View Full Version : TG dreams. Do you have them?

11-04-2007, 01:55 AM
Last night I dreamed that there was a big chip monk in my garden, and all of a sudden, it grew to be a big brown bear. It told me that some times it was very hard to look like a bear when you actually were just a small chip monk.

After that dream I had another one. In this one, my SO gave me a pretty purple top with a smashing black swirly design and a matching black skirt.

How are your TG dreams? do you all dream about your TG issues and how do they appear to you in your dreams? I would like to collect a lot of TG dreams and maybe publish them. If you are interested in my project, send me a private message, or respond to this post.

11-04-2007, 02:09 AM
Love the chipmunk dream, Sejd. :D

Hmmm... it's funny. I used to dream ALL the time about wearing stuff... esp wearing stuff and being found out or caught. Or just being out and about en femme, feeling free and pretty.

Since I have accepted my true self...I NEVER have TG dreams anymore. I guess because I am more freely expressing myself and have rid myself of the shame and fear that was obviously creating a subconcious pressure that was being signalled by my dreams.

Maybe I am dreaming TG still but I don't really take note of it because it seems normal. If that's the case then I am happy. :happy:

Siobhan Marie
11-04-2007, 10:06 AM
I used to have those dreams, I've since accepted myself for who I am and those dreams have now gone.

:hugs: Siobhán x

Maggie Kay
11-04-2007, 11:43 AM
I have them occasionally and one recently I posted here:


I can say that I am struggling with acceptance as I am trying to keep the approval of my family yet transition. A nearly impossible situation. It keeps me just on the edge of panic all the time. I'm hoping for some breakthrough in my situation that will stop the angst.

11-04-2007, 09:54 PM
Interesting dream you have, seems like a metaphor indicating the TG issues. Mine wasn't quite so clear it was more like I was someone else.

The weirdest one is probably I dream of myself as a guy, I was just running away from something, in panic and flustered not sure why either and I ran into a lady. That lady is the female me. We just stood and stare at each other for a moment and I awoke.

11-04-2007, 10:25 PM
A lot of tg dreams over the years, usually having some focus on feminine undergarments, wearing bras, taking them off etc. Last night's was about "panties" - I was in a group of mostly men but some women and I had to bend over to pick up something and I heard tittering and comments "We can see your panties" and the like. But somehow I wasn't sure they could see so I took an opportunity to look at my backside in a mirror, and sure enough, my pink (what other color!) panties had ridden up and were showing above my waistline. :) Such is life.

11-04-2007, 11:43 PM
Hi Livy
thanks so much for sharing your dream. If you would let me use your material for this dream or other dreams that you have, please send me a private message with your permission for the dream. This project is shaping up to be something which could be very useful for the TG community as well as for therapist or the general public. I have some very good experience in publishing previously, and I am sure this could turn into a beautiful book.

11-08-2007, 10:54 AM
It seems I'm always a woman in my dreams. I dream I'm one of the office girls at work, I dream of working out in the exercise room with other women, I once dreamed of having a mamogram. Im always one of the girls.

11-08-2007, 12:29 PM
I had a strange dream this past Saturday night which I don't know how to take; I wouldn't consider myself full-blown TG as I usually do have a fairly masculine side which I'm mostly comfortable with; however, there's other times when I feel very "feminine" inside, to the point where I'll answer the phone (or even talk to someone face-to-face in dim light) and be mistaken as female.

Anyway, in this dream I was in an exotic, sub-tropical locale which I couldn't identify (the only time I've been that far south is dry, dusty West Texas). I had just had an argument with a family member about my sexuality (bi) and had folded my arms on the table we'd been sharing, burying my head in them.

Suddenly I feel the need to look up and I see this giant red, black and golden parrot that seemed to glow ever so slightly more than everything else around it.. It makes eye contact and, without a sound, flies over to me and lights on my shoulder.

The strangest part is when it cawed low and suddenly we were merging.. but this didn't bother me in the least and I was left with feeling of peace and overall I felt... I don't know, softer, cleaner, more at peace and very definitely "feminine" inside.

Any guy/gal know what to make of this?

11-09-2007, 12:57 AM
Dear Lilah CD
first of all, there is no box with any regulations as to how much you need to feel feminine to be a TS or whatever. You are who you are. In my humble opinion, you are just as much as TS or TG as someone who has gone all the way they possibly can. It's up to you and no one else to define your own beautiful self.
I have received a number of wonderful dreams from sisters on this forum and great material for my project already. If you would like to give me permission to use your dream, just send me a private message stating that. I would love to include your dream as I think it is a very important one.
I interpret your dream as this:
In your dream, you give your self permission to give in to your female side by putting your head in your hands. Further more, the parrot could be your colorful female side which comes to you in the shape of a bird. Having said that, the purpose of my book is not to interpret anyones dreams, but simply to study the realm of unconscious remembrance which goes on in a transgender persons life. It is up to the reader to draw their own conclusions from the dreams and the book. Please let me know if you would be willing to share more dreams.
kind regards and a big hug

11-14-2007, 03:49 PM
Usually I am trying to be a female with no success. Sometimes I am close but the other people in the dream see me as a women, which I like.

