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Wendy me
04-07-2005, 10:08 AM
it's a given we all in some way shape or form like to dress , something fem. is a must we dress for all diffrent reasons. ....from the closet to the malls we love it all . we can dress in fem just to step out of our "him" modes
as i have to day (mostly every day)... to day got the wash going , cleaning the house,, tunes cranking ....danceing around doing my chores........bakeing some cookies......planning supper .....we love to cook ..............

so what's this all abought ????well it has come to my atteacion that some were some how that i have become a house wife....not that i am complaning , i realy like this ...............

lets hear it when in your inner girl mode do you also become the house wife????

04-07-2005, 10:19 AM
Hello Wendy I've been a house wife for years now love, I love it.

The last 5 years I've done the stop at home bit, and for the last year of that I've been in full time femme mode for it, I truely find it quite amazing how life's turned out.
So if anyone needs to know about domestic chores, I'm you're girl ;)

love mand xxx

04-07-2005, 10:32 AM
i been a house wife for a few yrs now while my wife of 11 yrs works,, i do it all but cook,( she likes to cook) I EVEN DO WINDOWS. :D

04-07-2005, 11:11 AM
I am a housewife.I clean,cook,do laundry,shop,garden and I also do all of the traditional man stuff too.Paint,repair,carpentry,replace doors and windows,work with concrete,weld,minor electrical,bake.I pretty much do it all and have for years.Many in my generation think of mens work and womens work;I just look at it as work(there I go using four letter words again) whoever has the time and ability does the work.

Love and Hugs,

04-07-2005, 11:17 AM
Many in my generation think of mens work and womens work;I just look at it as work(there I go using four letter words again) whoever has the time and ability does the work.
Absolutely!! We've got to get rid of these socially pre-defined household "jobs" and places.

I was just at a friends, and people were joking about the kitchen being a "woman's place." This is rubbish!! The gender balance in proffessional culinary services is men, isn't it?! Just because 50 years ago a woman was expected to have tea on the table before the husband got home, and was expected to roll over any time the husband wanted a shag, doesn't mean we have to keep it that way! ARGH! I suppose it's the young activist inside me, but feminism all the way!! I'm a guy, but I so back feminism!

Men and women are different, yes, but I do not believe there should be specific places for them, just like I believe there shouldn't be a socially acceptable devide between male and female clothing. We should just wear what we want, and I do! I know I'm being a hipocrit by still dressing in the closet, but if people weren't so closed minded about this kind of thing, I'd be right out there in my heels everyday!! :mad:

*Breathe* :p

Okay, rant over :rolleyes:

04-07-2005, 11:29 AM
My parents owned a bar when I was growing up and I was the oldest with my sister to take care of. I was in a dress the instant they left the house learning to do nearly everything a girl might have to do given the times (Donna Reed was fashionable). Funny thing is though in my house housework was not stereotypical because my mother, unlike many, had to work and dad was insistent we all pitch in because she had so little time. They alternated opening the bar so at least one of them was home for a while.

Hugs (with a hickup)
Linda Lee

Wendy me
04-07-2005, 11:37 AM
oh girls i not complaning this is so mutch wendy , cooking ,cleaning and all the chores
around the house , yes wendy is the house wife .......and thats a good thing , i have been retired for a coupple of years now .as mutch as i enjoy running around , being at home
playing wendy the house wife is realy just fine with me. ...........

cookies any one??????

04-07-2005, 11:53 AM
I bring home the bacon and fry it up in a pan because I'm a w o m a n.

Sounds familiar
Danielle :)

04-07-2005, 12:18 PM
I have been a "housewife" for years. My wife works part-time and I take care of the house, and even have dinner ready for her. I love being a wife.I do all the laundry and cleaning, and the best part is I can do it while dressed !

04-07-2005, 12:39 PM
I am also the "house wife" since I do the laundry the vacuuming dusting and cooking etc. Am I really unemployed or just under paid?

