View Full Version : Walk like a woman

Mandy Burgundy
11-14-2007, 07:39 PM
Not sure if this has been covered yet or where to post this, but just wondering if you yet mastered the walk. For those who don't know like myself I thought this might be helpful.

just move the slider on the top left to female. You can turn lines on at the bottom to get a better view.

2nd link an animation i did of a walk cycle.

Time to practice.

11-14-2007, 07:59 PM
That's very interesting. I have trouble with my arms. It looks like women pull their elbows inward, and men push their elbows out. Hmmm...something to work on. Thanks!

Kristen Marie
11-14-2007, 08:56 PM
The elbow thing is so true. I tend to watch my shadows outside when I walk. Without a doubt, in guy mode, my elbows are flaring out. Just by angling them in, it changes everything. It's also why having a purse helps so much to keep the elbows by your side.

That first link is great! Thanks for sharing.

11-14-2007, 09:15 PM
Try pulling the elbows in, and turning the palms of your hands slightly to the front. At that point, it's hard to walk without a little wiggle in your waggle.

Suzy Harrison
11-14-2007, 10:41 PM
This is brilliant - thank you for posting it.

11-14-2007, 10:47 PM
thank you very much looks great:D

Stephenie S
11-14-2007, 11:32 PM
What's to most important factor in developing your feminine walk?

Your stride!

I had a feminization coach tell me years ago that she could tell the sex of a walker just by listening to the sound of the footsteps. She was absolutely correct.

Want to walk like a woman? Shorten your stride! Really shorten your stride. And quicken it up. By far, the easiest way to discover and copy this is to go to the mall. Find a woman walking and walk behind her (not TOO close, of course) and copy her stride. You will find yourself taking MUCH shorter steps and taking them MUCH more quickly. Then start to SWING those arms, turn your hands up and out a bit, and there you are. Swishing away.

This will feel SOOO gay at first. And, BTW, it will look gay also. Get used to it, dear. If you want to walk like a woman, you are going to have to swish a little.

Then just do it. Do it all the time. Remember, you want this to become second nature, so do it even when you are alone, not just when you are in public. Quick, short strides. Think about this, try it, and then go back to that program in the first post of this thread and watch it happening. You will say, "Oh yeah, now I get it."


11-14-2007, 11:39 PM
i never did perfect my walk, but then i've seen many gg's who swagger like guys, so i figured what the hay, why change now?

11-15-2007, 12:01 AM
Very cool!--but it seems to me that when I'm wearing heels, that a longer stride lets me walk in a more natural style, and not looking klutzy when the heels hit the floor.Also, if I keep my feet along the same "line", it will give you a little wiggle.

11-15-2007, 01:53 AM
LOL, Amazingly, as i moved the slider between male and female, I began to notice something. My own natural walk cycle is identical to the walk cycle when it's exactly in the middle between male and female.

wonder what that means

11-15-2007, 05:31 AM
Very interesting technology, thanks! In addition to the shorter, quicker stride that has been mentioned, feminine girls tend to keep their knees very close, almost touching. I realized this when volunteering at a fund-raising run a couple of years ago. The 'jock' girls ran in big long strides, with their legs apart, like a guy. Good balance, athleticism, etc. The femme girls, and some were very athletic, ran in shorter strides and their knees almost brushed with each stride. Check it out.
About a year ago, working at a trade show out of town, I 'overheard' a couple of previous co-workers, who were walking behind me en route to dinner, commenting on how they missed my 'stride' around the office since I moved on. Hmm, if I understood that, would it be of any use?

11-15-2007, 08:02 AM
If you look at most GG's , they are, for the most part, "knock kneed" which means knees close or rubbing, and feet straighter ahead, and smaller stride, even when not wearing heels. Also the pulling elbows in and palms slightly forward, your arm swing will compliment your wider hips without hitting them. I really don't get a good wiggle unless I am wearing at least 4" heels.

11-16-2007, 12:09 AM
I sure learned a lot from all this. Thanks

11-16-2007, 01:41 AM
If you use lines and rotate 90 degrees it also shows women walk with their hips forward.


11-16-2007, 01:43 AM
You have got to be kidding me, if you walk like that then they will know something is wrong, the girls I know do not walk like that and the cds and ts
who got game do not walk like that......I know cds who do not have game and walk better then that.

It is confidence in your self that will give that attitude you need to walk, when I step out of my car as CINDY I got my game face on and with my first step I am in the zone and I move like a runway model.


11-16-2007, 04:23 AM
Confidence is more important than anything. An obvious masculine swagger will give anyone away... But, developing a feminine walk is also good.

I think a good rule to remember is tightness - keep your knees closer than you would normally, your feet and your steps closer than you would normally and your arms closer to you than you would normally.

Interesting thread, girls!

Kate Simmons
11-16-2007, 05:14 AM
I can't help but wonder what the point of all of this is. Is the intent to emulate a woman's walk driven by the need for self confidence or the idea to blend in (i.e. "be invisible") or the idea to deceive? The first reason I can understand but the last two accomplish absolutely nothing in my opinion. The only other possible reason in my mind for wanting to walk like a woman is that we intend to transition. Just wanting to do it to be "cute" makes very little sense to me. I've never walked in any special way but then, again, my intention is for folks to know who and what I am and my purpose is to show that, even if I am TG, I'm just a regular person like everyone else, just have different ways of expressing it. Just always been curious about to need for some folks to do this.:happy:

11-16-2007, 05:18 AM
A walk is a natural thing that comes from within ones self , tring to emulate another may lead to a fall on ones a**se !! ha ha :devil:

11-16-2007, 06:16 AM
I can't help but wonder what the point of all of this is. Just always been curious about to need for some folks to do this.:happy:

Just remember that the female walk is not mostly about her physical hips and legs, it is learned like anything else as she grows up. If you watch small children they don't move much different from each other. That changes as they get older and start "copying" the other girls. This is how we all learned most things. Just think back on your laugh, your movements, even your facial expressions. Many of those will be of your mother or father or a friend you grew up with. This is no different, we're just learning these things a little later in life.

