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Nicole Erin
11-26-2007, 08:13 PM
maybe I am just lucky, but I never have to tell anyone I am CD. Those who know like to broadcast it to everyone I know. I never told my mom, my wife did. And from there, the rest of the family knew. :rolleyes: Both feel the need to open their mouths. My family doesn't talk about it or really care.

So anyways, my "level" of dressing is I don't often go all out with the dress and makeup, I am always at least a little femme looking. Even if but my sparkly butt jeans and pretty sweater and purple & white tennies. I used to be into bodybuilding many years ago, plus I was on premarine when I thought I was TS, so my chest shows just a bit of "man boobs". People know...

And frankly, I don't care that much. When someone finds out, I just think "Oh boy, another person to think I am weird."

How do you really feel when people find out without you telling?

11-26-2007, 08:34 PM
. . . of describing it! For the most part I don't care. The only reasons I care at all is for the obvious - it has the potential to cost me a job I've had for 13 years and love, and I wouldn't want my children to be picked on if folks around home knew.

trannie T
11-26-2007, 08:40 PM
i've only come out to a few people and aside from my rother who certainly told his wife I don't think that they have told anyone else. As with MlleErin everone knows I'm a bit weird anyway. At this point in my life I really don't care how many people find out.

11-26-2007, 08:45 PM
I'm somewhat of a loudmouth about it.
It makes it easy for me not to worry about who knows.
Folks probably thought I was strange before I CD'd anyhow.
I do take care not to be too "out" around the jobsite.
That's the one place I want only discreet and supportive friends to know.

:rose: Roberta :rose:

Rita B
11-26-2007, 08:46 PM
I don't really care. I just stopped feeling ashamed that I was crossdresser and that has opened up a whole new world of freedom. I just wish now that my wife could feel the same way,

11-26-2007, 08:50 PM
well i am full time anyway and i don't care what people think of me . but it is tough when i get the omg your a dude

11-26-2007, 08:51 PM
I have naturally long hair, I'm an artist, and have very feminine mannerisms in my day to day life. So I guess I'm among the lucky few who don't have to care. I'm at the point of full discloser anyway. My boss doesn't have to know.
My co-workers don't have to know. The tax collector doesn't have to know.

How do I really feel about people knowing?

I don't care.

Dana Jones
11-26-2007, 09:16 PM
I wish everyone knew and accepted. It would so much easier. I have told a few. Only one as far as I can tell really doesn't want to discuss it. I want to tell my 19 yr old daughter but once you tell, you can never take it back. If she doesn't accept (Like her mother) I would have to live with it forever. Thats a long time!

Stacye Rose
11-26-2007, 11:23 PM
I don't really care. I just stopped feeling ashamed that I was crossdresser and that has opened up a whole new world of freedom.

This about says it for me. Plus once I found out that all the people I was afraid would find out already knew, there wasn't much point in stayng in the closet.

11-27-2007, 02:11 AM
. . . of describing it! For the most part I don't care. The only reasons I care at all is for the obvious - it has the potential to cost me a job I've had for 13 years and love, and I wouldn't want my children to be picked on if folks around home knew.

I think we are about the same in this view.

Most of my friends know, my acting cohorts and whatnot, but I keep it away from work so I can always feed my family ;) My parents know on both sides too.

and no one gives me any grief about it either which is a blessing in disguise ;)

Kate Simmons
11-27-2007, 03:36 AM
I Have a security background, so have always felt it should be on a "need to know" basis. Really, why tell the milkman if all he does is deliver milk? Others have found out by word of mouth however. In these cases I find myself being scrutinized for signs of "weakness". They never get any satisfaction with that though because I act the same en femme or en homme. That way I never have to put on any kind of "act" either way and just being myself keeps things a lot simpler all the way around.:happy:

11-27-2007, 05:31 AM
I don't know how I would feel. I'm guessing I wouldn't really like people to know. When I'm in guy mode, I'm a real guy's guy. Not a macho butthead, but I'm into cars, and technology, and hard-core DIY (woodworking and stuff). I enjoy drinking beer like a guy, and eating like a guy (ie: not daintily), and checking out women like a guy. The last thing on my mind is going to be playing dressup and acting girly (unless I'm checking out a girl who is wearing something I think would look fabulous on me!)

Patricia Danielle
11-27-2007, 06:06 AM
As to if anybody knows most of my family knows and my SO knows and are cool with it. Does it bother me if anyone else knows? Not really, I don't guard it like it top secert a few of my friends know. It don't change my any I'm still as gracefull as a MACK truck..Patricia.

11-27-2007, 06:52 AM
Well there are only 2 people who know in my everyday life.

Firstly my wonderful wife knows and she accepts me for who I am and may I add loves me for who I am. We have been together for 20 years so that says something. She is also my best friend which I think helps greatly. I am one lucky girl to have such a person in my life.

The second person who knows is a close friend of ours who has been a friend of my wifes since childhood. she is like part of our family. I think she found it hard at first to accept it. She gave me makeup and handbags etc so I guess she is ok with it now......and I love her dearly as a friend so I am glad this fact did not ruin that.

