View Full Version : Chest exercises &keeping fit

10-19-2007, 10:27 PM
Hi ya all,

O.k its me again.
I am not in your face or anything else,just here to learn.If you want to find out a little about me,I have posted many times in answer to a thread,husband/wife roles down the drain,in the discussion area Transsexuals et.

Anyway my eldest daughter is a Personal Trainer and is also studying Sports Science at Uni.I asked her the other day if she had many FTM TS's at the Gym she works and was she also instructed within her course how to help people who are Transgendered and entering into Transition.

I understand that with FTM's ,that part of your transition eventually will be Chest surgery,that is masectomy and other surgery to produce a chest somewhat like a male.

I would like to know how many of you take care with your diet and exercise whilst on Testosterone..are you undertaking a exercise regime that prepares the pectoral muscles,so that they are in top condition after a masectomy.
Muscle bulk can become defined I am assuming rather quickly once on the Testerone..but I am assuming the bulk will not be created on its own,I am assuming that you would need to exercise and perhaps change your diet.

Looking forward to your responce,
Spouse to Marie MTF in Transition,mother to 6,spouse rep for the Chameleons Society www.chameleonswa.com

10-20-2007, 05:34 AM
funny you write this because all being well today i am off to the gym to see how much it is to join :D not sure how it will go though because i have never been before.

10-20-2007, 05:39 AM
I'm not on T yet (don't know if I ever will be) but I think a lot of doctors require/ advise a good solid buildup of the pectoral muscles before chest surgery. That would involve basically the same exercises any guy would do to build up his chest: pushups, bench presses, etc.
As for diet, well, protein builds muscle, and muscle helps burn fat. Breast tissue is pretty fatty so any reduction therein would probably make the surgeon's job easier (less to remove, etc.).

10-27-2007, 04:30 AM
Hi, I used to go to the gym regularly but stopped for one thing and another but do weights at home. I used to do exercises for my pecs but found that it stopped me binding affectively so i cut them out and hey it worked Also I have lost a lot of weight recently so I may see if I can build them up again as long as it doesn't make my binding go wrong xx Felix :hugs: