But I would advise caution.


(PS: I left this thread here because it is not a question about being transexual but to quote Stacy "Advice on How to tell my family & When i should tell them." I felt it's best attention would be found here> However I have no problem if another moderator feels this should be in the other section)

03-29-2005, 08:34 PM
I agree completely with Tristen. This is not something that you should "try". If it is done it takes a long time for any results and starting and stopping will just not allow anything to work, cost a lot of money, and not give you anything for your time and money. In addition to everything else there will be mood swings and frustration in the lack of result for awhile, all leading to the possible stopping.

If you cannot find a doctor to monitor you body in the process you are not prepared for this process. Honesty before saves sorrow later... Listen to good advice. Others will atest to this.

If however your truly are prepared then go for it girl

03-29-2005, 10:07 PM
Thanks for the comments and good advice, But what i really want to know is

Advice on How to tell my family & When i should tell them.

Please Reply to that part of my question, i Have thought this through..

Thanks again much love Stacy. :)

03-29-2005, 11:18 PM
This thread should be in the transsexual area.

Don't believe what some may tell you. Breast growth can be very rapid. See my posts elsewhere.

I am in my fifites. I have done it, but 'I have nothing much to lose', if you get my drift. You do have a lot to lose, at the age of 22.

My son has a problem with very mild Gynecomastia. He is embarrassed to go swimming although he is an expert SCUBA diver. Think about it.

03-29-2005, 11:25 PM
Hi Stacy

Have you informed them about your TG nature yet? This is really the first step you need to take - any other discussions such as growing breasts are really secondary to this and will follow on naturally.

If you are content with only small A-cup breasts then these can be grown quickly and cheaply and are reasonably easy to hide. If this is the case then you may not need to tell anyone. At your young age you would probably reach A-cups after 4 months of treatment.

If you want something larger than A-cup then you will need to tell them but it has to be done within the context of discussing your TG nature. The important thing to convey to your family is that your TGism is a permanent thing which cannot be "cured" and that you will find true happiness only by being allowed to express yourself as you feel fit. You will have to address their concerns about whether this means you will someday have GRS as it is normal for people to assume that if you grow breasts then GRS is the next logical step.

You also have to think about what this means for employment - can you find a job if you have obvious breasts? It may be safer to grow A-cup breasts then take a breather and live with those for a while before deciding if you want something more obvious. Obvious breasts will mean that you will effectively have to go "full time".

03-30-2005, 05:01 AM
Hi Stacy,

I agree with Helana here. I am doing HRT...and have been for a little over a year now. I am 53 and TG but not a TS. I do not intend to go on to GRS. I do not know what your ultimate ends are here, but I would just advise you that any changes you make are going to be of a permanent nature, so make sure that you proceed being fully aware of that.

I have A-cup sized breasts right now. If you are worried about whether or not your development will be obvious, then proceed no further because it will. You are young and have your whole life ahead of you and to look forward to. If you are serious about this, and it appears that you are since you are asking for advice on how and when to tell your family, then you also need to proceed with this under a doctor's supervision...and hopefully you are doing just that.

Ok..as for telling your family, you need to explain to them the reason(s) why you want to do this, i.e., that you have gender dysphoria and that you want to alter your body accordingly. Prepare yourself to answer a lot of questions that are sure to follow: have you thought this through completely, are you going to change your sex, etc? As Helana advised you, if you are going to go no further than getting A-cup sized breasts, you probably don't need to tell them anything. If you are going to go further, than you need to tell them right away. This is a life altering event that you are going to be undertaking here...so always keep that in mind....and good luck to you Stacy. Keep us informed of how you are doing...we are here for you if you need us.