Usually I am trying to get breasts and sometimes do.

Rarely I am a women in my dream all the way.

Will not talk about sex in dreams, it confuses me when I wake up!

I do have a lot of lucid dreams.

Can not say how many times I wake up and touch my chest hoping the breasts are still there!

11-17-2007, 05:23 PM
I am sitting with the beginning of what could be an absolutely fantastic book about TS dreaming, or as I want the subtitle to be:
Uncovering the Trans-Gender subconcious world. - or something in that direction LOL. I have received a bunch of GREAT stuff from several MF's and FM's in this forum and encourage more to send me theri writen dreams with a permit for me to use the material. As a matter of fact, I already have twenty pages of great dream recollection. Keep it coming you beautiful dreamers, or should I say : Dream Girls!!!!and dream boys!!! Remember, all contributions should be sent to me as private message. Thanks
And yes, you can all be a part of this project.

11-17-2007, 07:40 PM
I used to have those dreams, I've since accepted myself for who I am and those dreams have now gone.

:hugs: Siobhán x

Me too...

Stephenie S
11-17-2007, 08:35 PM
Yes, I dream, but I can almost never remember any of them. The parts of the ones I do remember are so bizarre as to be almost meaningless to me. I could never remember anything so specific as what sex I happened to be in the dream.

I do, however, remember the dreams I have before waking up to pee. They ALL revolve around water of some kind.


11-18-2007, 02:21 AM
Last night I dreamt that I was walking along a deserted dessert road, or some kind of road in the country side. It was dark and probably in the middle of the night. I was wearing a long beautiful skirt, and I liked the way it felt when I moved my hips from side to side. Then down the road, I saw a car which was parked at the side of the road, somehow it looked like there was a mechanical problem. Just then, it dawned on me that this was a very dangerous situation for a woman to be in. I continued however to walk up to the car, to see if I could be of any help. A tall African American man walked up to me and started to speak.He was very fat and somehow threatening me. I felt very frightened but just then, a patroll car pulled up to us and a female officer came out of the car. Then The dream disappeared and I woke up.
To me, the dream told me something about being vulnerable as a woman and also about stereotyping attitudes, some negative influences, maybe from watching "Cops" or something. What do you all dream?

11-18-2007, 05:34 AM
Don't know whether it's a dream as such but I have the experience of and it is strong of wanting to make love properly.I know I can't so it becomes like fantasy, like a dream. Does that make sense to anyone. xx Felix :hugs::hugs:

11-22-2007, 02:54 PM
I was going to email this straight to you Sejd, but thought the second dream might be of some general interest. You may use them both for your book. They're both very short.

Like I said before, I haven't had any TG dreams since I accepted and understood myself better.

The past two days I've had 2 short dreams which are about a similar theme - coming out.

Yesterday's dream brought on I guess by anxiousness to tell my mom, because I feel very close to doing that, even though I suspect she knows.

I'm walking through her house and I am dressed entirely, and have a momentary flash of OMG "my brothers and my mom...oh yeah, they know"...and then I have a "I'm not pretty enough!" panic attack and rush to fix my make-up and hair.

Today's dream brought on by me thinking about how if I get this job I have applied for and which I am working in temporarily, how I will want to tell my co-worker maybe because I think I would feel calmer without carrying around such a big secret, even though I give away hints.

I tell my co-worker I am TG and explain what it means, and how I may look one way to her and yet I feel quite different inside. She looks confused and nervous all of a sudden, and I can tell she's seeing me differently. In this dream she wears big glasses, so I tell her that just because I have told her NOTHING about me has changed...it's how she sees me that has changed. I make an analogy to her putting on a different pair of glasses, so she can understand that this 'difference' is coming from HER, not me. I explain that I still do things exactly the same way as I did before I told her, when we got along fine. I'm not 'acting' any different now that she knows - it's just that she's now looking for the 'girlish' things about me and noticing them easier. They were always there. She seems to understand that after I tell her.

Lucy Bright
11-23-2007, 08:41 AM
My most memorable TG dream was when I was about 14. I woke up (in the dream) to find I had become a girl. My mother seemed quite unfazed by this, already seemed to know about it, and was quite cool with it. In fact, she had thrown away all my old boy clothes and stocked my wardrobe with dresses, skirts, panties, tights, bras, etc. It was a dream come true - in my dream, that is! I started going through the amazing selection of dresses, trying to pick the one with the highest lace-frill-silk quotient, and feeling quite ecstatic...