Janice Ann
04-07-2005, 12:42 PM
O M G--Me a house wife !! never looked at it that way-- but yes ! I guess-
Yesterday I ironed clothes- cleaned house-when it was time to mow the grass I put on a loose bra w/breastforms-- feels so nice bouncing along on the rider- went to the store for milk- baked a loaf of bread- cooked supper-
did the dishes-- & found time to go thru the latest ladies catologs that just seem to show up in my mail box- a womans work is never done----I hope to make someone a good wife someday-- Now where is a man when you need one ?? ;)

Tristen Cox
04-07-2005, 12:58 PM
Really for me only when I have to mop and sweep up and dust. Call me lazy but it isn't often enough to consider myself a housewife, but I love en fem mode when I have any excuse.:D Sounds to me like we need to get you an apron Wendy :p

Julie York
04-07-2005, 12:59 PM
I just love that image of someone dressed outagiously girly, with false boobs, red nail narnish, 5 inch heels, hair blowing in the breeze...... bouncing about on a sitdown lawnmower.

But not as funny as the image of Prisilla mixing concrete dressed the same.

Neighbours (looking through net curtains): George!....George!...Quick ...He's doing it again!!

Wendy me
04-07-2005, 01:01 PM
I just love that image of someone dressed outagiously girly, with false boobs, red nail narnish, 5 inch heels, hair blowing in the breeze...... bouncing about on a sitdown lawnmower.

But not as funny as the image of Prisilla mixing concrete dressed the same.

Neighbours (looking through net curtains): George!....George!...Quick ...He's doing it again!!

wendy picks her selfe off the floor ...........omg yes i can pitchure that

http://img89.exs.cx/img89/4530/fsaprons6mr.jpg (http://www.imageshack.us)

04-07-2005, 02:15 PM
I can picture it also.WOW.Julie you have a great talent for making me laugh.Thanks I always need to laugh more.

Love and Hugs,

04-07-2005, 03:10 PM
I love being a housewife when I'm dressed up in my fem mode.I always dress up in one of my ladies office suits when i'm cleaning,& cooking around the house. It makes my house chores,& cooking a more enjoyable thing to do when I'm in fem.

04-07-2005, 03:32 PM
I am a house wife and have been for 4 years now. My wife works full time and weird hours. She told me some time ago that she does not want me to work because this way when she is home I am home. I cook, clean, do laundry(which is on my list for tonight while she is at work) and do all the man stuff as well. I really enjoy being a house wife and I always do chores in fem.

Kisses, and suds, April

04-07-2005, 03:52 PM
Well...crossdressing has forced me to learn how to sew (fixing a button here or there, even hemmed a dress or two) and iron, and I love padding around the kitchen in my stocking feet with an apron over my skirt or dress, fixing myself a Lean Cuisine. But cleaning? Yuck! Once I put on faux pearls and heels to vaccuum my apartment to see what it felt like to be June Cleaver, but I would hate to have to do that on a regular basis! Windy

04-07-2005, 05:18 PM
I too am a housewife and have been for many years now, starting once my mother's dementia reached the point where she could no longer able to cope.

I don't mind doing the house chores to keep the place tidy and clean, especially now that I'm dressed just about all the time while at home. I had a few friends round not too long ago and several of the women said that I kept my place better than theirs. It does a women's morale good hearing those comments.


Mind of a Woman, body of a Man Like is a Bitch

04-07-2005, 08:10 PM
Well, being a bit young to be a housewife yet (and not having come out to my roommate), my transformation is to a college student.. more specifically a sorority girl (without the lettering). Just the young, active, attractive look :) It's easier to pull off than the shockingly sexy with short minidress, stockings, etc that I hope to eventually achieve.

Wendy me
04-07-2005, 09:19 PM
well it seams that when the woman in us comes out, as well the house wife dose.
as for me i would not change a thing.....by the way my wife loved the cookies....

