View Full Version : Out and About

03-30-2005, 01:57 PM
To those of you who know me, and those who may recall different posts that I've placed, you know that I've been pretty cautious (actually, the first word that comes to mind is "cowardly", but that isn't fair to say because we all have different circumstances to consider) about going out in public dressed in female mode. Until this morning, I have never ventured further than extended drives in the car and the occasional visit to a drive-through fast food emporium.
As you have figured by now, things have changed, at least somewhat. I woke early (very early actually!) this morning with the full intent of going to the park since this is one of the first truly nice Spring days we have had this year. In fact, I proclaimed this to one of my girlfriends yesterday because I have had it with being so cautious and isolated, but I think she dismissed this as just more idle promises (didn't you? :) )
I spent more than my customary five minutes applying make-up this morning, made sure my wig was firmly attached and straight, and put on my brand new denim jumpsuit (it doesn't sound sexy, but I love it!) and a light-weight jacket and headed out the door.
I drove to a large park a few miles from home (it has a large lake used by sailing enthusiasts, bike paths, and lots of picnic areas and benches) with my laptop in hand, determined to stay for as long as the batteries held their charge.
Getting out of the car was a bit nerve-racking to say the least, but I swallowed my fear and found a bench alongside the bikepath. We had heavy rain two days ago, otherwise I would have looked for a spot on the ground beneath one of the still bareleafed trees, so I was visible to any one of the dozens of other people strolling around the lake. I was wishing I had a large floppy hat to hide beneath, but I figured what was the worse that could happen to me? Exposure? Ridicule? Hell -- the chances of being seen by anyone I knew was practically nil, so it really wasn't that bold a move, no matter the butterflies clogging my throat.
That's it really -- I spent a little more than three hours on that bench, clacking away on the word processor. I looked up, peering through my sunglasses (it really was a glorious sunny morning) at a few passersby and even managed to smile at them as they glanced at me. I considered taking a walk around the lake (about a two mile stroll), but that would have meant carrying my laptop and coffee cup or taking them all the way back to the car and returning again. Therefore, I just stayed in place until the batteries in the laptop were drained and figured that this was enough for my first real day out. I'll see if I can go a step further on my next trip out.
This has given me such a high that I feel tempted to do more today, but I'm holding firmly onto the reins and staying indoors the remainder of the day.

Thanks for listening! :)

Tristen Cox
03-30-2005, 02:06 PM
Very cool Sharon :cool: Must have been fabulous just sitting in the morning sun being 'you'. I'd post more but I'm sure we'll speak later. *hugs*


03-30-2005, 02:08 PM
i have been going out in public while wearing suntan pantyhose with shorts and painted toenails for a few years now, as a man in hose that is, adults r to busy with their own thoughts to notice me but sometimes the young girls notice my attire, i see them out of the corner of my eyes staring in amazment, i also have gone for bicycle rides at night fully dressed with heels, still dont have the nerve to walk out the door fully dressed in the day time tho :( but im working on it :D only thing that is stoping me is i dont feel im passable enough to do it without bein spoted right off, and im not just talking about passing in my looks, also in how i act and my voice is a dead giveaway

03-30-2005, 02:10 PM
Congratulations Sharon I'm very happy for you. I was almost there with you the way you described everything.


03-30-2005, 02:50 PM
Congratulations Sharon.

Love and Hugs,

03-30-2005, 02:51 PM
This is absolutely wonderful Sharon. :) Very happy for you.

It is fun being out and about enfemme. Can not wait to hear about your next outing.


Wendy me
03-30-2005, 03:03 PM
just too cool thats sounds greate ....and so well written i enjoyed so mutch ..can't wait to hear more ..thanks for shareing that with us .........

Julie York
03-30-2005, 03:27 PM
Good for you!

I am curious though. What were you doing 'clacking away' on your lap top for three hours?

03-30-2005, 07:15 PM
Thanks for the encouragement girls, but it's not as if I invented a great cure for gout or something. :) It's just one small step.

I am curious though. What were you doing 'clacking away' on your lap top for three hours?

Ahh -- my newest project Julie. I haven't decided on a title yet, but I'm leaning towards "Fear and Loathing at Crossdressers-dot-com," or perhaps "Everything You Always Wanted To Know About Crossdressers, But Were Afraid to Ask." But there's always "Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus, and Crossdressers Are from Uranus."
Hmm, I may need help with this.

03-30-2005, 08:53 PM
Congrats I loved hearing about your stepping out...felt good didn,t it....

03-30-2005, 10:45 PM
Big Congratulatons! You have become another of our ambassadors!!! Going out is a rush! Just a couple of comments, it does get a bit easier, second as one of our sisters said, most people are so wrapped up in their own little world that that have little if any time to scrutinze others. That being said, someone mentioned our worst enemy as well, that being teenage girls! Steer clear of them as much as possible unless you are very, very, very good ! They will "out" you in a heart beat and not only to whomever they may be with but to virtually everyone in that particular zip code. Unless you have a pre-formulated plan to handle that - just remember "fore warned is to be fore armed."
Keep the faith girl and we look forward to your next outting (trip) that is!

03-30-2005, 11:53 PM
Sharon, I felt like I was with you every step of the way. What a wonderful day you had! Tell the truth now, aren't you already getting excited thinking about the next trip??

03-31-2005, 12:01 AM
Very cool Sharon. I am about to that point myself, going out in full fem mode in daylight.

Are you going to ask your girl friend to accompany you next time? Make a picnic of it?

Anyone here going to need to sign a release for your story?

03-31-2005, 01:40 AM
Way to go Sharon. I am happy for you. Can hardly wait to hear about your next outing.


03-31-2005, 02:32 AM
Way to go Sharon!! I'm so happy for you and so envious!

So far I've only worked up the courage to sit on my front porch at midnight for a few minutes.

03-31-2005, 05:55 AM
Sharon - wow, very brave and I say Bravo to you! Now, next time, you will have to get a car battery charger for your laptop :)

Now - get back to that cure for gout!


03-31-2005, 06:17 AM
damn good going, you've inspired me to get out of my little shell and be adventurous. go girl :