Actually, I was just a little bit too ecstatic. Another trip to the airing cupboard to find fresh sheets, alas.

I don't suppose that's very interesting for your purpose, but it's still vivid several decades on!



11-30-2007, 05:59 PM
I had another of those dreams I used to have often before they wet away...now they're coming back. All I can think is like before my subconcious is pushing me out.

I dreamt I was working (in a job I don't really have) on a ritzy property, that is from RL, a site I used to garden at. I was being introduced to the home owner and the first question he asked was "Are you a criminal? Because you kind of look like one."

I thought he was referring to my long wild hair, and then I looked down and realized I still had on the pink turtleneck I have been wearing around the house a lot, and a ruffled yellow skirt (that I havent been wearing cuz it's so cold). Like I had forgotten to put my guy clothes on before leaving the house. I stood in this guy's kitchen and tried to pretend everything was normal, but I could tell everyone was looking at me. I kept thinking "I feel great, this is what I wear, why can't I wear it here?" :sad:

I guess the dream is an expression of my frustration at not feeling free to be me in my own community. I don't think twice about what I'm wearing at home now (should be good if the JW's ever come to the door because I probably will forget what I am wearing) and I just wish I could do the same in the great outdoors. I mean I COULD...but not without a lot of major headaches we don't need. :straightface:

12-02-2007, 12:41 AM
Hi Kerriana
Yes, when we think about dreaming, we often get our dreams back on track. I think it is essential for mental health to dream and to remember your dreams. thanks for sharing. I have not gotten a lot of new dreams in my mail, but I keep on hoping to get more. I think we all have these dreams, and they define our inner reality, how we react to our unique place in society.

Kate Simmons
12-02-2007, 02:28 AM
I can't get specific Sejd but most of my dreams these days seem to reflect my dual nature. It's usually a man and a woman working on something or having an adventure together. I guess this reflects the fact that I have integrated all of my feelings to be more successful and as a result my two natures work in unison to accomplish a common goal. In any case, there are no conflicts between the two evident as had been with some of my dreams in the past.:happy:

Katie Ashe
12-03-2007, 09:27 PM
Yes I had them growing up like every other night. Dreams are supressed feeling, or things you haven't dealt with, so they say. Since I came out and became Katie, my dreams have gone away, I hardly remember them any more. Dreams can be strange, but so isn't reality...

12-04-2007, 01:03 PM
I am a woman in every dream I have, and have been for years now. That is, in the few dreams that I am able to remember at all.

The weirdest dreams are those in which I dream about past events, such as when I was a child. I am never the little boy I physically was at the time, but, rather, the little girl I really was. These dreams are only strange to me, not bad. It's as if I'm editing out the inaccurate scenes of a film and replacing them with better versions.

12-25-2007, 12:21 AM
You should read my Sci-fi dream. But I have had several dreams of me being female.

12-26-2007, 07:15 PM
I have dreamt myself female, or at least in drag almost every day for the last year. Then again I was living with a girlfriend that didn't know what I was.

12-28-2007, 05:52 PM
One of the best features of all the dreams I remember is that ever since I've accepted that I am a girl in a boy's body, in all of my dreams, I am 100% girl. Even better, it's made all my more risque dreams all the more memorable ^^

12-31-2007, 01:41 AM
Last night I dreamt that I was at this Trannie meeting which took place in some kind of YMCA building, or a community college. I normally don't seek out such groups because I don't seek that kind of support, but in my dream I was righ there. Then I realized that my outfit was horrible. I was wearing pants under my skirt and they didn't even match. Everyone seemed pretty acceptable of me however - weird. In "awake" state of being, I am always very carefull to pick the right outfit and put the right things together. My luck is that my SO will tell me if it does not jive. Does that ring a bell?
hugs :hugs:

Hidden Tell
01-07-2008, 12:51 AM
I've had a slightly odd dream recently. In it I'm kissing some pretty girl and things are going pretty well, but then I get all nervous and whatnot because she doesnt know that I, well, dont exactly come fully equipped, as it were.
And then I somehow 'wake up' next to a rather skeevy-looking dude.
I can't win, even in my dreams. u_u''

Jessika Paige
01-07-2008, 01:24 AM
i hang in strip clubs from 17 to 24. i dated alot of strippers. most of my ex's are strippers. i taught one of them to dance! i keep dreaming of strippers i knew and becoming them mid-dance. most of the time i see my head on a womans body. no make up, just guy in femme underwear, being stared at. scary!
some of them i'm fully made up and and smokin' hot. i like those.
i'd love to be a stripper/poledancer. i'm ****ty, get over it.
also dreamed wifey brought me sexy things from the thriftstore.

