View Full Version : Energy reserve

Kate Simmons
11-10-2007, 04:20 AM
Ever notice that as TG people we seem to have an energy reserve we can tap into to become who we want to be? All my life it seems I've had this extra set of "energies" I dedicated to the planning and exectution of becoming my femme self. This was especially true while I was in the "closet" most of my life and I needed to cover all bases so my most closely guarded secret would not be discovered.

So, just where does it come from? Is it intrinsic or inherent because of who we are or is it just mindset? Whatever it is and where ever it comes from, it seems to give us powers and abilities far beyond those of mortal men, as least it did to me.How else could I be a good looking gal one minute and Super Dad the next? I used to wonder how I was able to live a dual life without skipping a beat as they say and sometimes during a slow period or after a purge, it would boggle my mind and I would say to myself:"Impossible, how did I ever manage that?" It seemed, however, that during these "slow" periods, I actually had LESS energy overall, wasn't at my peak and became somewhat complacent really.

I have since stopped wondering just where this energy comes from and nowadays just utilize it to my advantage and properly channeled, it seems, it is a powerful resource indeed. I suppose when something is that vitally important to us, we just naturally make use of all of our resources to accomplish our goals. Since I have amalgamated all of my feelings, I have been able to tap into this energy reserve to accomplish a great number of things no matter what mode I happen to be in. I dunno, maybe it's the fact that being free to be myself has made me realize I can do more than I think I can and things are only limited by my own imagination really.

The bottom line is now that I have come to this point, I can't imagine life without the ability to tap into this reserve and without it, I would be moving backward. I've learned that the key is harnassing it and directing it though because the other side of the coin is that you can very easily become consumed by it if you do not and left unchecked(i.e. "pink fog") it can possibly take over your life. In this way, you take ownership of your own destiny.The energy is impersonal and doesn't care how it's used really. It's up to us as to how we utilize it and it totally our choice.:happy:

Angie G
11-10-2007, 05:46 AM
At time I feel this also they The woman is the stronger of the sexes maybe it the woman in us :hugs:

Marla S
11-10-2007, 06:35 AM
I suppose when something is that vitally important to us, we just naturally make use of all of our resources to accomplish our goals. Since I have amalgamated all of my feelings, I have been able to tap into this energy reserve to accomplish a great number of things no matter what mode I happen to be in. I dunno, maybe it's the fact that being free to be myself has made me realize I can do more than I think I can and things are only limited by my own imagination really.
That's why I sometimes refer to it as basic need for own femininity. The mind and body will activate all energy reserves to satisfy a basic need, if there are serious deficiencies.
The downside of it is that the actions sometimes get irrational and in the extreme even self-destructive (e.g. sailors drinking saltwater, knowing it will kill them. But the thirst is satisfied for a few seconds, which is all that counts in this moment).

Once you have amalgamated your feelings, or have found your balance respectively, you get the energy that otherwise is wasted by fighting yourself.
Guilt, shame, urge, doubts etc. are major energy wasters.

Once you got rid of it you can use this energy in a more "productive", positive way, which will give you an extra boost additionally ... call it synergistic effect.

I don't know where I would be today, if I wouldn't have been able to get at least close to my balance. There are other issues for which I need all my energy to solve them. Hence I am thankful that I don't have to fight myself anymore, and get some extra power by being me.