View Full Version : My journey

Veronica 1
12-09-2007, 04:24 PM
Let me start by saying that I had definite urges to wear womens clothing from an early age, but due to the family circumstances and attitudes, I could rarely do so. Every once in a while I could manage to steal a pair of panties from my sister and put them on for a while but after she caught me once, I could not do it again, she hid them so I guess that I grossed her out. My mother was a prude in the truest sense of the word, she could not and would not allow anything with sexual overtones allowed in polite conversation. Her attitude had a dramatic impact upon my young mind. I never had much luck trying to find girlfriends as they all wanted to be my friend rather than getting closer. It used to drive me nuts. Then I finally found a girl who would accept me as a part of her life and for the year that I lived with her, it was great, but then I come to find out that I was there as a sex toy and nothing more when she decided to move on to bigger and better things. It was a blow to my soul but during that time I had fun dressing in her panties and other clothes when I knew that I would not get caught. After this, I spent about 12 lonely years before I found another woman, who gave me a son and I was married to for 6 years. Finding her in bed with my best friend ended that relationship, although I got to keep my son after he became 12 and wanted to move in with me. During that time, I also had fun dressing in her clothes. It did not strike me strange as the clothes felt so good on me during all of these times. Many years went by with me not dressing but I always wanted to have my own set of boobs and could not understand the thoughts. His past summer, I found that I had a urge to dress and when I found a bunch of suitcases and other household items laying in the ally, I started to go through them. When I found a bra and some panties, I just stuck them in my backpack and took them home. At the time, I did not even know why but I knew that I had to have them. That was really the start of my CD experience. Shortly after this, I stumbled across this site and the rest, as they say, is history.. I started to dress daily and buy clothes, bras, panties and shoes. My son and family moved in with me and after being caught by the daughter-in-law decided to come out to them and while it shocked my son, they have been accepting and somewhat supportive.. I dress at home and cannot go out yet due to needing a wig and make-up practice but I do see myself there. I am very happy to have found my female side and wonder how I was able to keep her contained for all those years without going nuts. Finding this site and all of you wonderful girls has made me realize who I am and what I am. I am me! Since finding you all and discovering myself, my life has become more understandable and comfortable and I just wanted to say “Thank you for being here”. Love and hugs. :love: :hugs:

12-09-2007, 09:41 PM
Well Thank you Ronni for that sweet story, I enjoyed it. Sorry you were cheated on, cool you are in a good place now. Best wishes for your future journeying :-)
Take care,
Rachel (http://360.yahoo.com/rachel_mead)

12-09-2007, 10:49 PM
When there is no one to support you, we are here. Good, bad or other wise, we are here for you to listen to your problems. Always feel free to let us know how things are going, good or bad. We will smile for you and cry for you. But we are here for you...BJ

Nikki A.
12-12-2007, 08:20 PM
We all have something in common and the support and kind words here are wonderful. Not looking to hijack this thread but i ALSO WANT TO THANK YOU ALL for your kind words and support through some very trying and emotional times.

Marvina Martian
12-12-2007, 09:24 PM
I'm glad that you are finally on your way!

Keep up the courage

12-14-2007, 09:06 PM
Glad to hear things are going well for you Ronni. Keep it up!...

It is hard to find a descent wig shop around here...


01-03-2008, 10:26 PM
thanks for sharing. good luck on your journey.