View Full Version : Cool compliment

11-03-2007, 02:33 AM
Being as it was friday night I decided dress up a bit and style my hair. It was one of those times when your hair is just ok, but not great. I decided not to fight it and just accept it as an ok styling job. Looking in the mirror I thought, dude your making a fool of yourself. It's cool that people see me as a guy, I just don't want to look hideous. I could imagine people thinking, oh my word thats a guy, or what an idiot, or something along the lines of, those dang flaming homos.

So I'm out doing nothing in particular, book store and what not. But I'm feeling crappy and moody, a but unsure of myself. I see the second glances, the stare with a smile that appears to be working to refrain from laughing. You get the idea. So I'm at the mall cause of these shoes I wanted. Generic shoes really with a slight 2" heel on them. Nothing femm just enough of a heel so my jeans don't bunch up at my ankles.

Anyway, I walk in and of course the SA notices me. I'm thinking, yeah laugh it up. I take the shoes to be rung up and she says to me, your hair is really beautiful. I was shocked, it really made me feel good about myself when I was feeling so crappy. I started to yak it up with her and then she grew kinda silent. Not visible uncomfortable, but she seemed to feel a bit awkard while I was talking to her. Of course I was moody and not really caring and I probably could have been a better conversationalist. Who knows it could have been just me.

Ever have those days where your feeling kind of down and mooding and someone gives you a compliment. This compliment meant the world to me. My whole life I've always suspected I would have beautiful hair. Now I know. While I'm glad I know, I'm also a bit upset that I've waited this long in life to find out.

11-03-2007, 09:04 AM
yep, you're tite, one of those days when you're feeling down and sb gives you an unexpected compliment,o perhaps you do not expect it and sb say hey you look beatiful today, and you feel like usual.

It doesn't matter what people say about u, you live for yourself, you don't live to make them happy. some people think that beoing different is bad, not in my opinion. Do not worry , and i read this phrase in Spanish that runs"For everytime you wanna cry, remember there are a thousand and one to smile". Besos, Abril

PS:Any tip on my hair?I would like to have hair extensions (weaves), ksss

11-03-2007, 10:18 AM
Might be nice just to pop back later and explain how much her comment meant to you and why you were not able to respond in a more positive manner at the time ;->


Marla S
11-03-2007, 05:18 PM
These kind of experiences are just the best ... keep it vivid in your mind.

PS: To do what Mitch said can't harm either.