Janice Ann
04-07-2005, 09:51 PM
I just love that image of someone dressed outagiously girly, with false boobs, red nail narnish, 5 inch heels, hair blowing in the breeze...... bouncing about on a sitdown lawnmower.

But not as funny as the image of Prisilla mixing concrete dressed the same.

Neighbours (looking through net curtains): George!....George!...Quick ...He's doing it again!!
Julie-- Thats the best laugh I have had in a long time!! I did cut the grass
w/false boobs--dressed in drab-- got to keep a low profile-- George is snoopy ;) Janice Ann

04-07-2005, 10:49 PM
Well either I'm a housewife or the maid on top of being the handyman too. But my wife doesn't want a wife, and I do have a maids uniform, so I'll say I'm more the maid. :D

04-07-2005, 11:17 PM
Yes I've been a houswife too. Doing dishes, laundry, vacuuming plus I do all the Guy stuff too.

I'm usually doing it all on saturdays when everyone else is working, often in a sexy little outfit that a woman would only wear around the house, and I have my drab stuff close by just in case!

Sometimes I fantasize that I'm a cleaning lady in a mini skirt or a waitress with huge boobs! :eek:

I must admit though, that I tend to leave a lot of the Guy things go in the winter, till it's warmer outside.

Fiona K
04-07-2005, 11:59 PM
I'll pick up on a point in your first post Wendy, the role that your choice of clothes seems to place you in. I'm no housewife, not good at it though am a demon with an iron!

What this made me think of is the clothes I have with me on this business trip (I'll have been away for nearly 2 weeks by the time I get back) and what I have, like the last trip, are clothes that wouldn't be out of place in Charlotte's Business Attire thread- in fact some were featured there! So am I just feminising what I do for a living? At least in the priviacy of my Hotel rooms?

Dunno really! I should have brought some summer stuff, the weather is something else in Southern California, at least for the this Scots lass!!


04-08-2005, 12:19 AM
Yep, like so many others, even after a long day at the office, I love to do the housework while dressed in a little sundress, jumper, or anything else femme. My wife couldn't be happier! :)

Celeste GG
04-08-2005, 01:01 AM
I think anyone who wants to do do jobs around the house should do which ever jobs that they like... no gender stereotypes. My husband loves clean. He does all the laundry, but the longer we are married... the more I seem to do. but I do work part time. I love gardening. But since running my crossdressing business I have just hired my own French Maid :p

However I do not like the thought or ruining my pretty things on house work or gardening... it's trackie daks for me around the house then shower and into something nice. I have a hatred for aprons.... and have no idea why???

Julie York
04-08-2005, 11:13 AM
Dunno really! I should have brought some summer stuff, the weather is something else in Southern California, at least for the this Scots lass!!


That big yellow thing....that be what them foreigners call....The Sun!.....Don't be scared.

Sweet Susan
04-08-2005, 01:19 PM
Since I married, some twenty years ago, my wife has gradually shifted all of her duties on to me. This hasn't happened so much because I enjoyed, as it happened because she wanted it that way. She constantly tells me she loves her life, and while I also love mine, I am a bit envious that while she is watching television, I am in the kitchen cooking dinner, serving it to her, cleaning up afterward, and periodically checking up on her to see if there is anything she might want, which there invariably is. Do I see myself as a housewife? Not so much as simply subserviant.

Wendy me
04-08-2005, 02:36 PM
that whole cooking and house work thing is just fine with me and as far as being dresser from filly dressen to just something under sweats is good ....susan i would rather serve my wife her meal lest she puts my kitchen out of place.. (drives me nutts)
i don't even let her put the food away ....thats my kitchen ...........

04-08-2005, 03:02 PM
Well for me being told that I would make some one a good wife some day has come true. I make myself a very good house wife. How well I do that job may be another story, but a house wife I am. And that is good enough for me.

Love Darlene.

Fiona K
04-08-2005, 03:20 PM
That big yellow thing....that be what them foreigners call....The Sun!.....Don't be scared.

I knew that it had a name, it's been so long since I last saw it Julie!!!