View Full Version : is there a place in the world for me???

03-30-2005, 04:46 PM
Hi my name is Mel I a a female to male.
I was curious and have a question for the m2f. (That are attracted to woman and would like a relationship with a woman)
I realize that it is difficult to find acceptance. What I wanted to know is. If you were to come across a female to male, she accepted you 150% and more. Would you want to be with her or would the fact that she is a f2m get in the way?
Tell me what you think...

Julie York
03-30-2005, 04:58 PM
Hi Mel.
I'm not sure exactly what you are asking so forgive me if I got it all wrong.

If I met a woman who had a sort of split personality and ocassionally she wanted to let a male persona out then I think that wouldn't be a problem if it was just between us. If she wanted to go to the pub and be called Stan and be blokey, then that would be a whole different thing because what attracts me to women, and what is fun about dressing, is that it IS all the female stuff..

03-30-2005, 04:59 PM
It wouldn't make any difference to me. In fact, it could become a great way to grow and learn together.

03-30-2005, 05:07 PM
Hi my name is Mel I a a female to male.
I was curious and have a question for the m2f. (That are attracted to woman and would like a relationship with a woman)
I realize that it is difficult to find acceptance. What I wanted to know is. If you were to come across a female to male, she accepted you 150% and more. Would you want to be with her or would the fact that she is a f2m get in the way?
Tell me what you think...

Hi Mel,

Seriously I don't think it would be a problem.When you find someone who accepts you as you are not as others want you to be,someone to share the good and the bad with you;you have found a soul mate,someone you can spend the rest of your life with and be happy with.What anyone else thinks about your relationship with each other does'nt matter in the slightest.I think you have just hit on something to drive President Bush and cronies,or is it phonies, crazy. It would still be a union between a man and a woman,the roles are just reversed.
Great question.

Love and Hugs,

Wendy me
03-30-2005, 10:10 PM
mel think there is someone for every one out there. and when you do find them and
it's ment to be....all else just don't matter....a place for you ...????yes i think so...
your here right????

03-30-2005, 10:43 PM
Mel, I think it would be great. Both could live out a fantacy and do it together. Of course the attraction between to two would have to go above and beyond the crossdressing. For me I would love to be accepted for who I am and if the right person comes along and she happens to crossdress I would accept her for who she is. Crossdressing may be a way for two people to meet who would love each other even though crossdressing wasn't an issue. I hope I answered your question. LOL Wilma

03-30-2005, 10:54 PM
Never thought about it. Very interesting. On contemplating it, I don't think it would be an issue. It would be neat, and would have some immediate appeal, but to be workable in the long run, we would have to be compatible on all the major levels. I certainly wouldn't rule her out because of her preferences, but neither would he/she automatically hit a home run because of her orientation. Thanks for the thoughtful ? wenda.

03-30-2005, 11:05 PM
I think it could be a terrific relationship! Being a crossdresser myself, how could you hold that against your mate? If I had a chance to become involved with a woman who cross dressed I would support her fully! Just think, you can help each other dress up!


03-31-2005, 12:20 AM
Hey Mel,

Interesting question. It would be hypocritical to say no way to such a relationship because that is exactly the same thing that WE do (crossdress). But there would have to be an emotional connection.

03-31-2005, 01:48 AM
Hello Mel, I would be absolutely fine with what you describe, no problems at all.

love mand xxx

sissy stacy
03-31-2005, 02:26 AM

i was in a relationhip like that. i could not believe my good fortune. As others have said, the roles were just reversed, but not completely nor always. Neither of us were full time, but if She wanted to be a boy, i would immediately asssume the girl role and we would get dressed and proceed. The same if i decided i wanted to be a girl.

We would go out both ways.

The relationship broke up when She got a better job in Texas and at the same time i got a job offer in Italy. i haven't heard from Her since.


-sissy s.

03-31-2005, 03:23 AM

thinking as a guy: if you wanted to join any group I was with (at work, social, whatever) I would feel slightly flattered and not at all prejudiced (honestly :) ). Let's face it there are so many tomboy types who want to join in and are very welcome to do so, a FtM is just more of the same.

thinking as a CD, I would find it encouraging if you accepted me, and slightly kinky. If we got along as people (personalities attracted to one another) it would be truly great. :cool:

03-31-2005, 03:38 AM
Very interesting question... never really thought about it before.... i might sound hypocritical... but i'd be ok with the cross-dressing at home stuff.,.. but out and about, i'd want to be with a woman (who looked and acted as a woman - that's what i am attracted to).... otherwise no worries.

Sandra H
03-31-2005, 03:40 AM
Hi Mel.

I would agree with the other girls.

Just pick someone who is your size. Then you both will be happy you have lots of DRAB cloths for her, she has lots of girly cloths you can borrow. Now what can be wrong with that? LOL :D

03-31-2005, 04:05 AM
Ewww..., FtoM crossdressing? :eek: Too weird. I guess it takes all types huh?
Oh wait! -- I'm sitting here in my finest, and they just happen to be of the opposite sex also. Well wadya know!

Seriously though Mel -- I don't think I would have a problem here. I think it would be pretty interesting actually.
It's funny, most of us spend so much time trying to eliminate traces of our masculinity (at least for a little while), that we forget that there are others on the opposite side of the tracks, trying to erase their femininity.

