View Full Version : " Searching Procedures for Transgender and Transvestite Persons "

Suzy Harrison
12-14-2007, 09:46 AM
I thought you might be interested in the following passages taken straight out of the 2007 Police Training Manual in Western Australia:

Searching Procedures for Transgender and Transvestite Persons

Transgender is a person whose psychological sex or gender identity is the opposite of their biological sex. While physically of one sex they psychologically identify as the other and are convinced that their real sexual identity is opposite to thier biological sex. In some cases, transgender persons undergo surgical reassignment of genital organs to assume the appearance of the genitalia of the desired opposite sex.

There are two types of trangender persons, pre-operative and the post operative. The pre-operative transgender person has developed male/female bodily characteristics but still have their original genitalia intact. The post-operative transgender person has undergone full gender re-assignment surgery.

A transvestite is an individual who has a desire to adopt the appearance of the oppsite sex (such as cross dressing) but does not have the transgender desire to change gender.
It is important that police not confuse transgender (transexuality) with transvestism

Where circumstances suggest that a person to be searched may be transgender, police will discreetly and compassionately inquire of them as to whether that is the case. If so, deal with the person, to the extent that circumstances permit, as if they are a person of their preferred gender. The following procedures are to be followed:

Should the person be male but wishes to be treated as a female, the officer will inquire as to the persons surgical status (i.e., pre or post operative)
If the person is pre-operative and still has male genitalia, then a male officer is to search the lower body and a female officer the upper torso. Both officers are to be present during the search.
If the person is post-operative and has female genitalia, then that person is to be searched by a female officer.

Should the subject person be female but wishes to be treated as a male, the officer will inquire as to the persons surgical status (i.e.' pre or post-operative)
If the person is pre-operative and still has female genitalia, then that person is to be searched by a female officer.
If the person is post-operative and has male genitalia then that person is to be searcehd by a male officer.

When empty cells are unavailable:
Pre-operative trangender persons may be placed in custody of the same biological sex.
Cell checks of that person should be made with increased frequency.

Post operative males may be placed with females and a reciprocal agreement applies in turn to post-operative females.
Cell checks of that person should be made with increased frequency.

At all times, it is essential that officers deal with such situations discreetly and professionally, thus safeguarding the dignity of the person concerned, and also themselves from any suggestions of prejudice or misconduct.

12-14-2007, 10:38 AM
hmm thats just great put me in with the boys .. why not just put me in a cage with starving dog .. thats not good ..

so we all better behave our-selfs and not go to jail