01-07-2008, 05:33 AM
Oh gawd! I dreamt my older brother (1 yr older than me and very secretive about his life) told me that not only was he TS but he had been on hormones for 3 months already! :eek:

I felt so jealous.

Typical. :rolleyes:

01-09-2008, 03:03 PM
I dream often, almost every night. In my dreams I am always a woman. Maybe one out of a hundred or more times I'll be myself reliving a problem I had at work.

As a woman I am doing every day things, getting dressed, going to work, cleaning house, making meals, shopping, going to church, and dating. I've had these had these for years, since my childhood. I even dream about being pregnant and having children and raising them with my husband. I even dream of being made love to as a woman and enjoying it immensely. It is always the same man (husband, father to our children and lover) in my dreams although I never quite clearly see his face.

Guess someday I'll need some expensive psychiatrist to explain them. But for me I fell it's just me trying to be me. I'm happy and satisfied just now so I guess I'll just keep on keeping on.

01-09-2008, 03:57 PM
I have many TG dreams, most are like I'm in my everyday life, such as my job and no one seems to care how I'm dressed (usually very ****ty-like) and often it's like I'm just being ignored by all. Ironically, I had a few dreams where I could detach my male member at will and carry it in my purse until I needed it again. Weird? Yes, I know. Dreams do that.

01-09-2008, 11:18 PM
I have dreamt several times of being 100% woman. In fact it has woken me up numerous times, all with a smile a might add!!! I don't remember all of the intricate details of what happened but I do know that I have been startled, by waking up, that I was the female in the scenario.

I hope for more!!!!

Anna the Dub
01-14-2008, 04:49 AM
I never, ever remember my dreams. Everyone else seems to, but not me. Bit disappointing really.

01-14-2008, 06:01 AM
Last night I dreamt that I wore my bra and breastforms to work under a thin blouse. The dream was all about how I was embarassed with people finding out what I was wearing while I was doing my usual job. This may be easy to analyze but at the time it was somewhat uncomfortable and I woke up tired this AM. I want more happy femme dreams!!!!!

01-29-2008, 05:57 PM
I can say that hand on heart, in 95% of my dreams (that I remember) I am biologically male - as in from birth. In the other few I remember I present as I do now (f2m) but I always end up being embarassed by falling for a straight girl and her discovering that I wasn't born male. Without analyzing too deeply I would say that is definitely my GD speaking. Interesting topic :happy:

01-29-2008, 06:05 PM
Did you have nuts before you went to bed?? hince the chipmonk dream:happy: Seriously, my dreams have for years been in the female instead of the male persona. I guess it's what we visualize who we are.

01-30-2008, 08:55 AM
I've been getting a lot of transgendered dreams lately, but that's only because it's been on my mind. (Mostly 'cause of this forum.)

I'm a lucid dreamer so I usually change into my male self if I'm not that already. The possibilities are endless after that. (I wanted to make a lucid dreaming topic but I guess this will do...)

02-15-2008, 02:31 AM
I can't say I've had dreams about TG issues, necessarily. However, I have had a string of dreams where I was female, not just dressing the part. And the content never really strayed to far from the normal dissociated timeline and incoherent theme...

02-18-2008, 02:01 AM
Wow, it's been a long time since I'd been here... but I figured I might as well pop in again!

I have many, many dreams about being a girl, or in a TG situation. In some, I'm just a girl, and there's nothing to it--I go about things within the dreams as if nothing's new. Other times, that's very obviously a central theme.

Some say that the brains use sleep to solve problems, and I know that's certainly the case with me. My mind's tackled just about every facet of being TG through dreaming, becoming a full woman, and living as my ideal self, both in overly imaginative and realistic ways. In fact, two ideas of becoming and coping I'm actually working into novel-length stories in a science fiction setting, one about halfway through, though the transgendered concept is a secondary, underlying concept in what I write.

Fortunately, I have an outlet to let my dreams go somewhere. Not able to be happy with a real-life transition, I have an IRC TG roleplay room that I've been a part of for 3 years now that lets me express all sorts of my thoughts that come up in my dreams through the roleplay, even if it's something as small as trying hair up in a ponytail. It's as close as I can get to the real thing until an option I'm comfortable with comes along, and fortunately it works quite well for me.

It doesn't stop the dreams, though. Which, I should be somewhat thankful for, because honestly my most realistic moments where I was convinced I was a woman was in some of those dreams that feel completely real, even if I have a fully-established person in the IRC roleplay chat. It's just the waking up that seems to mess it all up...

02-19-2008, 05:01 PM
Hi Anna
sometimes it helps to try and remember your dreams by writing them down as soon as you wake up in the morning or after a nap. Our brain is used to forget dreams because it doesn't need them in the waken state, but if we start paying attention to the dreams we can train ourselves to remember more and more of the subconcious.
Good luck.