03-31-2005, 06:22 AM
Thanks for asking this question Mel, it's really made me think, in fact I've mentioned it on a thread on another site (roses), just to prove to myself that this is a much more tollerant and freindlier site, which it is.

You know Mel I've read through a few of you're old threads and they are really intresting.
I would love to ask you one thing though love, why does a girl want to be a boy? I mean being a boy is really crap, but I won't ask such a dumb question, you might ask me why I want to be a girl :)

lots of love mand xxx

03-31-2005, 10:09 PM
I myself do not have a problem being with a male to female. I was at one point dating a m2f and one day she stopped calling and stopped the emails and stopped seeing me all together. I am not really sure except the only reason I got was she had things in her life to take care of. The last thing on her list was to get a breast augmentation. Now that she is done with a majority of her list, I offered to get her breasts if she would be my girl friend. Only she comes up with more excuses and the only thing I can think ( along with my friend trying to help me figure it out)of is...she is not comfortable or rather accepting of me being a female to male. For someone to tell me not to stop having feelings for her. I do not get that. I have accepted her completely. Would be more then ok if she got breasts and would support her in anything she wanted to do to live her life as a woman. Even if she wanted to have a srs. I would be there for her 200%.
She tells me I am everything she looks for in a person and that I am too good to be true. But yet she could be with me if she wanted to and isn't.
I have a real big problem being in relationships because of the fact that I am female to male. Not all the time. I would have to say that at one point it was alot more frequent..I guess in the last year I have really slowed it down alot because of the fact that I can not find someone to be accepting of this.
I thought at one point I wanted to be a full time male but the more I think about it the more I know that if I were to be a full time male. I would still be a cd because of the fact I love the woman in me. I like the shopping and the make up and all that good stuff and can clean up really nice as a woman.

03-31-2005, 10:34 PM
you strike me as above the radar of most people. You're just too damn advanced for many to comprehend. Too bad you're way down there in the sunshine state, hon. I think those passing you by are just plain foolish!
Hang in there. Your day will come.

04-01-2005, 05:13 AM
If I were about 30 years younger, and lived a bit nearer to you (about 4000 miles nearer), you could stop looking for someone to accept you! I'd be there! Most of us who are CDs are always looking for someone like you!


Jenny Beth
04-01-2005, 10:40 AM
Hi Mel,

I am not at all surprised at the responses you have gotten here. Some of the traits a woman has are compassion and understanding. For those of us who are M2F we have them too and they are our biggest assets. Not having them would make us hypocrites and not worthy of someone like you. There is no doubt there is someone for you and it will happen when you least expect it. It's good to see you posting here again....seems we both dropped out.

Love always

04-11-2005, 04:09 PM
hi, I feel that you need to focus more on your own needs than projecting outwards, so you are taking care of number one a bit more. I have no problem at all with a person like you as a partner(god that sounds so cold, sorry) I lived for 9 years as a woman, and I'd go back right now if I could(many barriers,long story). but I do wish you luck and lots of love in finding happiness : )

Natasha Anne
04-11-2005, 04:52 PM
Sure, even considering I'm straight. In fact that would be so cool, that way my feminine gender identity expression wouldn't have competition!

What a cool question. Very few crossdressing m2f's take the time to think of the consquences in their life if their loved ones did exactly the same thing they did.

04-11-2005, 05:30 PM
Hi Mel,

I think, as has been said earlier in the thread, that it would depend on the individuals. To take a very general view I think it would be fine and probably a lot of fun.

Good luck,


04-11-2005, 10:10 PM
I already have this situation somewhat. I sometimes swear that my GF and I are exactly opposite in terms of roles of what we should be. I acting far more feminine than my GG partner, while she wears flannels, australian cowboy hats, and army garb (being in the army national guard). I'm quite accepting of this difference and happy with it. If she decided that she wanted to pass as a male, I wouldn't have a problem with it. There's times I really enjoy it :), but I'll try to keep this PG rated.

Anyways, it sounds like this m2f you speak of has some of their own emotional problems they need to work out. I can only speculate that perhaps pe wants to do it on their own and not be dependent upon anyone. Anyways, I hope for the best of luck with you. Be open and honest about yourself and you will eventually find what you are looking for.

04-12-2005, 01:03 AM
I would enjoy being with an accepting female that preferred me to be the/a girl. I love encouragement, but don't require it.


04-12-2005, 01:11 AM
Hi Just me Bear,
I'm BI-SEXUAL so it doesn't matter to me if it was a guy dressed as a female or a female as a male. I rather be with a man dressed as a girl,& myself dressed the same!
I once went with a vary streight catholic girl who liked to dress as a man in a suit and tie.She only did this when I crossed dressed at home in a ladies business suit (TALK ABOUT A UPSIDE DOWN COUPLE HAH!).She actualy look vary cute cross dressed.as Arnie.If Annette was alive today we probably be married but that's another SAD story.Oh? was this a fetish of her to dress up in man's business suit YES IT WAS! So F2M's are great people to be with.Cross dresser either way are my brother's,& sisters!