View Full Version : different feelings different times

12-04-2007, 10:26 PM
I find that I sometimes have very strong urges to dress, and then there are other times that I can go for weeks without it? The feelings during those 'CD times' are very intense and I am left wondering why I have these waves of CD activity. Do any of you feel the same way?

I haven't been on this site for about a month, but I am dressed tonight and feeling relaxed and good and thought I'd join in once more. I am glad that I have a place to turn to when the mood strikes!

12-04-2007, 11:04 PM
Coincidently, I just finished dressing for the first time in 3 weeks. I had been busy with Thanksgiving and my business. I really didn't miss it, because I had been spending a lot of time online here, and working on Sherry's pics. Then. I read a thread here the other day about "Padding". Sherry hadn't had a full figure in over a year, and I just couldn't get that image out of my mind! Tonite, she was an "older Marilyn" in skin tite dresses, and hot as heck!

I may not dress again until New Years, or I may want to see Marilyn in evening gowns rite away! I never can tell.

12-04-2007, 11:29 PM
I find that I really don't have those strong urges. My desires seem to hinge around the temperature in the house. Too cold means less interest, too hot sometimes has the same effect. What motivates me the most is when one of my friends from this site comes to the area and we plan an evening or two out on the town. Then I start planning my outfit to make sure everything will go together just right.

12-05-2007, 08:43 AM
As you go on the urge will be stronger and longer. We all start out hit and miss dressing. I know I did. I could go weeks without dressing but I did think of it from time to time. As I got older (now 41) I am pretty much dressed all of the time except for work.

I am not out to my family yet so I don't dress around them. One day I hope that will change.

My advice is just to relax & dress when you feel like it and DON'T purge anything! Cause you WILL wished you didn't! I so wished I didn't purge alot of my favorite things along time ago.

I wish you the very best!


12-05-2007, 10:23 AM
For me, it's all about motive AND opportunity. Without the opportunity, it's just not going to happen so the periods when I can't dress are simply times when I don't have the opportunity. As my SO gets more accepting of my dressing, I'm hoping to have more opportunities. At least for me, if I've had the opportunity, I've been motivated!

12-05-2007, 10:37 AM
Beth made a very good point the more I dress the more I want to be dressed but family and work do not allow much of that this time of year.
Urges definetly come and go it is a matter of what our time will allow.:hugs:

Angie G
12-05-2007, 12:02 PM
I have the urge everyday and thank god I can at least 5 day a week :hugs:

Ann Smith
12-05-2007, 12:14 PM
I think the answer is about self-discovery and experiencing one's full self. There is both female and male in every human soul. And it's beautifully balanced, just like the yin-yang symbol.

But we have bodies, too, and they are (biologically) only one of the two possible genders. As a bio male we can dress and act in the female attire of our culture and use that as a connection back to something deep in our soul. I'm convinced after all the awkwardness of femme-ing up thru clothes, jewelry, makeup etc. that it's not the most simple or sublime way to make that connection.

I myself have gone through no-urge periods that lasted 3-4 years. Then the feeling comes over me in a stunning wave. At which point it's a question of whether I have the energy to act on it by dressing. Participating in this (and other) forums has proven to be a good substitute for the actual physical act.

So much of what gets written here is incredibly familiar and helpful. So, thanks for what you share so genereously.

Deborah Jane
12-05-2007, 12:49 PM
It used to be a seasonal thing when i was younger [i dressed a lot during the winter months]. But this year, now i live alone, i dress pretty much when i feel like it, year round.

Kathleen Ann Trees
12-05-2007, 02:58 PM
I've never been able to determine any one thing that drives my desires to dress. Sometimes they are prompted by laying in bed and thinking about what to wear. Sometimes it's seeing a woman in an outfit, being in the mall, seeing women on television, a magazine. Etc. It's not always visually stimulated, but is sure is sometimes. Sometimes, if I haven't had sex for a while, my juices start to flow. Sometimes, I just feel down, and dressing is a comfort. Sometimes, I feel great and want to dress to revel in the good feelings. So, yes, I'll go weeks or a month at a time sometimes without the desire. But I think about it most days.


12-05-2007, 03:41 PM
I'd hate to think of it as an 'urge to dress'. Rather, it is something that I do. Get up in the morning and put on panties and pantyhose for normal day wear. Around the house I'll put on a top and skirt. Later when I go out I put on drab.

12-05-2007, 03:47 PM
Dressings like christmas for me , if i did it all the time wouldnt be as special , but it depends on the individual i suppose

12-05-2007, 07:33 PM
I also just returned the other day from a hiatus. I don't know why, likely I was dating and things seemed to be going well, so I just didn't have any desire to dress. Then we both decided it wasn't going that well and decided to just be friends, and I found someone else I was interested in, and that has gone nowhere either. So now I seem to be back for a while, until I lose interest again for an indeterminate amount of time.

Seems like I have months on, and months off. Before I had last interest this last time, I had a few months where I was totally in the pink fog, going out a few times a week shopping. Then all of a sudden it seemed to die for a few months, and now it is back. When it was gone, I almost just said "screw it" and purged. But I thought rationally, realized the feeling would return, and accepted that no good would come of purging. I did clean out my collection a bit, getting rid of some things I had bought without trying on, and then afterwards hoped would some day fit, and anything I no longer liked went out as well. I did still keep most of my stuff though.