I try to live a few days a month as a women and this is just one more way to be closer to that ideal. I don't try to walk like a runway model, just a feminine woman out for a little shopping. It is one of those things that really gets me in the right frame of mind when out and about.

11-16-2007, 02:39 PM
This is interesting stuff. Thanks for posting it. They didn't seem to make a point of how shoes can change the movements (such as high heels). Nevertheless it was informative, especially how the arm motion changed from male to female.

But as some others have pointed out, some GGs have a very masculine walk and others don't. When I was growing up, (mid 50s) girls moved and threw balls differently than most girls today. Seems like the prevalence of girls sports have caused some shift in mannerisms away from the traditional female movements a bit. Or am I all wet?


Stephenie S
11-16-2007, 02:40 PM
Well said, Sally.

The reason I want to walk like a woman (to answer a previous post) is the same reason I wear women's clothes. It's a flag, a signal, if you will. I want to signal to the world that, "Here comes a woman." I want the world to accept me as the woman I have always been. That's all. Swaggering down the hallway like a linebacker doesn't send the right message to others. I'm NOT a guy any longer.

Some of the points brought up in a previous post might bear repeating. Women take up less space! Guys sprawl. Guys spread their legs wide when they sit. Women sit with legs together. Guys reach out wide with their arms. Women sit and stand with arms close to their body. Guys walk wide and loose, often with what we call a "swagger". Women walk small. Small quick steps, legs close together, elbows close. All of this is evident to anyone who spends a few hours in the mall watching others, male and female.

Most of this is, of course, learned behavior. You can ignore it, or learn it yourself. It's your choice.


11-16-2007, 02:45 PM
Well said Steph. I enjoy the feeling of emulation as it makes me feel like I'm getting more in touch with my fem side which is a good feeling to me. I'm not conscious of the deceptive aspect, but more the way it feels to me. I didn't consider this aspect in my previous post. Thanks for the food for thought.


11-16-2007, 03:25 PM
Not sure if this has been covered yet or where to post this, but just wondering if you yet mastered the walk. For those who don't know like myself I thought this might be helpful.

just move the slider on the top left to female. You can turn lines on at the bottom to get a better view.

2nd link an animation i did of a walk cycle.

Time to practice.


11-17-2007, 09:19 AM
Wow that was pretty interesting!

Cindi Ann Kelly
11-21-2007, 08:40 PM
Thanks for the posting. I can see that I need
to do some work getting some moves right.

cindi ann

Stephenie S
11-21-2007, 09:14 PM
You have got to be kidding me, if you walk like that then they will know something is wrong, the girls I know do not walk like that and the cds and ts
who got game do not walk like that......I know cds who do not have game and walk better then that.

It is confidence in your self that will give that attitude you need to walk, when I step out of my car as CINDY I got my game face on and with my first step I am in the zone and I move like a runway model.


Well Cindy, I can tell you for sure that if I tried to walk like a runway model at work or on the street around here I would be laughed at pretty quickly. And what do you mean "got game"? Never mind dear, I don't really want to know.


11-21-2007, 09:58 PM
Almost all the time I am wearing pantyhose under my skirt or dress. What I do is to walk with my upper legs rubging together so I can hear the "swish" of my pantyhose as my legs touch. Not only does it feel sexy, but it tends to keep my legs and knees together and produces more of a feminine strive.

Genifer Teal
11-21-2007, 11:18 PM
One thing I've discovered about how women walk is posture. I believe the correct posture is the key to walking more like a woman. Women lead with their abdomen and men lead with their shoulders. Get this right ans the rest will follow. Seriously, you can fake it all but it is similar to faking a smile. A real smile shines brighter than a fake smile - which may still look good. When everything falls in place, the walk is that much more natural.

I have been trying to figure out how to best explain the correct posture. I have no great answer. Your back is straight, you but is out and your stomach (abdomen) is foreward. Once you get to this point, you have to relax and let the weight of your upper body rest on your hips. If you can do all this while holding the same posture, you've got it.

You will need to experiment, but when you get it right, you can feel the hips begin to sway on thier own. You can enhance it anyway you want, but start first with the basics, and you will notice a difference.

I hope this didn't just confuse you more. It really works for me.


Patricia Danielle
11-22-2007, 07:23 AM
I could watch and try till I'm purple and I'll still have the style and grace of a MACK truck..Patricia..

Genifer Teal
11-23-2007, 12:55 PM
Well, at least it is a pink Mack Truck! :happy: Give yourself more credit. You can probably do better than that. Think positive and give it a try.

Hugs Genifer

11-23-2007, 01:53 PM
Not sure if this has been covered yet or where to post this, but just wondering if you yet mastered the walk. For those who don't know like myself I thought this might be helpful.

just move the slider on the top left to female. You can turn lines on at the bottom to get a better view.

2nd link an animation i did of a walk cycle.

Time to practice.

Weird stuff, but a great tip! Thanks.

Stephenie S
11-23-2007, 09:21 PM
Well, at least it is a pink Mack Truck! :happy: Give yourself more credit. You can probably do better than that. Think positive and give it a try.

Hugs Genifer

This brought a smile to my face, hon.


11-23-2007, 09:37 PM
Looks like I need to take a little shake out, arms I have down pretty good.