If I am honest I am at an age now that I do not really care what people think or if they knew. What the real barrier for this not being the case is as mentioned by a few girls above is the kids. I would not want them to suffer for something that I do. Children and workmates can be so cruel and would not want this to have an negative effect on their lives. I would not want them bullied or ridiculed.

But like all things in life there has to be limits so I accept that until they are a lot older then Vicky will stay hidden from them. But what I must add is that I believe that my kids would accept this side of me as they are well balanced and open minded people as we have brought them up to be accepting of all lifestyles etc.

Dawn Marie
11-27-2007, 07:05 AM
A very few friends know, but even when someone new finds out, I don't care. This is who I am and I finally accepted myself for who I am.
One time I went dressed to a rodeo concert and a group of guys were looking at me. Then one finally asked me if I was TG, because the other guys had a bet that I wasn't. I told them that I was and they still couldnot believe it, but date at the time she said believe it. Then they all had to take a picture with me, which I didn't mind. So in other words just be yourself, whichever mode your in, and enjoy.

Nikki A.
11-27-2007, 10:43 AM
AS far as I am concerned I don't really care what others think or know. However in deference to my job and family I keep it quiet, although I have opened up to a few people and have been out dressed finally.

11-27-2007, 11:03 AM
i have only told my wife then she talked to her mom about it then when they were talking my father in law found out a couple weeks ago he found a pair of my lacy panties at first he thought they were my wifes until he saw the size then he relized that they were mine other then that i keep it under raps

11-27-2007, 01:48 PM
As a fairly antisocial person I say " **** EM " . Its my life ,the only one I'll ever have . If a few pieces of cloth makes a difference , I don't want to know them anyway .

11-27-2007, 01:49 PM
I actually get a buzz about dropping subtle hints from time to time !!

11-27-2007, 02:52 PM
I don't really care but my wife does and she is a 'respected figure in the community' so i have to respect her wishes. also i dont really want to come out to my 11 year old son unless i think he can handle it ok
but my work colleagues know and are cool about it as are my closest friends


11-27-2007, 06:49 PM
maybe I am just lucky, but I never have to tell anyone I am CD. Those who know like to broadcast it to everyone I know. I never told my mom, my wife did. And from there, the rest of the family knew. :rolleyes: Both feel the need to open their mouths.
This is not very nice... Coming out shoud be a personal choice.

Every person I've come out to have beengreat. So i feel very good having done it.

How do you really feel when people find out without you telling?
From my previous sentense, you may guess that I would be quite upset if someone was telling about my x-dressing in my place...


Jocelyn Quivers
11-27-2007, 06:53 PM
A year ago, I would have been completely terrified having anyone other than my wife know. Earlier this year I was outted (a very long story, I'll explain one day), and have come to realize the possibilty of everyone whose, ever known me in male possibly mode finding out. Although it has not happened yet, if and when it does happen I will have to deal with it. The good part will be that I can completely come out the closet. The bad part hopefully I won't get fired from my job, and lose all of my friends that I've ever had. Jocelyn

11-27-2007, 07:49 PM
Something strange happened to me with regaurd to this issue only this year infact,i am 37,since about 8-9 years old i have been afraid of other people finding out about the otherside,but this year to be honest the fear factor has subsided somewhat due to multiple minor outings by my kids to family,friends etc,soooo people are digging for gossip at the moment,and yes its hard but you get to find out who your real friends are.

Veronica 1
11-27-2007, 09:35 PM
My son and family had to move in with me and I decided to out myself to them as they would have found out anyways. Since then, some of their friends have found out and I am now at the point where I could care less who knows but I still will not come out to the guys at work.

Mary Morgan
11-27-2007, 10:38 PM
If it weren't for the sensitivities of my wife, and she is certainly entitled to them, I wouldn't care a lick who knew about my true gender, and I would probably push it much farther than I have. My very best friends already know and they are supportive, my wife and children know and they are tolerant or indifferent, my sister knows, my doctor knows and my relationships with these people are honest, open, loving and good for everyone.

11-28-2007, 12:49 AM
My wife knows. one of our daughters and one friend for sure. I think some others suspect. I'm not obvious around others but not totally subtle either. Sometimes when I feel brave I will wear a bra and small forms under a loose sweater while in guy mode. Been caught a couple of times by the pat on the back. Maybe the pats were confirmation! I think there are enough clues that some friends could figure it out. But so far, everyone has been too polite to ask. The only comments I have had are from friends young children. AHHH! Out of the mouths of babes! :D

Joni Beauman
11-28-2007, 02:19 AM
My wife found out 5 or 6 years ago. I told an old gf about it recently in e-mail - after about 25 years (she is bi and I thought our intense rapport so long ago may have been somehow tied up in a mutual gender dysphoria of sorts). And you girls. Joni

Jessika Paige
11-28-2007, 02:23 AM
im petrified. this is my first log in here. i can feel my heartbeat in my face. i cant believe i'm even here.

Joanne f
11-28-2007, 06:04 AM
I would say that everyone i knew and a lot more that i do not know , knows of it and because of that i have lost most of what i thought where friends and extended family, so i really don't care who knows anymore but i do care about the consequences that it can cause so i am still careful in that respect.


11-28-2007, 07:32 AM
Jean and I were talking along this line the other day. I am always forgeting about things when people come around. I forget about having my female glasses on alot. My toenails are polished, and twice I took off my heels when someone came over and I forgot about the toes! Several of our friends and family know, but Jean sugested that maybe I wanted everybody to know. I said that if they did, then we would not have to worry about it anymore!

11-28-2007, 08:02 AM
I couldn't care less who knows, it's not something to be ashamed of.

I'd rather be known for wearing a skirt or dress, than being a thug, villian or murderer.

I must say though, when I came out, it ruined the secrecy of it and the thrill.:devil:

11-28-2007, 08:05 AM
..'cept for here !?

11-28-2007, 09:04 AM
I told an old gf about it recently in e-mail - after about 25 years (she is bi and I thought our intense rapport so long ago may have been somehow tied up in a mutual gender dysphoria of sorts)

Oops, just thought of someone else that I've told. There was this beautiful GG at my gym. She was bi and was married to a gay guy! I figured if anyone would be receptive to my CD'ing, she would. Plus I thought it might get me into her pants (and, yes, she was hot enough that I might just have considered a threesome with her and her hubby!). :heehee:

So that's my mom, my wife, my TG friend Steve/Ashley, this GG at my gym, and you girls. That's the end of the list, honest. I won't be remembering any more. :o

Sasha Anne Meadows
11-28-2007, 09:54 AM
I have a complete profile on urna and I think is someone local saw it they could figure out who I am as a male. But then who visits urna but t girls and tranny chasers. LOL

Sasna Anne

11-28-2007, 10:16 AM
I couldn't care less who knows, it's not something to be ashamed of.

I'd rather be known for wearing a skirt or dress, than being a thug, villian or murderer.

Well you make a very valid point.

Vivian Best
11-28-2007, 10:41 AM
I really don't give a rip who knows, however, my wife would be embarrassed beyond comprehension plus my grown children would be put in bad situations.

11-28-2007, 04:19 PM
Everyone knows. My everyday "guy mode" is androgynous. Most figure it out on their own. Those who don't I tell. I don't want anyone shocked when they see me dressed. For anyone worried about coming out I can only say my experience has been liberating and I have'nt lost one friend or client as a result. As a mater of fact my lesbian clientele is steadly increasing!:devil:

11-28-2007, 05:42 PM
Before I made the big step out of the closet, I used to worry a lot about what others would think if they found out.
Now, since I got over the 'fear of the fear', all is well. I have been pleasantly surprised at peoples reactions when they find out.

The other day a guy was trying to pick me up, you know the kind, macho, knows all the lines. Anyway when I told him that I was a guy, he went blank and said "no way!" I just smiled and said "way." I bet he looks twice now.
I guess the light wasn't very good or he was half blind. Hehe.

11-29-2007, 01:31 AM
Hey 1950. Love your attitude and love the clothes. and i agree with Stacyrose. most people already know, We do advertise, even when we don;'t think so. The more the better to me. My one sister dropped in with her husband last summer. We went to the dock for a glass of wine and chat. My toes were silver and hard to miss, but there i was. So now they know something. I would be happier to let it all out, but don't think it would work all over the spectrum.

11-29-2007, 08:50 AM
Most of the time I dont care who knows unless it comes to work. Can't afford to loose my job. There are people that I want to know, because to me not telling them is lying to them. I care for them WAY too much to ever do that. I also would absolutely not tell them, if I thought for a minute it may in someway upset or confuse them. The people that I love are special to me and deserve my protection from any harm even if I think I myself would be it. As far as the rest of the world is concerned,screw'em ! Me and mine are all that matter.

Carly D.
11-30-2007, 11:53 AM
They don't know about Carly.. and won't know about her (me) if I can keep it from them.. I know there are those who will say "just wait..." I have been dressing off and on since I was really little and now am in my forties, and have had numerous close calls but never a full blown, dressed to the gills, find out about me type of thing happening.. and knock on wood it won't happen.. and I've thought about what it might be like to be "outed" and am not sure how anyone would react.. I had a few close calls, this past new years eve we were at my brothers house and the subject kind of breazed over the cross dressing matter and I just went with the flow.. I really felt like saying yes I do and so what.. and in a way I did but didn't push the subject any further and neither did they... so am I outed?? I don't think so... but I've written about this on my blog and it's like I have said "once the genie is out of the bottle..." once I tell everybody there is NO going back.. no "do over".. no "turn the clock back" type of thing.. and I think about that constantly...

11-30-2007, 02:32 PM
I wish that I could let everyone know. In which is hard to do. When there are people. That are against a Crossdresser and do not understand.
I lived in one Town. That I was ordered to always wear a Shirt. Since my breast were to big and someone turned me into the police. So I moved.